Become a Nurse without Nursing School

Nurses General Nursing


Anyone know of any opportunities abroad to become a nurse thru apprenticeship rather than thru traditional education?

(I'm fed up with looking for accelerated programs, having to meet bogus requirements, etc. I'd rather just do on-the-job training for 3/4 the pay in some other country. Anyone know of anything like this?)

Do you need a hug?

LOL. Always. And a teddy bear, and my pacifier (that looks amazingly like a 32 oz strawberry daiquiri).

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
Most of mine are to shut up because I'm just a student and don't know what I'm talking about. Which I don't know what my being a student had to do with my knowledge of BS, but okay

That's okay, a few months ago I posted on this thread where a male student and I think an RN were crying discrimination at the idea that a laboring woman could refuse to have said male NS in the room. I had the gall to suggest that it was...wait for this...HER RIGHT to refuse any non-essential people she wanted to, and owed no explanation.

I got PMs saying "you" and "twit." :roflmao:

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
(For those not familiar with current Baptist and some other cultural beliefs, this is the big event where all the saintly people get sucked into Heaven right before the world ends.)

The most popular thought is it happens before a period of global tribulation, but not all of us Baptists do. ;) I'm fully expecting that life will get a whoooooole lot more difficult for Christians, too, before it gets blissful.

Carry on. :up:

Everyone just promise me if I become one of them you will come find me and beat some sense into me.

I swear on my stethoscope that I will do this. We'll probably be taking NCLEX around the same time. I'll remind you to keep your **** together. 😜

Swear on my stethoscope!

Ahahahahahaha that's cute. I'm so using it :)

That's okay, a few months ago I posted on this thread where a male student and I think an RN were crying discrimination at the idea that a laboring woman could refuse to have said male NS in the room. I had the gall to suggest that it was...wait for this...HER RIGHT to refuse any non-essential people she wanted to, and owed no explanation.

I got PMs saying "you" and "twit." :roflmao:

Just where do you get off saying the patient has "rights"?? What do you MEAN she should be able to refuse to be the object of observation of a gaggle of students, not one of whom is actually involved in her care??

Geez. You.Twit. ;)


Specializes in Hospice.

(For those not familiar with current Baptist and some other cultural beliefs, this is the big event where all the saintly people get sucked into Heaven right before the world ends.)

The rest of us get stuck down here with Kirk Cameron...

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
The rest of us get stuck down here with Kirk Cameron...

Stuck, yes, and not in a good way. Though he may be good-lookin', lusting after him would do no good, because becoming such a Christian, suddenly, would mean he doesn't mess around any more.

I'd rather get sucked up into heaven than stick around and watch a more amped-up round of what's going on in the world now.

Well now at sometime in the 60's you could become an LPN by getting two doctors to sign for you and boom you mailed it in and got your license. Maybe thats why all the nurses in my moms old pictures were

Stuck, yes, and not in a good way. Though he may be good-lookin', lusting after him would do no good, because becoming such a Christian, suddenly, would mean he doesn't mess around any more.

I'd rather get sucked up into heaven than stick around and watch a more amped-up round of what's going on in the world now.

I just wanna know when he's gonna start aging, or is it my imagination ?

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
I just wanna know when he's gonna start aging, or is it my imagination ?

Not your imagination.

But have you ever notice that some folks, as they age, they morph into a totally different appearance, you'd never recognize them from pictures of their youth.......and then their are people like Kirk Cameron who, as they age, grow and only ever just look like more of themselves all their lives!

What's the name of this thread????? :lol2:

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

Well, you can be a doctor in the Sims 4. How's that?

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