Boldness to Speak

Nurses Spirituality


I wanted to write this as an encouragement to other believers in the LORD Jesus Christ, that there are opportunities to give the Gospel in nursing.

I am in my last semester of a nursing program. It is at a technical college, and none of my classmates seem to be Christians. A few perhaps in name, but language and life do not line up. I had a desire to give the Gospel to every one of my classmates as well as my teachers, but the possibility of being able to speak personally with them for any length of time while completing nursing school just did not seem to be a possibility.

I decided that at the end of my previous semester, I could make gift packages with homemade soap, small gifts and a Gospel tract. I was able to give these to my classmates and teachers, and I also plan, LORD willing, to give them to the incoming nursing class as well.

For my patients, I have been able to pray with a couple of them based on their request. I have had patients ask me why I treat them the way I do - in other words, I think and hope that Jesus Christ is shining through - and they want to know what it is in me that loves them no matter what.

I think it all depends on your circumstances and how far you are willing to go. I just try to tell my patients about Jesus whenever I can - whenever they want me to.

I hope maybe this can encourage someone. As days are getting darker and the second coming of Jesus is closer than ever, I think we will have a higher price to pay for sharing our faith. Perhaps it is better to make it a habit now when it is easier than later. May the LORD Jesus embolden us that we would not be ashamed of Him when real persecution comes.

Might be unpopular to write, but so what! It is not me that counts, only Him! :)

The problem I am having (and I suspect others as well) is that here you say "If they are interested" yet you didn't bother to find out if your classmates were interested.

When someone hands me a religious tract, I don't throw it back in their face. I politely say 'thank you', and then go on my way. And I throw the tract away. That isn't interest, it's respect. You seem to not understand that.

You're more gracious than I am; I tell them (politely) to their faces that I'm not interested and refuse to take the tract or listen to them in the first place.

In the hospital in which I currently work, someone (or ones) goes through and leaves tracts in the elevators, on the tables in the family lounges, etc.; any of the tracts that I see I pick up and put in the trash. No one invited them to come through and leave that stuff lying around.

Specializes in Medical-Surgial, Cardiac, Pediatrics.

I'm not sure I totally get the point of threads like this.

I've known I was an atheist since age five. I've known I wanted to be a nurse since about then, as well. The two were never conflicting.

Yet I now work in a Catholic hospital, because in rural areas, many of the only hospitals available for employment are Catholic. I spend every working moment surrounded by Jesus on the walls, have my boss tell me things like "God bless you!" when I pick up a shift, and have patients tell me all the time about the Christian God and various related religious things because of where I work, and not ONCE do I bemoan the fact that I feel rather oppressed.

Yet I come to threads like this and all I hear is "Wah wah, I'm brave for talking about Jesus and God and Christianity and if people give me crap for it I don't care because I'm a warrior in the face of a war against Christianity.'

What war? I have Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons knocking on my door several days a week, usually while I'm sleeping after working all night, and the only place to get acute care treatment in this region is a DEVOUTLY Catholic institution. My insurance through there won't even cover my birth control option because the hospital won't support it, and I have to drive and hour and a half to the nearest Planned Parenthood to get what I need.

That, my Christian friend, is something you won't ever have to do, and I guarantee you, no Atheist would make you do in the name of their lack of belief.

The willing blindness and self-martyrdom of the religious sometimes is just staggering to me.

The willing blindness and self-martyrdom of the religious sometimes is just staggering to me.


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