Boy I'm awful as a nurse


Less than a week starting on my own as a nurse I've already screwed up.

My charge RN tells me that I made a medication error a night before. I gave Endocet 10/325 instead of a 10/650, and for the rest of that shift I kept doubting myself and working a lot slower. One of the aides tells me something is wrong with one of my patients. Patient is all well restless and combative. I read his med sheet list a second time and found out he was given 60 units of Lantus on the evening shift. His sugar ended up being 40 and he couldn't swallow. A glucagon IM only raised his sugar to 47 for some reason so the MD was notified and they said to try another glucagon. The patient eventually came around but it was one of the worst experiences I had, I feared I was going to have to take the person to the hospital and earn extra spite from the ER staff for not knowing how to manage a hypoglycemic.

I feel like this is just a sign I'm doing something really wrong. And right now I dread returning to work, because it was so embarrassing how I handled myself during the hypoglycemic situation. I almost passed out/burst into a fury of tears.

I was expecting a horrific nursing story with a title like this. Is that as bad as it gets for you? Sounds like your a pretty good nurse. Have confidence in yourself, you are a nurse, you obviously know something! Next time you are in one of these situations take a deep are going to be great! Oh and when you doubt yourself grab that experienced nurse, you know the one who LOVE LOVE LOVES to show what she has learned in her 30 some years of nursing experience...

Specializes in Labor and Delivery and skilled nursing..

Yea, I qould have to AGREE with the previous quote. You have just been babtisted into nursetum. Congrats. Shake it off and move on.

Don't beat yourself up over it. As a new nurse everyone doubt's themselves sounds to me your a great nurse or will be a great nurse in time. Just remember if it takes you to read the MAR 3 times then do it... slow down speed will come in time. Like tra10 said Congrats... Shake it off and move on... Anthony

I am not a nurse yet, but I am sure I would feel just like you do if I were in your spot. Thing is we all probably go through that phase of feeling inadequate at doing the job. Just remember, there is this thing they call expereince, which means that you just get better with time...:D

Give yourself sometime, nurses are human too. It's a lesson if you learn from it, a mistake if you do not. Go easy on yourself and good luck to you!!!;)

Mistakes are lessons learned! Be positive! Think of it as something that will help you improve yourself in the future. You will be a great nurse and I'm pretty sure about that!

Specializes in FNP.

Well no one is dead, so brush yourself off and get back on the horse.

good luck

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

There isn't a day that I go to work that I don't worry about making a mistake or getting into a bad situation.

One day you won't be so nervous with crisis situations because many of it will be second nature.

Take a deep breath and move on!

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Give yourself a break. We all make mistakes along the way. I once gave DDAVP to a patient in error, they had it ordered, but I read the paramaters wrong and gave it. I learned from it and moved on.

Specializes in LTC.

Please take a deep breath ! I almost made a terrible mistake the other day. I have done tons of PPD screenings and instead of drawing up 0.1ml I drew up 1ml:eek::eek::eek:

Thank God another nurse was in the room at the time and gave me a friendly reminder of the correct amt. My point is we ALL mistakes !

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Remember, glucagon works to get the liver to convert some of it's glycogen stores to glucose. Sometimes the patient just doesn't have much glycogen to convert. When that happens, the glucagon won't have a significant response.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

Step 1. Breathe, we've all been there. No harm to patient seriously.

2. I would be suggesting to higher ups to stock glucose gel in med carts for when patients can't swallow, come around, etc.

3. Dextrose IV is always a good spiker for the blood sugar.

4. if the patient can swallow, remember to give them some juice spiked with sugar, and then a good snack 15-20 minutes later....I personally go with graham crackers, milk or a turkey sandwich with some saltines.

5. It'll be ok, I have heard and done much worse.

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