Published Oct 27, 2003
nurseygrrl, LPN
445 Posts
Sadly, I think I am going to have to leave my unit. My charge nurse is an incompetent procrastinator and I can't take it anymore!
I have been off work for the past 6 days because of chest pain so bad that I actually saw a cardiologist and had a workup. His Dx? Extreme anxiety. He told me to take time off of work and I'm feeling beyond fine. I KNOW when I go back tomorrow it's going to start right back up again. An agency nurse friend of mine gave me a call today and told me about everything that hasn't been done while I've been gone. New admits and hospital returns not getting flu shots or PPDs, a schizophrenic pt. of mine not getting her Haldol decanoate on the 22nd like she was supposed to and so on. Luckily, my friend has my assignment today (the charge nurse has had it all previous days while I've been out) and she said she'd get it all done so I didn't have to stress over it.
Believe me, it is not the work that bothers me (what's giving a few flu shots?) it's the fact that she LEAVES these things for ME to do and sometimes it compromises my patients.
I have spoken until I'm blue in the face to EVERYONE about these problems I'm having and it does no good. I work for a county facility and as long as you're a body, they're happy with you. Everyone knows she is a screw up. My supervisor actually came and asked me to run the unit (I spoke about this in another thread) because I'm 'good' and I can do it. Well, not when she's making more money than me!
There are TONS more examples to give, but it would take too long to type it all out. The bottom line is she is ruining the unit, she's disorganized, morale is at an all time low with all staff, even the pts see this! What is left for me to do? I can't go on like this every day any longer. Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, has anyone ever switched units/jobs because of something like this and how did it work out?
6,011 Posts
I've switched jobs a few times myself. Once I stayed about 30 minutes because of the lies and deceptions of the nurse recruiter, but I know what you mean.
Your patients' health are important, BUT yours is MORE important. Is there another position in another agency...kind of a lateral transfer?
If not I'd silently find out about collecting benefits etc and move on. My hubby was a state employee for over 30 years....I don't know how he did it...I tried twice and left in frustration both times. Right now you need to take care of YOU.
475 Posts
I think sjoe has the perfect answer for this. My advice? Get out of there now.
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
Originally posted by HerEyes73 Sadly, I think I am going to have to leave my unit. My charge nurse is an incompetent procrastinator and I can't take it anymore! I have been off work for the past 6 days because of chest pain so bad that I actually saw a cardiologist and had a workup. His Dx? Extreme anxiety. He told me to take time off of work and I'm feeling beyond fine. I KNOW when I go back tomorrow it's going to start right back up again. An agency nurse friend of mine gave me a call today and told me about everything that hasn't been done while I've been gone. New admits and hospital returns not getting flu shots or PPDs, a schizophrenic pt. of mine not getting her Haldol decanoate on the 22nd like she was supposed to and so on. Luckily, my friend has my assignment today (the charge nurse has had it all previous days while I've been out) and she said she'd get it all done so I didn't have to stress over it. Believe me, it is not the work that bothers me (what's giving a few flu shots?) it's the fact that she LEAVES these things for ME to do and sometimes it compromises my patients. I have spoken until I'm blue in the face to EVERYONE about these problems I'm having and it does no good. I work for a county facility and as long as you're a body, they're happy with you. Everyone knows she is a screw up. My supervisor actually came and asked me to run the unit (I spoke about this in another thread) because I'm 'good' and I can do it. Well, not when she's making more money than me! There are TONS more examples to give, but it would take too long to type it all out. The bottom line is she is ruining the unit, she's disorganized, morale is at an all time low with all staff, even the pts see this! What is left for me to do? I can't go on like this every day any longer. Anyone have any suggestions? Also, has anyone ever switched units/jobs because of something like this and how did it work out? Thanks!
2,099 Posts
It's already been said. You need to take care of YOURSELF, first. Nobody else will or can (or should).
Hopefully you will find a less dysfunctional unit next, but remember to shop carefully and wisely, and trust your intuition and common sense. There are all too many dysfunctional ones desperate for nurses.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
What sjoe said.
Good luck.
Knowing when to leave a job can sometimes be difficult.
3,932 Posts
take care of yourself. let us know what you decide to do.
Thank you all for the replies. Sometimes venting and just knowing other people know what it feels like to be in your shoes helps! I know I am going to stick it out at least until one patient of mine leaves the facility. He is almost there and I don't want to foil anything for him. He will be gone by the middle of Nov. This should give me enough time to thoroughly think this through and 'shop wisely' as sjoe said.
ktwlpn~ If things don't work out for me here, I may take you up on that job offer! Cost of living is way too high here anyway!
Once again,'ve all made me feel better and I'm ready to head in to work tomorrow with a positive attitude!
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
I hope your day tomorrow will be a positive one for you. I do think you would be wise to start a search for another job. I know that we convince ourselves to stay in situations that we should leave ASAP. Please heed our words and take care of yourself. Let us know how things go.
68 Posts
HerEyes73, extreme anxiety, as I'm sure you know is just the beginning....things don't seem like they will get any better on this unit..don't others see that she is .. to qoute you "a screw up", maybe a few loose screws too
go on, fellow nurse, to new pastures and keep feeling "beyond fine" as you are now
as Kenny Rogers gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run
glad you are feeling better :)
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Get the heck outta Dodge!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone...went back today and it wasn't so bad. Probably because I've been off for 6 days!! I am going to really try and not let things bother me until I make a final decision. Hopefully things will work themselves out. Thanks again, it really helps to get things out!