BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered


So why isn't the mainstream media worried about this?  Where is the outrage?  Is it OK to murder a Trump supporter?  Is it OK to cheer about it? 

Bless your heart.  

I'm happy to say I would find it abhorrent if a Trump supporter cheered for the murder of a BLM rioter. I literally find that behavior disgusting.  I can only assume those who can't agree that behavior like that  is abhorrent must of been dropped on their heads as a young child.  Again, bless your little  heart. 

Specializes in Hospice.
19 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

Let me rephrase in a more simple sentence at  a lower reading level that you may be able to comprehend better.

As a human being who tends to shift a little bit left in their politics, why will you accept and not oppose the cheering of the death of a person who does not share your political views.

My third grader was able to read this sentence. Hopefully you can too.

I read just fine, thank you - and the post I quoted does not mean what you think it means. 

You asked if it was “too difficult to condone” cheering for the murder of a Trump supporter ... implying that liberals are not supporting that behavior as much as you think we should ... the exact opposite of the party line you’ve been flogging in two threads now.

Run it by your handlers and get back to us. Perhaps the boilerplate needs a little more editing.

While I appreciate the unsolicited English/grammar lesson you still haven't answered my question. Why is it OK to cheer for the murder of a Trump supporter?


Specializes in Hospice.
9 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

While I appreciate the unsolicited English/grammar lesson you still haven't answered my question. Why is it OK to cheer for the murder of a Trump supporter?


It’s more useful than you think. Misuse of language often signals deliberate misinformation from non-domestic sources.

As for your question, the only poster claiming that it’s OK to cheer for a murder is you.

So how would you like the question worded?  Liberals cheered at the murder of a Trump supporter.  How and when did that become acceptable. If it is not, state it.  


By the way, Trump is leading in the polls

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One Dead After Caravan of Armed Trump Supporters Descends on Portland: VIDEOS  AUGUST 30, 2020 

A caravan of armed Trump supporters gathered and drove into Portland, Oregon on Sunday night, spraying pepper spray, shooting paintballs, and inciting violence that led to at least one man’s death. This tweet thread from correspondent Mike Baker is a good summation of the events that took place:        

Scroll down to see more videos titled:

  • "Someone used pepper spray",
  • "Some of the BLM crowd is leaving. The Trump crowd is following them.",
  • "Organizers encouraged concealed carry to the event, but some are open carrying",
  • "With the usual caveat that I'm terrible at crowd estimates, I'd say about 1,000 people are here throughout the parking lot right now and maybe like 1 million flags. The current plan is to drive into Portland as a huge caravan at 6 p.m.",
  • "Someone dressed in black bloc de-escalates a tense scene",
  • "The caravan is headed out, but there is still some tension at the starting area. Some spitting and a guy menacing people with a baseball bat",
  • "The caravan is driving into Portland. A lot of people riding in the back of pickup trucks. Police are focused on keeping protesters off the roadway so the caravan can continue.",
  • "Some of the caravan is headed right into downtown. Some protesters yelling from the sidewalks.", AND MORE 

Specializes in Hospice.
2 minutes ago, DeeAngel said:



Specializes in Critical Care.
2 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Just to clarify, my point was that it has taken Biden 3 months to finally come out and condemn this violence that has been destroying innocent peoples lives, and there has been radio silence for the most part from other Dem leaders as well. Only after the polls were being affected did Biden say anything. 

Trump has tried on multiple occasions to send in support but has only been met with resistance. He sent in Federal support to protect a Federal building in Portland and you know how that was received in Portland by leaders who thought they were in the middle of the 'Summer of love'.  I know some like to call Trump a dictator but of course he is not and cannot just do whatever he wants. Nice try at the spin but this is all on the Dems who have encouraged the "resistance" starting 4 years ago.

I didn't have any trouble finding a statement from Biden condemning the rioting, violence, and destruction of property from June 2and, one week after George Floyd's death, where are you getting "3 months" from?

I'm with you on condemning any suggestion of violence towards others because they disagree with your views, but condemning only Democrats but not Trump, who openly encouraged his supporters to "knock the crap out of" his detractors, adding that he would pay their legal fees isn't any different than what you and FNP2B1 are accusing Democrats of.

Specializes in Critical Care.

FNP2B1, I agree with you on the complaint that it's not acceptable protesting to scream at people eating dinner, block roads and freeways for the sole purpose of being aggressive towards others, etc.  

I don't consider these to be "peaceful protesting" regardless of which side is the perpetrator, but you seem to only apply this expectation to 'liberals'.  

Trump today referred randomly shooting people with paintballs from the back of pickup trucks, (all of the video of this I've seen show no self defense justification) as "peaceful protesting".

Shooting paintballs for no reason is unjustified.  My views on liberal protesters committing the most violence comes from the videos provided by main stream media. It is wrong for anybody to hurt anybody with physical violence. I just haven't seen conservatives looting, burning down their neighborhoods or accosting elderly people protecting their property.  Perhaps those videos are out there but I haven't seen them.

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