Calling in for death of a loved one.


It may even be too late to post this and get good advice. My grandmother passed this morning, a bit unexpectedly. And it's Christmas time :, (. I've been an emotional wreck but am getting better at holding it together. Our floor is critically understaffed because many of our nurses have quit due to our work environment and workload. I want to call in for tonight but have already been informed that they are in need of help tonight. I don't want to leave the other nurses even shorter, but I don't know if I can do my job well, especially since I'm guessing that my workload will be horrible tonight on top of it all. Any advice?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Call out. You need time for yourself. Family first.

The sooner you call out the more time they have to find someone. Dont let them pressure you into coming in.

Lev, that's exactly what they're doing of course. Thank you for the advice. I'm getting ready to call in so we'll see how this goes. I just don't feel like I can physically make it through a shift tonight.

Specializes in CCRN.

I hope you already called in and they didn't give you a hard time. I'm sorry for your loss.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

Our policy is one bereavement day for a grandparent.....

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I would check your employee handbook to see what the policies are on bereavement leave.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Specializes in Cardiac, Home Health, Primary Care.

I know you have your answer now but I'd recommend call in as well (I'm chiming in for other readers that may come along and find this in a search).

Recently had a co worker lose a grandparent and they did NOT call in and, well, patients knew they weren't focused or really there that day. They tried to avoid other covering for them but, honestly, should have taken the day for the care of themselves and patients.

Nothing bad happened that day. Just difficult to focus when your thoughts are elsewhere.

My grandpa died within my first 90 days on my job. Our hospital gives 8 hours bereavement for a grandparent death. I could not use any PTO since I was still within that 90 days. I was pretty much forced to work two days due to not being able to use PTO. My mind was clearly elsewhere and it sucked to be there. It would be nice if hospitals took better care of their own staff. 8 hours didn't even cover my whole shift. Had to take 4 hours unpaid.

I called in for one day when I found out my grandmother passed away. What's worse is she was half a world away and I didn't get the chance to see her. But at least one day should be taken off for grieving.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

You just had a death in the family. Call off. Their staffing issues are not your problem.

not to be cold, but, hopefully you called off, if you went in, made a mistake, you would be under the bus. Sorry for your loss.

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