Arrested while Occupying Wall Street - Will I Be Hireable?

Nurses Criminal


I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on what the potential problems would be with getting hired, or even doing student clinicals in a hospital, if you've been arrested during a non-violent protest. I am considering joining in the attempt to shut down the NY Stock Exchange on Thursday, to honor the 2-month anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and it is at least somewhat likely that many people will be arrested during this action.

Likely charges for this kind of arrest would be something like "disorderly conduct" (impeding of traffic, failure to disperse after being given an order to do so, creating annoyance or alarm in public, loitering, etc). I don't think most people arrested during an Occupy protest have spent even one night in jail, but charges are being pressed so people are ending up with criminal records on misdemeanor charges.

I'm not even a nursing student yet - I'm hoping to enter an accelerated BSN/MSN program in the spring. But I am wondering if anyone knows what kind of issues there might be for me as a student and as a future nurse if I'm arrested during a protest, just so I go into this with my eyes open.

Anyone have any experience with this?

Just stay away !

Specializes in Cardiology and ER Nursing.

I'm starting the Occupy movement.

Specializes in LTC.
No I wouldn't hire you. I wouldn't hire you even if you DIDNT get arrested. I wouldnt hire you for being part of that filthy "protest".....JMO

Well tell us how you really feel... XD

I don't see it really as a filthy protest, although I get the feeling that some of the protesters don't really know why they are there, and just want to protest something.

OP: I'm sure if you scatter when the police show up, and don't try and prove a point by wallering around in the street- that you won't be arrested.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

I'm wondering if any of the people who protested the Viet Nam War and got arrested for D&D ever got to be nurses later in life.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
No I wouldn't hire you. I wouldn't hire you even if you DIDNT get arrested. I wouldnt hire you for being part of that filthy "protest".....JMO

"Filthy?" Wow. Some jobs are better not to have, thanks just the same.

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.
wallering around in the street-.

haha. Are you southern? Reading that took me home to east Texas.

Specializes in ER, Tele, Infection control, Hospice, AL.
"Filthy?" Wow. Some jobs are better not to have, thanks just the same.

I suppose that was a harsh word....but Im thinking of the rapes, TB outbreaks, Squallor, defecation on streets, urine and vomit reported on the doors of area small businesses.....then there is the stabbing of a few police officers today....a handful of drug overdose/homocide.....

And still, Im not sure what their message is...........................:rolleyes:

So, I believe the poster resides in China....that is what his/her profile states, so Im wondering if she/he is commuting daily?

And since he/she hasn't yet ENROLLED in nursing school it would seem to be an entirely theoretical question....



Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

I haven't even read any of the other replies... WHY on earth would you do this knowing that you could get arrested, and possibly ruin a future in nursing?

I have absolutely zero understanding of the whole "Occupy Wall Street" deal, and what the heck it means, so....

what do I know? I just don't get the point, at all.

The bankers are only half the mess we are in. There should however, be more ire directed at the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The Occupy movement has the right intentions, but they're still misdirected in their anger.

Specializes in LTC, Med-Surg, IMCU/Tele, HH/CM.

I was once arrested for "obstruction of justice". It was some a bs charge to get me into protective custody and away from an abusive boyfriend, whom they couldn't have arrested instead of me for some reason.

Anyway it hasn't prevented me from getting hired or progressing my education. I am questioned about it every time I have a background check because it says I spent 30 days in jail, which was stayed and should have fallen of my record. Usually when I explain the situation, people are quite understanding.

There are a bunch of people in town here who are "occupying" tha capitol's lawn. Its all been quite interesting.

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