Are people less likely to congratulate older or younger students for getting into RN?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm 26 now and have decided to go back to school. Years ago I went to college to purse nursing. I was one class away from applying to nursing school. I took micro and had to drop out. Looking back I wasn't ready then I've spent years in retail management only to decide to finish what I started many years ago. I'm thankful that my husband is supportive of my decision and our families are excited for me.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I would think that it doesn't matter so much the age of someone who gets accepted to a nursing program because I would personally congratulate anyone who got accepted. I would get so much praise from people when I told them that I was studying to become a nurse and once I finally got accepted to a program, all of my family, friends and co-workers were very supportive and proud of me.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

what do you think?

I don't really think age has to do with much, unless you're an extreme. A 17 year old or a 60 year old is bound to get a big reaction!

24 is not old in nursing school years. It's actually considered relatively young in most programs where the average tends to run in the 30's.

I relieved a lot of support from my friends, but nothing all that exciting from my family. I was extremely nervous and paranoid that I wouldn't get in, but apparently everyone else just assumed I was being typical me and would get in easily, so when I did, no one was surprised. Add on to that that my family is primarily made up successful people, and my acceptance was pretty small potatoes. Oh well. I'm excited! :-D

I am still working on my prerequisites but I will be 32 (hopefully) when I start nursing school. My husband, in-laws and dad are incredibly supportive. My mom, not so much. I don't know what it is. She dropped out of school in the 7th grade, maybe that has something to do with it.

So, as others have said, it's not your age but the people around you.

I don't really think age has to do with much, unless you're an extreme.

You're quite right. I got accepted a few months after I turned 19, and I start nursing school in 9 days. :) When I stepped into the lecture hall for orientation, I saw men and women of all ages...however I do feel like the kid of the group. :rolleyes:

Age doesn't have as much of a factor as the attitude/personality of your friends/family. My dad was always one to push me towards excelling in everything I do. So when I got accepted, he just gave me a smile and, as always, continues to look forward (supportive, but hard to tell). Now my mom is absolutely supportive and rather excited for me. She has been a nurse for 15 years, so I think she has a special place in her heart for nursing. :) She tells everyone she meets that her son is in nursing school, and that "we're going to work together", etc etc. It all boils down to who they are when you consider how they accept/reject your triumph.

Age really is just a number. :) No matter what age, I look at fellow nursing students as equals. Sure their life experiences and reasons for wanting to be a nurse are different, but all have what it takes to achieve their goals in life and to give our caring love to those who need it most. :)

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

Congratulations are nice, old or young. My family didn't give a fig one way or the other!

I think no matter how old you are, in today's competitive's a HUGE deal! I am 40, and if...IF...I get accepted this time around, I will be 42 when I start my BSN program. My family and friends are AMAZED at my accomplishments! I have three school aged children who are ALL in sports, I work FT, I volunteer at the hospital, and have been in school for 3 years now pursuing this. For the past 3 semesters I have maintained straight A's! I am not saying it's easy, or that I am the only person to do it, but I truly think it's more difficult when you are older due to the changes that go with becoming a mother/father, or even just a spouse to someone.

To every single one of you who are doing this, CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve a huge pat on the back!

24 is definitely not old to be starting and I think everyone deserves congratulations regardless of age.

I'm staring nursing school this fall at age 53! Why not? I've always wanted to be a nurse, have been a CMA for years, and know what I'm getting myself in for. With the way things are going with the economy with non existent pension plans, questionable future of Social Security, etc., I will have to continue working for the next 15-20 years. I might as well spend it doing something I have always wanted to do: Nursing.

(P.S. Lest anyone think I'd be too "old" to work 15-20 years in nursing, the RN at the office I was working at just celebrated her 70th birthday and is still going strong! She's got more pep and energy than anyone in the entire office, and boy, does she know her stuff!)

Average age for my program is 30. I certainly wasn't ready to deal with people like nurses need to (i.e. clearly, powerfully, without being overly concerned about appearing nice) until my late twenties.

That said, though I got congrats they were tinged with people telling me I should go to med school instead. no. no. no.

So. congrats to you, and good luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele.
My parents are not that supportive. I'm 24 and they think that I'm too old to just start the RN program. They say I'll be almost 30 by the time I get a job as an RN. They feel like I should have accomplished this by the time I was 21/22.

And when I tell people I got into a program they never congratulate me. I think its because I don't look fresh and young like i just got out of high school

Tell your parents that you are not too old. Personally, I am 35 and by the time I graduate I will be 37.

I hope the "people" that did not congratulate you were not people you considered to be friends??? Family and friends should be happy that you are having success in following your dreams. Your age should not matter. All of my friends and family congratulated me when I was accepted.

SO..... Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

That said, though I got congrats they were tinged with people telling me I should go to med school instead. no. no. no.

Amen! When I tell people that I am majoring in nursing, I either get "good for you!" or "why don't you just become a doctor?" That questions irritates me so much! Like people who assume nursing is for people who can't become doctors. No, its a whole different ball game. Its definitely one of my pet peeves. I have no desire to become a doctor, but I love nursing!

My parents are not that supportive. I'm 24 and they think that I'm too old to just start the RN program. They say I'll be almost 30 by the time I get a job as an RN. They feel like I should have accomplished this by the time I was 21/22.

And when I tell people I got into a program they never congratulate me. I think its because I don't look fresh and young like i just got out of high school

This just shows you how different people have different perceptions about things. 24 too old? Wow. That's like an actress in her 20s getting a face lift. 24 is an excellent age to begin nursing school. I am sorry your parents are not that supportive!

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