Best-smelling liquid meds!

Nurses General Nursing


Is it just me, or does anyone else think Lactulose smells really good? Just wondering....;)

Specializes in LTC?Skilled and dialysis.

I have a patient on PO Vanco and it smells yummy....she informs me however that it doesnt taste as good as it smells....I may be crazy but I like the smell of Kayexalate too....

Like we don't have enough problem with addicts, good idea drug company

Is dilantin something drug addicts would go for?


I think IV Unasyn has a nice fruity smell, I also love the smell of our Nystatin "Magic Mouthwash" smells quite intriguing. I agree that Grape flavored Dimetapp is very tasty, and Mucomyst is absolutely the most repulsive drug I've ever smelled:barf01:

I can handle mucomyst sooner than an IV cephalosporin. They all smell like cat pee to me. Blech.

And this is going to show my age..

Paraldehyde. Nasty, nasty stuff.

I also hate the way guaifenesin --- liquid or tabs-- smells and tastes. Ick.

On the other hand, decadron drops smell like roses (I've never sniffed the injection though)


I think Dimetapp smells yummy.

Totally nasty are Intralipids (cat pee) and ADEK vitamins, they almost smell like frying food.

I read it fast, my mind processed dilaudid ahah, thats one hell of a medication error, luckily it was on a board not in the hospital. Don't report me goldstein

Specializes in Med-Surg.

You know...I can just see all you goofballs in the med room passing around drugs sniffing them.

*Man this is some good stuff*

And am I the only one that can smell a tube feeding days after I work?

Specializes in NICU.

Tube feeding poop has a very distinct smell as well.. YAK!

Specializes in private duty/home health, med/surg.

I think liquid Reglan smells like butterscotch.

Phenergan IV/IM smells like formaldehyde.

Specializes in nursery, L and D.

We had a "tonic", that was supposed to increase appetite in LTC called eldertonic. It smelled like a strawberry daiquiri. I never could try it, cause it was like 50% alcohol. I could just picture me pulling a Lucy in the vitameatavegamin stunt with it, lol.

Specializes in OB, Telephone Triage, Chart Review/Code.

I love the smell of the stuff used to adhere steri-strips to the skin. Is it "tincture of benzoin"...I don't remember.

I hate the smell of marigolds and Flonase to me has that smell.

We had a "tonic", that was supposed to increase appetite in LTC called eldertonic. It smelled like a strawberry daiquiri. I never could try it, cause it was like 50% alcohol. I could just picture me pulling a Lucy in the vitameataveramin stunt with it, lol.
Ah, Eldertonic! Nectar of the Gods :bowingpur

If it's smelling like a strawberry daiquiri, then it's been updated since the last time I gave it. First time I opened the bottle--- whoooweee! Pure cooking sherry, with a few vits tossed in for kicks.

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