Back Pain,,,,and suggestions for relief?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Geriatrics and emergency medicine.

Okay,,,the ultimate price for being a nurse,,,,,,back pain. I have tried everything, minus the pain meds, for this back of mine. At times it feels as if the muscles are being wrung out like a towel. Especially my dorsal on the left hand side. Have tried massage, but only works for a short time, and gets too expensive. I have a back massager, but can't get to where it hurts. Nothing is helping, and now that I'm about to turn the big 51 next weekend, just want some releif. Anyone have any suggestions besides muscle relaxers and meds that will snow me. I have a very low tolerance level to almost all meds

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I have suffered from back pain since the age of 17.

In March 2005, I started experiencing a very debilitating spinal claudication. I had an L4/L5 low back injury, but the pain was being referred to my right calf area. The tremendous leg pain made the simple act of walking a virtually impossible feat to accomplish.

I recently completed 2 months of chiropractic therapy, and now I feel great. I am able to walk without pain for the first time in nearly 2 years. I have the occasional mid-back pain, but it is manageable with Naproxen and other NSAIDs. My low back has stopped hurting as badly, too.

Good luck with the pursuit to the ultimate relief, as I personally know how debilitating the pain can become.

Chiropractic. I swear by it.

I too have used chiropractic care. I had 2 lami's, and had pain all the time. Now, I only have pain when I push myself too hard with lifting.

But I have heard bad stories about chiropractic docs that don't know what they're doing.

Specializes in Trauma/ED.

I would also look into some acupuncture...I know some people who swear by it. Anything but meds.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

A Chiropractor will get you back on your feet. Traditional medicine has long recognized the ability of Chiropractic to help back pain. I've been to several. They are all kind of alternative medicine. . . I've found all their promises about all the other things they will cure with adjustments are hooey (like migraines, allergies, female difficulties) but I let them talk while they adjust my back, nod politely and go on my way.

I have found the greatest help for my back pain. . . Traded in my 200 pound patients for 4 pound patients. My back and neck do hurt off and on but it's like 4-5 times a year, instead of 4-5 times a week.

One more thing that helps is laying for 10-20 minutes on a heating pad to my lower back (or wherever). My care has seat heaters and it covers that lower back area, that feels great when my back is sore or tired.

Specializes in jack of all trades, master of none.

L4-5 injury after MVC... I feel your pain. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tens unit! Plus, I do need the occasional pain pill after a particularly rough day, but only before bed so I can sleep.

You could also think longer term and look into a memory foam type mattress, or even a memory foam topper. Those work great for back pain.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Exercise. Toning ABs will help your back. And massage therapy is good---so is soaking in my garden tub. I have back pain on occasion, esp after a busy and hard shift. I find the above very helpful.

Specializes in Peds Cardiology,Peds Neuro,Pedi ER,PICU, IV Jedi.

My wife suffered for years with debilitating back pain due to an injury when she was a teenager(*fractured sacral bones)...she did EVERYTHING...narcs, facet injections, no avail. Someone finally suggested chiropractic care (about 7 years ago) and now she has no problems with her back at all. It has been awesome!! Get to see one, it could be well worth your time.

She saw the chiropractor about once/twice a week for 2 months, then about once a month for another two months...and she's been wonderful ever since!!

Now if we could control the friggin' migraines!@!


Lurker here

Glucosamine/chondroitin (if you can take it, can trigger intestinal problems in individuals).

A good chiropractor who isn't afraid to manipulate you (but get recommendations, don't just pick one out of the book).

Tempurpedic mattress, the greatest investment you will ever make, some bedding companies finance with no interest now, I got mine for 3 year no finance charge.

Free weight training!!! Low impact cardio exercise helps a little, but free weight training will build core strength and core strength is where you will find serious relief.

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

Heat before, ice after (exercise). So a little heating pad when you get up, maybe 10 min. max. Then when you do get up, stretch slowly, like you're gonna go work out. Go to kitchen, put a wet sponge or two in plastic ziploc bags and stick in the freezer. When you get ready for bed grab one and lay down on it. It'll be warm by the time you get to sleep and give you some good relief.

Meds: 600 of ibuprofen but on a short term basis! Like a couple of days worth, several times a day. No more, or it'll eat your stomach lining and run your BP up. If that don't work ask your doc for some skelaxin. That stuff works, it's not narcotic. It doesn't make me drowsy, but it can make some people sleepy, so take it before sleep. It just relaxes muscle, that's it.

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