BCIT January 2014 Applicants

World Canada CA Programs


Hi guys,

I thought that now would be an appropriate time to start a new topic for the prospective BCIT nursing students for Jan 2014 (similar threads for previous intakes are also a great source of information).

Hopefully we can share tips, answer questions to the best of our ability, and communicate with each other about when status changes are released and whatnot. Now we can all play the waiting game together, haha! ;)

Mine still says pending department review!

Specializes in Emergency.

Mine is still unchanged as well. The questionnaire deadline was only this past Monday so we probably won't see any status changes until November.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med/Surg, Mental Health, Oncology,.

Mine hasn't changed either. BUT I did receive an email saying that we can call in on the 25th of October to potentially get an affirmative answer instead of waiting until Nov 1st for an email....I heard there will be no deferring this year unless a medical issue came up.

Times spent checking myBCIT - 3/4 a day. The anticipation is killing me...

Specializes in Critical Care, Med/Surg, Mental Health, Oncology,.

135 people were short-listed for 96 seats....

Specializes in Critical Care, Med/Surg, Mental Health, Oncology,.

135 shortlisted for a program to hold 96

Specializes in Emergency.

Whaaaaat! When was this email sent? I didn't receive anything in either of my email accounts. That's interesting, I've never heard of BCIT suggesting that applicants call in beforehand.

hmmm I haven't received this email either.. I can't imagine the admissions staff encouraging more phone calls than they already get lol but that's good to know!

Specializes in Critical Care, Med/Surg, Mental Health, Oncology,.

Oh it definitely wasn't sent out to applicants. I had asked about when we would receive notice if it was going to be later than Nov 1 as the Questionnaire was delayed. I don't imagine they would expect me to post on a forum but call them anyway! WE have worked hard to get here...haha impatience is a virtue we have earned. :)

I am curious, now do they just decide based on the questionnaire or do they still at your grades?

Specializes in Emergency.

Hey, I think they still take both into consideration. My guess is they work on a points-based system because they need to rank applicants somehow right? Maybe grades and pre-reqs are worth X amount of points, the questionnaire is worth Y points, etc.? :confused:

Specializes in Critical Care, Med/Surg, Mental Health, Oncology,.

Good question...but I mean, the grades and experiences and what have you are what get you to the portion of the questionnaire. I think they want to see how you can relate yourself. So people who are geniuses but lack the ability to create interpersonal skills are accepted into programs where interaction is a necessity...

How many people on this forum are short-listed atm?

I think everyone posting on this forum is short-listed right now. Just waiting around to hear something!! Is anyone in this forum applying to other schools? I'm also applying to the U of C January 2014 entry as well.

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