Boldness to Speak

Nurses Spirituality


I wanted to write this as an encouragement to other believers in the LORD Jesus Christ, that there are opportunities to give the Gospel in nursing.

I am in my last semester of a nursing program. It is at a technical college, and none of my classmates seem to be Christians. A few perhaps in name, but language and life do not line up. I had a desire to give the Gospel to every one of my classmates as well as my teachers, but the possibility of being able to speak personally with them for any length of time while completing nursing school just did not seem to be a possibility.

I decided that at the end of my previous semester, I could make gift packages with homemade soap, small gifts and a Gospel tract. I was able to give these to my classmates and teachers, and I also plan, LORD willing, to give them to the incoming nursing class as well.

For my patients, I have been able to pray with a couple of them based on their request. I have had patients ask me why I treat them the way I do - in other words, I think and hope that Jesus Christ is shining through - and they want to know what it is in me that loves them no matter what.

I think it all depends on your circumstances and how far you are willing to go. I just try to tell my patients about Jesus whenever I can - whenever they want me to.

I hope maybe this can encourage someone. As days are getting darker and the second coming of Jesus is closer than ever, I think we will have a higher price to pay for sharing our faith. Perhaps it is better to make it a habit now when it is easier than later. May the LORD Jesus embolden us that we would not be ashamed of Him when real persecution comes.

Might be unpopular to write, but so what! It is not me that counts, only Him! :)

Specializes in Vascular Access.
Who is SHE to question ME, or anyone else?


(Just thinking out loud.)

C'mon, Farawyn, you judge people every day... We all do.. That person lying in the gutter with an empty alcohol bottle in his hand.. Quick, what say you? That he is a man who has passed out from a drunken stupor. Right? Or, how about that pregnant women who comes in to see you at your clinic, and she tells you she wants to come clean and she fears her baby will be born with addictions. YOU immediately start to identify that she is a person with real problems who is attempting to drown them with drugs and/or alcohol and you have a concern about the babies health.

It is the same thing here. If I see a person speaking to the "fact" that they are a Christian, and then two minutes later she is talking to their husband on the phone, and telling him to F off and that she doesn't care that he is upset about her new boyfriend. What thoughts come to my mind - your mind? Are you judging her to say that her marriage won't last long? Or are you stating something which appears apparent to you? Parakeet was making an observation too, and just as it is her right to do so, you have a right to be offended. But know that many who complain that they don't want to be judged do so because they don't want light shined on their life. Coming under condemnation is no fun for anyone. Now, I'm not saying this is you, as you may have other reasons for your actions or thoughts, but at some point, my Lord says that EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess...And yes, It is your right not to believe any of this, again, just like its Parakeet's right to want to seize an opportunity to share Christ if she can. As long as discernment is used, she'll be fine.

Specializes in ED, psych.

It's one thing to be "bold about your faith," but be bold about it off work time. I view it similar to politics; I don't want to be having a political discourse halfway through my shift with my coworker on why Trump (or Hillary .. or Bernie) would be great for this country. It has no place when at work.

If you were to gift me with such a package, I would *look* appreciative because I don't like conflict. I wouldn't *be* appreciative - I would be uncomfortable receiving it, and it would probably end up in the trash. Why? I don't believe in Jesus Christ, or your one way to God.

Also, I'm sure quite a few of your fellow students see that they don't "measure up" in terms up "language and life" to your definition of Christian and see your gifts as throwing the gospel in their faces. That's not "loving and peaceful." That's intolerant and argumentative.

The happiest, most peaceful Christians that I see are ones that live life without slamming their own choices down other people's throats. They are the ones that I like discussing their religion with. I don't agree with them, but that's ok. I learn from them, not from their holier-than-thou counterparts.

C'mon, Farawyn, you judge people every day... We all do.. That person lying in the gutter with an empty alcohol bottle in his hand.. Quick, what say you? That he is a man who has passed out from a drunken stupor. Right? Or, how about that pregnant women who comes in to see you at your clinic, and she tells you she wants to come clean and she fears her baby will be born with addictions. YOU immediately start to identify that she is a person with real problems who is attempting to drown them with drugs and/or alcohol and you have a concern about the babies health.

It is the same thing here. If I see a person speaking to the "fact" that they are a Christian, and then two minutes later she is talking to their husband on the phone, and telling him to F off and that she doesn't care that he is upset about her new boyfriend. What thoughts come to my mind - your mind? Are you judging her to say that her marriage won't last long? Or are you stating something which appears apparent to you? Parakeet was making an observation too, and just as it is her right to do so, you have a right to be offended. But know that many who complain that they don't want to be judged do so because they don't want light shined on their life. Coming under condemnation is no fun for anyone. Now, I'm not saying this is you, as you may have other reasons for your actions or thoughts, but at some point, my Lord says that EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess...And yes, It is your right not to believe any of this, again, just like its Parakeet's right to want to seize an opportunity to share Christ if she can. As long as discernment is used, she'll be fine.

Don't presume to know me because you don't.

Specializes in ED, psych.
And im confused as to how one believes in Angels but not God. Thats like believing people stay alive without a heart lol. Smh

A friend of mine is a reiki master and believes in archangels but not God. Archangels belong to no religion, caste, or creed in how she celebrates it; it is far from uncommon.

Speaking of judgmental?

Specializes in Vascular Access.
Don't presume to know me because you don't.

EXACTLY... And I don't really care what you believe in, nor don't believe in. That is the beauty of living in a free society. We can all speak our mind, and I don't have to agree with you, nor you with me. And I will defend your right to the death to oppose me, just like I am defending parakeet's right to post in a spiritual forum, her love of God, and her love to share Christ.

EXACTLY... And I don't really care what you believe in, nor don't believe in. That is the beauty of living in a free society. We can all speak our mind, and I don't have to agree with you, nor you with me. And I will defend your right to the death to oppose me, just like I am defending parakeet's right to post in a spiritual forum, her love of God, and her love to share Christ.

No one is complaining about her posting. We are telling her not to hand out bibles to her classmates, or speak of her faith with patients, unsolicited.

Oh your friend believes in them? I though u did? Which one is it. Im not trying to be judgmental but maybe now u see just how it is to judge! Have a good day!

Oh your friend believes in them? I though u did? Which one is it. Im not trying to be judgmental but maybe now u see just how it is to judge! Have a good day!

*prays to a god that I don't believe in*

Lord, strength please, to deal with this tit for tat poster that I quoteth.

Specializes in Telemetry.

Weird how some posters seem to be coming out of the woodwork.

The work of angels? (

Specializes in ED, psych.

Maybe it's because the mountain of school work has gotten to me today, or maybe it's because the kids haven't stopped arguing, but Kllove29, what the heck are you alluding to, and who are you speaking to? Using the quote feature is your friend.

Maybe it's because the mountain of school work has gotten to me today, or maybe it's because the kids haven't stopped arguing, but Kllove29, what the heck are you alluding to, and who are you speaking to? Using the quote feature is your friend.

Angels. And she's not judging. Not! Nope!

Specializes in ER/Tele, Med-Surg, Faculty, Urgent Care.

This thread reminded me that at my capping or pinning I got a mini bible from the Gideon's & I was unsure why. Roll the clock forward 20+ years and I'm faculty at my school & on the committee that arranges the pinning ceremony. Well I'm told that the Gideon's table will be at the back of the room so they can give the mini bibles to the grads as they exit the room. So I ask "Why are they even allowed in the room?". Turns out they had " always" done this & nobody questioned it until I did. Our grads were very diverse with many from foreign countries. The Gideon's table got moved outside the room into the hallway after I argued that allowing them in the main room was proselytizing and offensive to those from others religious backgrounds.

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