BLM rioters cheer as Trump supporter murdered


So why isn't the mainstream media worried about this?  Where is the outrage?  Is it OK to murder a Trump supporter?  Is it OK to cheer about it? 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
28 minutes ago, MunoRN said:

Trump today referred randomly shooting people with paintballs from the back of pickup trucks, (all of the video of this I've seen show no self defense justification) as "peaceful protesting".

That is not exactly what Trump said. He was saying that in comparison the Trump supporters had paint balls, not guns with bullets. He also said they went in peacefully to rally/protest. Personally I am against both but obviously paint guns don't kill and the Patriots were not running around destroying they city for the last 3 months. If Trump said knock the crap out of them I don't condone that either but I also have no context. And 1 comment is hardly the same as the many that have been made by Dems, media, celebrities etc over the last 4 years that have been actually inciting violence (that we now see playing out). I also don't see the context of Joe Bidens statement re: denouncing the riots, and if that was June 2 where has he been since.

And either way none of this excuses the Black Lives Matter rioters from their disgusting display of hate after a life was purposefully taken (which appears) to be because of political views. We are devolving right before our very eyes.


Biden has been hiding in the basement 


Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

June 2nd Joe Biden delivers in-person remarks on George Floyd protests

“‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe,’ George Floyd’s last words. But they didn’t die with him. They’re still being heard. They’re echoing across this nation,” the former vice president said as he began his remarks.

The 2020 hopeful went on to describe Floyd’s murder as “a wake-up call for our nation. For all of us.”

Biden continued by offering praise and understanding toward peaceful protesters, but cautioning that "There is no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches, or destroying businesses — many of them built by people of color who for the first time were beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families.”


Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

Trump Supporters Drive Into Crowd And Pepper Spray Protesters In Portland: WATCH

Two large pickup trucks taking part in a pro-Trump procession were seen accelerating into a crowd of protesters in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday.

The pro-Trump vehicle rally, made up of hundreds of cars and trucks, gathered in the Portland suburb of Clackamas before making its way to the city center. The caravan was initially planned to circle the highways but some of its members split off and headed into downtown where Black Lives Matters protesters were gathered.

Clashes quickly occurred between the caravan members and counterprotesters in downtown Portland.  “We saw fistfights on the streets, in some cases; people in the backs of pickup trucks shooting paintballs into the crowd.

Justin Dunlap, an independent journalist who was on the ground in Portland on Saturday, told NBC News that the “Trump car caravan was causing trouble” and that they were pepper-spraying people. He said the scene was “super heavy.”

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

That is not exactly what Trump said. He was saying that in comparison the Trump supporters had paint balls, not guns with bullets. He also said they went in peacefully to rally/protest. Personally I am against both but obviously paint guns don't kill and the Patriots were not running around destroying they city for the last 3 months. If Trump said knock the crap out of them I don't condone that either but I also have no context. And 1 comment is hardly the same as the many that have been made by Dems, media, celebrities etc over the last 4 years that have been actually inciting violence (that we now see playing out). I also don't see the context of Joe Bidens statement re: denouncing the riots, and if that was June 2 where has he been since.

And either way none of this excuses the Black Lives Matter rioters from their disgusting display of hate after a life was purposefully taken (which appears) to be because of political views. We are devolving right before our very eyes.


You simply are unaware of Trump's language and context.  That information, in context, is available in AN and in a simple search.  Trump has made many more than one comment or tweet implying, encouraging or referencing violence as a solution or action to take when unhappy with a protester.  He's mentioned the very tough people who love him, bikers for Trump, second amendment solutions and those who might carry that out.  This type of language was evident in 2016 and hasn't stopped.

It's odd to me that you hold everyone else to a much higher standard than the president, especially Biden. It seems incongruent to have such strong feelings with so little actual comparative information. 

Who do you imagine is making excuses for displays of hate? None of the progressives here that I've seen. 

Here is the video of the murder. "Hey we got a Trumper right here"  Trump supporters were hunted and murdered by radical BLM rioters.  Remember Silence is Violence.  If you do not denounce this violence then with your silence you support it according to liberal mantra.

22 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

Here is the video of the murder. "Hey we got a Trumper right here"  Trump supporters were hunted and murdered by radical BLM rioters.  Remember Silence is Violence.  If you do not denounce this violence then with your silence you support it according to liberal mantra.

I send all my heart-felt THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS.  I don't condone this violence, but I don't condone YOU using this as a way to prove liberals are "bad".   You want a NON-supporter of Trump (ANYONE, doesn't matter) to flip sides and say.... "OMG, you're right.  We're bad."  Not gonna happen, so you just need to stop.  You're not going to get what you want.  

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.


"I am not sad that a f–king fascist died tonight,” a woman shouts into a megaphone at a BLM-Antifa gathering after a man was shot dead nearby".

“He was a f–king Nazi. Our community held its own and took out the trash.”

Liberal Silence is Violence.  If you don't denounce BLM rioters killing Trump supporters then you support it.  

It sickens me to hear a BLM rioter cheer for the death of an innocent man.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
41 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

Liberal Silence is Violence.  If you don't denounce BLM rioters killing Trump supporters then you support it.  

It sickens me to hear a BLM rioter cheer for the death of an innocent man.  

Welcome to the group of millions of Americans who are sickened by the nastiness of this country under Trump's leadership. 

There are millions who are thrilled that we have a real leader, TRUMP as our president and probably will have for another 4 years.

With his leadership Antifa will be neutered.  Continue to protest peacefully if you desire.  Murdering those with opposing political views should not become the new norm.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.


The sheriff of an Arkansas Delta county has resigned  under pressure after a recording of a man identified as him delivering a racist rant went viral. Arkansas County Sheriff Todd Wright resigned Friday at the request of the county's Quorum Court after the Pine Bluff Commercial reported a five-minute audio recording circulated on facebook this week.

The recording is of a man who uses a racial slur nine times after becoming upset that a woman he was with spoke to a Black man in a grocery store. Throughout, the woman refers to the man as "Todd."

The Kenosha sheriff's department supported and thanked the terrorist before he shot and killed people.  He thinks that you should just put blacks in warehouses and let them die.  He is still in his position, being dishonest with the purple about his intentions and agenda (just listen the his post murder briefing at how much he doesn't know about what his deputies were doing, planning for or anticipating. 

 Black Lives Matter


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