Boldness to Speak

Nurses Spirituality


I wanted to write this as an encouragement to other believers in the LORD Jesus Christ, that there are opportunities to give the Gospel in nursing.

I am in my last semester of a nursing program. It is at a technical college, and none of my classmates seem to be Christians. A few perhaps in name, but language and life do not line up. I had a desire to give the Gospel to every one of my classmates as well as my teachers, but the possibility of being able to speak personally with them for any length of time while completing nursing school just did not seem to be a possibility.

I decided that at the end of my previous semester, I could make gift packages with homemade soap, small gifts and a Gospel tract. I was able to give these to my classmates and teachers, and I also plan, LORD willing, to give them to the incoming nursing class as well.

For my patients, I have been able to pray with a couple of them based on their request. I have had patients ask me why I treat them the way I do - in other words, I think and hope that Jesus Christ is shining through - and they want to know what it is in me that loves them no matter what.

I think it all depends on your circumstances and how far you are willing to go. I just try to tell my patients about Jesus whenever I can - whenever they want me to.

I hope maybe this can encourage someone. As days are getting darker and the second coming of Jesus is closer than ever, I think we will have a higher price to pay for sharing our faith. Perhaps it is better to make it a habit now when it is easier than later. May the LORD Jesus embolden us that we would not be ashamed of Him when real persecution comes.

Might be unpopular to write, but so what! It is not me that counts, only Him! :)

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.
*prays to a god that I don't believe in*

Lord, strength please, to deal with this tit for tat poster that I quoteth.

I have found that my Goddess gives me strength and patience. would you like to learn about her? (I'm just kidding, btw. I find beliefs to be very personal!)

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.
When you pray with a person "based on their request", that is not hammering anything down their throat.

Lighten up. :)

However, passing out religious tracts to fellow students is hammering it down their throats. How would you feel if I were to give you a copy of the Book of Shadows? Or an invoking spell? I think not. My path is the only path for me, just as your path is the only path for you. If you can't respect that, how can you expect others to respect your beliefs?

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.
I have found that my Goddess gives me strength and patience. would you like to learn about her? (I'm just kidding, btw. I find beliefs to be very personal!)


If anyone is spewing Babel, it must be known that this is the epitome of doctrine gone wrong! If OP is a Christian, and someone asks her to pray with them... She is just as capable, and maybe more so that a priest, a minister etc. With the HOLY SPIRIT living inside of her, she can be just as capable as anyone else.

BUT that is not the nurse's job, and why one is there to begin with. Huge boundary issue.

Like I said earlier, I am not spending all of my time proselytizing. However, if I see an opportunity to speak, I will do so. I had a pt. just this past week ask me how to pray, so in answer to her request, I talked with her about prayer, and then prayed for her when she asked me to. It made her happy that I took a little time to be with her and answer her question.

It really does not come out logically when you think of other religions that wage holy war and force their beliefs on people, are commended or excused, but a Christian who dares to share their faith with a pt. who asks them to; somehow the Christian is in the wrong? Jesus said that His name would be a stumbling block to people and that many would be offended because of Him.

Should not we who do profess Christ follow in His footsteps? It seems only here in the U.S. do we dance around the bush of political correctness, when believers in Jesus in countries where they are severely persecuted and even martyred boldly share their faith with any one who will listen.

I say this knowing that no matter whom I care for, I will do my best to show the love of Jesus whether or not I have the opportunity to speak of Christ to them. Thanks for the discussion.

Specializes in Telemetry.

****Parakeet: Like I said earlier, I am not spending all of my time proselytizing. However, if I see an opportunity to speak, I will do so. I had a pt. just this past week ask me how to pray, so in answer to her request, I talked with her about prayer, and then prayed for her when she asked me to. It made her happy that I took a little time to be with her and answer her question.*****

Yeah, no. How do you know she specifically wanted Christian based prayer? Please just get the Chaplain as they are actually trained to speak with patients/loved ones about various faiths - and that is what they are paid to do. You are paid to be an aide (I think) and once you are working as a nurse, those nursing duties should be your focus.

And to throw in some food for thought--those people who are devout in astronomical ways could question why it is that a female is working, not home having the Lord bless her with kids, wearing pants, having a haircut, wearing makeup or jewelry, having an uncovered head, or not submitting and cleaving to her spouse. Which are all parts of the Bible. So it you are going to open Panadora's Box, you need to then get into a justification on why it is that you are just choosing SOME things as absolute fact and not others. And as a male nurse, becoming too" familiar" with female patients who are not your spouse.

Good food for thought; I'll chew on it. Actually, since you brought it up, I do wear skirts all the time, wear headcoverings, don't wear make up, would love a husband and family if my LORD sees fit! However, I try to glorify my Saviour where He has put me right now, and that is nursing school. I am not trying to boast, I just want to let you know that I dealt with these issues before, and seek to obey Christ.

Just a clarification to my OP. I want to let you know that just because I am a Christian, does not mean that I think my classmates or any other nurse I work with are beneath me. I have met many amazing nurses who are not Christians, whom I have learned from.

It would not be Christ-like of me to refuse to work with someone because they do not share in my faith. That would not be loving my neighbour. Do I still think they need Jesus? Absolutely! Would I share with them my faith? Yes, if they were interested or brought it up in conversation.


I had a pt. just this past week ask me how to pray, so in answer to her request, I talked with her about prayer, and then prayed for her when she asked me to. It made her happy that I took a little time to be with her and answer her question.

Really? You were just minding your own business, doing your job, and, out of the blue, someone just up and asked you "how to pray"? I've been in nursing 30 yrs and I have never had that happen. Are you sure you didn't bring this up to this client, even in some "subtle" way??

'twas a pt. who has asked me in the past - she deals with anxiety issues all the time - this day she asked me about it after I gave her meds and got her ready for a nap.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Like I said earlier, I am not spending all of my time proselytizing. However, if I see an opportunity to speak, I will do so. I had a pt. just this past week ask me how to pray, so in answer to her request, I talked with her about prayer...

It really does not come out logically when you think of other religions that wage holy war and force their beliefs on people, are commended or excused, but a Christian who dares to share their faith with a pt. who asks them to; somehow the Christian is in the wrong?

Should not we who do profess Christ follow in His footsteps? It seems only here in the U.S. do we dance around the bush of political correctness]quote

Again,you are NOT qualified to offer spiritual support as an aide OR nurse,delegate it and tend to the rest of the patients(christians and heathens alike) Don't compare this conversation to martyrdom around the world-it's illogical.We are talking about you working as an aide right here.Let the Jew down the hall call for assistance to the bathroom while you are praying with another patient and see where you end up....

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.
Just a clarification to my OP. I want to let you know that just because I am a Christian, does not mean that I think my classmates or any other nurse I work with are beneath me. I have met many amazing nurses who are not Christians, whom I have learned from.

It would not be Christ-like of me to refuse to work with someone because they do not share in my faith. That would not be loving my neighbour. Do I still think they need Jesus? Absolutely! Would I share with them my faith? Yes, if they were interested or brought it up in conversation.


The problem I am having (and I suspect others as well) is that here you say "If they are interested" yet you didn't bother to find out if your classmates were interested.

When someone hands me a religious tract, I don't throw it back in their face. I politely say 'thank you', and then go on my way. And I throw the tract away. That isn't interest, it's respect. You seem to not understand that.

Please answer this: how would you feel if I came up to you, pushed a pamphlet into your hands that explain Hecate and how to worship her? How would you feel if I insisted you listen to me talk about Goddess worship? Think about that for a moment. How would you feel?

As a patient, I do NOT want a nurse to suddenly decide that since I asked for the chaplain, that is me saying 'I want to learn all about your god'. The chaplain will know how to get in touch with a pagan who can come in and talk to me.

ETA: Please show me where in the US people are having other beliefs forced on them? Where in the US is "holy" war being waged? And where in the US are Christians not allowed to share their beliefs? I can't drive a quarter of a mile without seeing a church. I have yet to have a Jew, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan or Wicca try to force their beliefs on me. However, I have had a lot of fundamentalist and evangelical Christians do that, even when I was a practicing Lutheran.

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