BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered


So why isn't the mainstream media worried about this?  Where is the outrage?  Is it OK to murder a Trump supporter?  Is it OK to cheer about it? 

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

While you ignore Trumps obvious dementia signs...


CNN: Donald Trump's answer on what he would do in a 2nd term is literally unintelligible

"But so I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very, very, I think we'd have a very, very solid, we would continue what we're doing, we'd solidify what we've done, and we have other things on our plate that we want to get done," Trump told The New York Times' Peter Baker.

NY Times -Peter Baker   8/27/2020


In a 40-minute phone call this week, Mr. Trump struggled to describe how he has changed in office. “I think I’ve just become more guarded than I was four years ago,” he said.

The Guardian 9/1/2020

Five bizarre moments from Trump's interview with Fox's Laura Ingraham

In a particularly odd Fox News interview, the president riffed on Biden’s ‘shadow people’ and compared police shootings to golf

Laura Ingraham had to feed him lines to save him from nonsense responses.


Find a survey that shows that 20% of Republicans believe Trump has dementia. I'll wait.....


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
11 minutes ago, hopefulRN'17 said:

And Millions of us also have it.  We get it ...... you don't like him... good for you!!


That's the sort of support Trump is depending upon...loyalty to Trump the man in spite of obvious failure, because of generalized partisan animus. How odd it seems that a health professional would simply shrug their shoulders defiantly at the idea of millions of Americans without ability to access affordable health care during a pandemic. What manner of suffering will Trump supporters step over or ignore to imagine a greater threat from someone else? 

The answer to that could be chilling. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
26 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

Even 20% of Democrats believe Biden has dementia. I'm  sure I don't want anybody with dementia holding the nuclear football.

Nonsense, you're perfectly fine with Trump having that level of power and he is clearly having some issues intermittently, from difficulty with arm and hand weakness, slurred words, affected gait and balance, disorganized thought, paranoia...all publicly displayed by Trump in recent days. I'm sure you can live with the imagined deficits of Biden. 

Specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.
17 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:


That's the sort of support Trump is depending upon...loyalty to Trump the man in spite of obvious failure, because of generalized partisan animus. How odd it seems that a health professional would simply shrug their shoulders defiantly at the idea of millions of Americans without ability to access affordable health care during a pandemic. What manner of suffering will Trump supporters step over or ignore to imagine a greater threat from someone else? 

The answer to that could be chilling. 

You don't know a thing about me, my views, or my so called "loyalty". But we  certainly know yours between this thread and previous ones that you've commented on recently.

I personally don't believe politics belong on a nursing page, there are other avenues to speak of such... and please don't respond with "access to healthcare" because that was only brought up when another poster said the same about politics not belonging here. 



Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

'Sleepy Joe' Biden set a trap for Republicans — and they just walked right into it


...Unfortunately for them, the Joe Biden who showed up to introduce his running mate Kamala Harris last week seems to have found a miracle drug to cure dementia, because he was on the money. The delivery of classic Biden lines like “as that old saying goes, give me a break” do not exactly suggest that he has jitters about debating Donald Trump, despite what Trump’s supporters might think. ...

With 4 million RN's in the U.S., nurses are a huge voting block.  Just like participating in the 2020 Census affects how one's community receives federal funding and #  members allotted for U.S. House Representatives,  VOTING for elected officials selects those who will develop and implement various policies for the benefit of its citizens --especially those developed for/against healthcare.

AN's Activism forum highlights nursing activities and healthcare legislation/info for discussion and support:

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
1 minute ago, hopefulRN'17 said:

You don't know a thing about me, my views, or my so called "loyalty". But we  certainly know yours between this thread and a previous one that you created recently.

I personally don't believe politics belong on a nursing page, there are other avenues to speak of such... and please don't respond with "access to healthcare" because that was only brought up when another poster said the same about politics not belonging here. 



Well...I know what you commented just as you know what I've commented.  I guess if your callous comment about millions of Americans having no health insurance wasn't based in a partisan loyalty to Trump then it could be based in a lack of compassion, empathy, or other disregard for the health of others? Would you like to tell me why you don't care?

You should probably not visit the politics club if it's going to be this upsetting for you.

Specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.
34 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Well...I know what you commented just as you know what I've commented.  I guess if your callous comment about millions of Americans having no health insurance wasn't based in a partisan loyalty to Trump then it could be based in a lack of compassion, empathy, or other disregard for the health of others? Would you like to tell me why you don't care?

You should probably not visit the politics club if it's going to be this upsetting for you.

My callous comment? I stated a fact... just as you did...

See, there you go again with your blah blah blah.. Trump this.... Trump that... NEVER did I state that I don't care.  I simply stated that Millions HAVE insurance...


Visit the politics club??  haha! You're hilarious!   SMH


Have a wonderful day

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Getting back to thread topic: BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered

No one here is supporting any cheering over a protestors death.

With the advent of video cellphones, everyone has the ability to be a photo journalist posting content online.  However, one does not always have the full story what happened leading up to, during and post an event therefore the full story incomplete.   Accuracy and verified information posted at allnurses is what our members have come to trust this site

NY Times visual investigation Unit complied this story.

How the Fatal Shooting at a Portland Protest Unfolded


The New York Times’s Visual Investigations unit reviewed multiple videos of the episode and surrounding events to piece together the fatal encounter between an unidentified gunman and Aaron J. Danielson, 39, who died at the scene.

What happens next occurs within six seconds.

The man in white and another man dressed in black can be seen crossing the street, apparently to confront Mr. Danielson and Mr. Pappas.

There is shouting that is hard to hear on Mr. Dunlap’s livestream, but in a second video filmed by Nathan Millsap, a Portland videographer, the audio is clearer.

A man, who Mr. Pappas later contends is the gunman, shouts: “Hey, we got some right here. We got a couple right here.”

Another man says, “He’s macing you, he’s pulling it out.”

The sound of spraying is audible, followed immediately by two gunshots.

Mr. Dunlap captures the shooting on his livestream. Mr. Danielson can be seen raising his arm and beginning to spray a pepper spray-like substance, followed almost immediately by the gunshots. The man in white backs away with his arm raised and then runs, along with the man dressed in black.

Correct me if I'm wrong but this looks like cold blooded murder.  The NYT appears to confirm this. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, hopefulRN'17 said:

My callous comment? I stated a fact... just as you did...

See, there you go again with your blah blah blah.. Trump this.... Trump that... NEVER did I state that I don't care.  I simply stated that Millions HAVE insurance...


Visit the politics club??  haha! You're hilarious!   SMH


Have a wonderful day

Yes, in my opinion it is callous to dismiss the fact that millions of Americans have lost access to affordable healthcare, during a pandemic, to point out that others don't lack access. Of course, my view on that topic is public health related and based and yours may not be. 

Yes, this is the politics club. Have you come across this by accident?

To get back on topic, sort of...

Opinion | Kyle Rittenhouse is Trump’s type of rule-breaker
Opinion by Molly Roberts


What’s new isn’t that this is happening. What’s new is that the president is volunteering defenses for an act of vigilantism: “I guess it looks like he fell, and then they very violently attacked him,” President Trump said Monday evening. “He would have been — probably would have been killed.” The accused’s lawyers say, similarly, that their client “exercised his God-given, constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense.” But that’s their job; it is not the president’s.

The IMPOTUS isn't looking to calm unrest or decrease violence. 

Specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.
5 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Yes, in my opinion it is callous to dismiss the fact that millions of Americans have lost access to affordable healthcare, during a pandemic, to point out that others don't lack access. Of course, my view on that topic is public health related and based and yours may not be. 

Yes, this is the politics club. Have you come across this by accident?

To get back on topic, sort of...

Opinion | Kyle Rittenhouse is Trump’s type of rule-breaker
Opinion by Molly Roberts

The IMPOTUS isn't looking to calm unrest or decrease violence. 

Yes, I must have come across this by accident.  I saw breakroom but did not see the blatantly obvious "2020 U.S Politics" .. my apologies

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