BCIT January 2014 Applicants

World Canada CA Programs


Hi guys,

I thought that now would be an appropriate time to start a new topic for the prospective BCIT nursing students for Jan 2014 (similar threads for previous intakes are also a great source of information).

Hopefully we can share tips, answer questions to the best of our ability, and communicate with each other about when status changes are released and whatnot. Now we can all play the waiting game together, haha! ;)

how you do guys know how Many people were shortlisted? Did they send a formal letter ? All I was sent was an email but it didn't say how many people were shortlisted? :S

I think last year somebody called and asked

i also feel that the time we find out to the time the program starts is just too short. One month to prepare and come up with the funds seems like such a rush. Crossing my fingers though, hoping I get in. The questionaire wasn't too bad, but i felt like i could have done a better job if i had more time to finish.

How is everyone holding up? So little traffic on this board this time around!

Grrr this waiting game is making me so anxious! I hope we'll find out soon!

Specializes in Emergency.

^I'm so antsy. The harder I try to not think about this the more it winds up in my head. It's horrible, lol.

Anyways I logged on to BCIT D2L yesterday and apparently, due to "unforeseen circumstances," they extended the questionnaire deadline to Oct. 14, which makes me wonder if we'll still hear back by Nov. 1st or later...

^Yeah I saw that too and that was my first thought as well haha I'm sure they'll do their best to respond by the end of the month although judging from past intakes I do believe dates were pushed back a week or so :(

May I ask what you applied with? Just curious :)

Specializes in Emergency.

^Yup, I applied with 5 As, 2 Bs, LIBS 7001, First Aid/CPR HCP, and I've also been volunteering regularly at school and in the community/hospital for as long as I can remember.

I'm currently a 3rd year uni student so I am close to finishing my degree but if I'm accepted into BCIT I'd start right away! My friends think I'm nuts but honestly, I would much rather spend that year working as a nurse rather than staying in school to obtain a piece of paper. How about you? :)

Wow we're practically in the same boat! Although I don't have my first aid/cpr (didn't want it to expire in case I didn't get in haha) but I have both LIBS classes :) and I have about 70+ hours with the blood bank and around 90+ hours at a hospital. I'm also a third year at uni (if I recall correctly, I have 82 credits or so)! I took this semester off however because I figured I'll wait to see if I get in for January and go from there. To be honest, I don't really see any benefit of completing my degree. I think more (and different) volunteer hours will work more to an applicants advantage than extra post secondary credits/a degree.

I don't think you're crazy! You'll have a BS in Nursing at the end of all this anyway, I can't see why you would need a second degree (except for perhaps bragging rights ;) )

Specializes in Emergency.

Oooh I also thought about taking the semester off, perhaps to work, but I figured I should stay just in case. Gotta have my safety net, hah! But I agree, any experience in a healthcare setting is really going to boost an application. It seems like a majority of accepted students have a degree, which is discouraging on my end, but hey maybe we'll be a couple of the lucky ones. :cool:

I guess you're currently working and saving up??

Hey guys!

I am also planning to apply for the BCIT Nursing Program. I was originally going to apply for the Jan 2014 because I also felt like finishing my degree would not matter that much in the long run (I have about 90 credits). However, my family have persuaded me just to finish my degree first because I was nearly there anyways. I hope this is the right choice. I am SO eager to start applying and start with nursing school that I'm getting impatient with finishing this current degree. I will hopefully be applying for the Jan 2015 instead! :)

Yup, working full time at the moment! I figure the least I can do is get rid of my existing student loan debt :banghead:

Really? That's so interesting because some many people I have spoken to didn't have a degree haha most of them were like us (in third year -- credit wise). There's a girl I know that got in with about 55 credits! (but she had outrageous volunteer hours..) AND I know of two people who had bachelor's degrees who received non-offers the first time they applied. I don't know, it's so hard to say what will get you in and what won't. From what I've heard, it seems they place the most emphasis on uni credits and both relevant and life experience. GPA is of course important but of all the nurses programs in the lower mainland, I would say BCIT's focus on applicants grades is less harsh than some other schools. Grr now I'm just rambling haha WHY CAN'T IT BE NOV 1 YET!?

Hey has anyone heard anything back yet or does everyone's status say "pending department review"?

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