BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered


So why isn't the mainstream media worried about this?  Where is the outrage?  Is it OK to murder a Trump supporter?  Is it OK to cheer about it? 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

There are millions who are thrilled that we have a real leader, TRUMP as our president and probably will have for another 4 years.

With his leadership Antifa will be neutered.  Continue to protest peacefully if you desire.  Murdering those with opposing political views should not become the new norm.


Real leaders don't lie to their people thousands of times and incompetently allow tens of thousands to die in a controllable viral outbreak.  Real leaders call for calm and unity during a national crisis, Trump is incapable of that. Trump advocates violence and division.   

For a moment there baloney I thought you were referencing Obama.

Specializes in Emergency.

What the absolute hell is this devolving to? I really don't think this belongs here, "breakroom" or not. Can we stick to nursing topics and leave the politics to the appropriate sites? Unless of course the politics have to do with staffing levels or such.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
5 minutes ago, CKPM2RN said:

What the absolute hell is this devolving to? I really don't think this belongs here, "breakroom" or not. Can we stick to nursing topics and leave the politics to the appropriate sites? Unless of course the politics have to do with staffing levels or such.

Politics absolutely affects healthcare delivery and access in the United States.  Right this very minute Trumpublicans are in court attempting to dismantle the ACA, including the pre-existing condition protections, in spite of the lies that they tell.  Similarly, a payroll tax cut isn't going to strengthen the Medicare program...yet that's their agenda.  

Specializes in Emergency.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Politics absolutely affects healthcare delivery and access in the United States.  Right this very minute Trumpublicans are in court attempting to dismantle the ACA, including the pre-existing condition protections, in spite of the lies that they tell.  Similarly, a payroll tax cut isn't going to strengthen the Medicare program...yet that's their agenda.  

YES! This is an appropriate topic. How the politics affects nursing!! I really feel that the OP is a troll. I mean, to spend so much energy on so much strife and hate. On a nursing board. Sheesh.

I guess I've been called worse than a troll but I can promise you I'm a real live FNP working and living in the San Francisco Bay area. 

I see how liberals have destroyed a once beautiful city into a hell hole.  We even have an app in SF for telling us where the piles of human feces are located.  It's called SnapCrap

I don't want the rest of America to end up like SF.  Our streets are littered with feces, used hypodermic needles, homeless encampments.  Crime is horrible.  My significant other parked their car on the street in downtown SF and had it broken into within 5 minutes.

Yea, so I'm no troll.  I'm here posting conservative information so hopefully the rest of America doesn't become the SnapCrap capital of the world.

Specializes in Emergency.

So. Much. Energy.

1 hour ago, CKPM2RN said:

YES! This is an appropriate topic. How the politics affects nursing!! I really feel that the OP is a troll. I mean, to spend so much energy on so much strife and hate. On a nursing board. Sheesh.

Trump has helped healthcare.  Watch the video from a fellow RN.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
27 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:


That's amazingly uninspiring.  Millions of Trump supporters have no health insurance right now to pay for telehealth and Trump's team is still in court trying to gut the ACA patient protections. 

Just now, toomuchbaloney said:


That's amazingly uninspiring.  Millions of Trump supporters have no health insurance right now to pay for telehealth and Trump's team is still in court trying to gut the ACA patient protections. 

You are so right!  We lost it during the Obamacouldcareless fiasco.  This we agree upon!

@FNP2B1 - You really should be concentrating on taking care of patients and not this political nonsense.  You're making yourself look like an absolute *** in front of your peers.  (Yes, even liberal nurses are your peers.)  

Just now, Missa310 said:

@FNP2B1 - You really should be concentrating on taking care of patients and this political nonsense.  You're making yourself look like an absolute *** in front of your peers.  (Yes, even liberal nurses are your peers.)  

If I cared what you think I'd let you know.  But frankly I don't give a damn.

I run a business with plenty of medical professionals working for me.  Don't bother applying.

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