Boldness to Speak

Nurses Spirituality


I wanted to write this as an encouragement to other believers in the LORD Jesus Christ, that there are opportunities to give the Gospel in nursing.

I am in my last semester of a nursing program. It is at a technical college, and none of my classmates seem to be Christians. A few perhaps in name, but language and life do not line up. I had a desire to give the Gospel to every one of my classmates as well as my teachers, but the possibility of being able to speak personally with them for any length of time while completing nursing school just did not seem to be a possibility.

I decided that at the end of my previous semester, I could make gift packages with homemade soap, small gifts and a Gospel tract. I was able to give these to my classmates and teachers, and I also plan, LORD willing, to give them to the incoming nursing class as well.

For my patients, I have been able to pray with a couple of them based on their request. I have had patients ask me why I treat them the way I do - in other words, I think and hope that Jesus Christ is shining through - and they want to know what it is in me that loves them no matter what.

I think it all depends on your circumstances and how far you are willing to go. I just try to tell my patients about Jesus whenever I can - whenever they want me to.

I hope maybe this can encourage someone. As days are getting darker and the second coming of Jesus is closer than ever, I think we will have a higher price to pay for sharing our faith. Perhaps it is better to make it a habit now when it is easier than later. May the LORD Jesus embolden us that we would not be ashamed of Him when real persecution comes.

Might be unpopular to write, but so what! It is not me that counts, only Him! :)

Specializes in ED, psych.

And now I have Sheryl Crow's "Maybe Angel's" jammed in my head when I'm supposed to have nursey things sticking in my head, dang it.

Specializes in Vascular Access.
No one is complaining about her posting. We are telling her not to hand out bibles to her classmates, or speak of her faith with patients, unsolicited.

What right do you have to tell HER not to share with people? If the OP wants to share, bur then the recipient doesn't want what is being shared, then the receiver can discard the gift. You share your gifts of nursing and the healing arts with others, don't you? If she is prompted to share this GOOD news, then don't discourage her, Let her share. When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, I know that they sincerely want to share their views with me.. and therefore, I am hospitable to them as a fellow human being. It is very sad that some of the most intolerant people are those who can't stand it when someone mentions Christ.

And now I have Sheryl Crow's "Maybe Angel's" jammed in my head when I'm supposed to have nursey things sticking in my head, dang it.

I have this, which is where I got the line "praying to a god that I don't believe in..."

Which is now playing on my brain radio.

What right do you have to tell HER not to share with people? If the OP wants to share, bur then the recipient doesn't want what is being shared, then the receiver can discard the gift. You share your gifts of nursing and the healing arts with others, don't you? If she is prompted to share this GOOD news, then don't discourage her, Let her share. When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, I know that they sincerely want to share their views with me.. and therefore, I am hospitable to them as a fellow human being. It is very sad that some of the most intolerant people are those who can't stand it when someone mentions Christ.

I can't very well stop her. She's not even a nurse yet. I would like her to be able to keep her job, if she does become a nurse.

Christ Christ Christ


I don't answer the door for Jehovah's Witnesses, or really, anyone not known to me.

I liken this to that co-worker who sells avon, mary-kay, pampered chef, thirty-one, ect. They would be fired for pushing their "business" on patients and co-workers, same deal here. I've prayed with patients plenty of times and I'm very happily atheist. Religion does not have any place at work, unless it's the religion of your patient. It's not about political correctness, it's about respect.

I share your thoughts and I'm a Christian. Personally, I don't proselytize anywhere. I try to live my life in an honorable way but think giving gifts with a "Gospel tract" in it isn't something I would do. I'm not a fan of those anyway.

Just live and work as you know your Savior would want OP. That shines more brightly than a "tract" you put in a present.

Specializes in Oncology.
What right do you have to tell HER not to share with people? If the OP wants to share, bur then the recipient doesn't want what is being shared, then the receiver can discard the gift. You share your gifts of nursing and the healing arts with others, don't you? If she is prompted to share this GOOD news, then don't discourage her, Let her share. When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, I know that they sincerely want to share their views with me.. and therefore, I am hospitable to them as a fellow human being. It is very sad that some of the most intolerant people are those who can't stand it when someone mentions Christ.

When you "share," you put people on the spot and it makes them uncomfortable. When you hand them a gift--and they don't even know you--that is awkward and uncomfortable. I for one resent people who put me on the spot. I have had several patients ask me straight out if I know Jesus. In my area, the majority of people ascribe to Christianity, so it's not unusual, but that doesn't make "sharing" acceptable behavior. I do believe in God but even so I find this very off putting. What I believe is none of your business. And I don't want to buy your Avon either.

What right do you have to tell HER not to share with people? If the OP wants to share, bur then the recipient doesn't want what is being shared, then the receiver can discard the gift. You share your gifts of nursing and the healing arts with others, don't you? If she is prompted to share this GOOD news, then don't discourage her, Let her share. When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, I know that they sincerely want to share their views with me.. and therefore, I am hospitable to them as a fellow human being. It is very sad that some of the most intolerant people are those who can't stand it when someone mentions Christ.

I "share (my) gifts of nursing and the healing arts" with people who have solicited them. I don't run around randomly assaulting people with nursing care.

I "share (my) gifts of nursing and the healing arts" with people who have solicited them. I don't run around randomly assaulting people with nursing care.

Hey...buddy... You look like YOU need an ACE wrap. Sure ya do. I want you to have it, and it doesn't matter how you feel about it...

Joining the party late, as usual.

I'm also a Christian, but I don't force my beliefs on anyone. I find that, rather than outright sharing about my faith with random strangers or people I don't know very well, my actions speak much louder than words.

I form meaningful relationships with coworkers, friends, and try to live my life according to God's Word, best I can. If they approach me, then I'm more than happy to share my faith with them. But I don't believe it is necessary to be "preachy" to be a faithful Christian.

And im confused as to how one believes in Angels but not God. Thats like believing people stay alive without a heart lol. Smh

I believe in an afterlife. I've had experiences with my uncle who passed due to a drug overdose.

I still don't believe in a magical man in the sky who seems slightly psychotic if he forgives murderers if they believe him, and allows children to die of cancer.

Specializes in LTC and Pediatrics.

The OP posted stated that she prays with patients and shares with patients when she is asked to do so. There is nothing wrong with that. She isn't going into each room and forcing a prayer or the Gospel message with those who don't ask. She also stated that her actions have spoken volumes to people. She gave gifts to her classmates which included a tract - not a Bible.

I don't know why people are getting bent out of shape over this. She posted to encourage others to think about doing the same. I can say that when asked, I do the same thing. Everyone I work with know about my faith, yet there are those who disagree. We get along anyway as the reason we have been thrown together is for the care of our residents in our LTC. I don't care what your faith is or isn't as long as you give quality care to the residents. We don't have to be friends outside of work if we strongly disagree.

Also, just because a person is a Christian does not mean they are intolerant, so stop with that.

I "share (my) gifts of nursing and the healing arts" with people who have solicited them. I don't run around randomly assaulting people with nursing care.

i have this image in my head of you shoving someone to the ground and giving them uneeded CPR!

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