Published Oct 11, 2005
47 Posts
I'm taking my pre-reqs in order to apply to the ADN program July 06. I'm in Beginning Algebra along with 5 other pre-nursing majors (class of 17) and I feel like I'm the only one really serious about becoming a nurse. I chit-chat before class with the lady in front of me and she is totally CLUELESS! The spring schedules are out and I asked her today if she was going to take Anderson for Chemistry. She had no idea she even needed Chemistry. Another lady is tickled pink if she gets at least a 75% on any of our tests and another lady doesn't bother with daily homework assignments because they're "only worth 3 pts". HELLO! It adds up!
It would be nice to have a study partner with someone going down the same route as myself, but these people would bring me down! On the other hand, it'd be nice if I happened test against them
Am I just in a class of slackers or do you guys experience this as well?
1,531 Posts
I'm taking my pre-reqs in order to apply to the ADN program July 06. I'm in Beginning Algebra along with 5 other pre-nursing majors (class of 17) and I feel like I'm the only one really serious about becoming a nurse. I chit-chat before class with the lady in front of me and she is totally CLUELESS! The spring schedules are out and I asked her today if she was going to take Anderson for Chemistry. She had no idea she even needed Chemistry. Another lady is tickled pink if she gets at least a 75% on any of our tests and another lady doesn't bother with daily homework assignments because they're "only worth 3 pts". HELLO! It adds up!It would be nice to have a study partner with someone going down the same route as myself, but these people would bring me down! On the other hand, it'd be nice if I happened test against them :chuckle Am I just in a class of slackers or do you guys experience this as well?
It would be nice to have a study partner with someone going down the same route as myself, but these people would bring me down! On the other hand, it'd be nice if I happened test against them :chuckle
Look at the bright side, when you apply to the program, you will not have much competition if everyone's attitude is like this. :rotfl: :rotfl:
11 Posts
Yes, I have the same problems. Ok- maybe I'm exaggerating... I am in a LPN program with a class of 20 - out of 20 about 1/2 maybe a few more are trully serious. There are 2 people in the class that are constantly making jokes and comments- and the one that is really irritating - asking STUPID questions:angryfire . Makes me wonder how they were accepted into the program in the first place.
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
I think that there are a lot of pre-req students early on in the pre-req program that have NO CLUE what they are getting themselves into.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
The ones that didn't seem serious in my class wound up dropping out at the beginning of the second year.
369 Posts
There's always a good number of students that are not serious about their studies. However, there's that core group that is so serious they get mad when they get anything less than an A. Those are the folks I like to hang around with! Also, there are students that are absolutely clueless about how the system works, what pre-req's you need, how to apply to school, etc. I just want to bonk them over the head. These are the same people who ask the dumb questions in class that they'd know the answer if they'd do the required reading.... I just hope I never have them as my nurse one day.
Also, there are students that are absolutely clueless about how the system works, what pre-req's you need, how to apply to school, etc.
!) Everyone has to learn somewhere.
2) I was always told there wasn't such thing as a dumb question.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Most of the people you are taking pre-reqs with now won't be marching down the aisle with you when you graduate.
Personally, unlike the person above, those hard core students got on my nerves more than the one's who were perceived as as not being serious. I'm a laid back student, serioius, studious, usually make A's, but not the hard core that breaks out in tears over the failure of a grade like an 88.
Careful not to judge someone's insides by their outsides though.
Good luck!
20 Posts
I know exactly what you guys mean, but I have a feeling what I'm seeing is just kids basically not sure what they want to do with life. They may drift off for awhile then come back and be more serious, in some cases. Otoh, a gal I talk to (that's sweet as pie, love her to death, she wants to be an RN) in my religion (humanities elective) course told me she failed the first Intro to Psychology test completely. She asked how I did and I just said I passed, didn't wanna tell her I didn't get any questions wrong, but heck, you know, I really studied for it! Eep, so far as pre-nursing courses go, and I may be wrong, but Intro to Psych seems pretty easy on the scale. Her heart is gold but I don't think she'll do well through all the sciences and etc. needed and may just need to look into something else. Most all the folks in my courses are polite and attentive, OR they don't show up. I like when the ones that aren't serious just drop out, kinda sad, only about 1/2 the amount of people left in all my courses that originally started.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I'm taking my pre-reqs in order to apply to the ADN program July 06. I'm in Beginning Algebra along with 5 other pre-nursing majors (class of 17) and I feel like I'm the only one really serious about becoming a nurse. I chit-chat before class with the lady in front of me and she is totally CLUELESS! The spring schedules are out and I asked her today if she was going to take Anderson for Chemistry. She had no idea she even needed Chemistry. Another lady is tickled pink if she gets at least a 75% on any of our tests and another lady doesn't bother with daily homework assignments because they're "only worth 3 pts". HELLO! It adds up!It would be nice to have a study partner with someone going down the same route as myself, but these people would bring me down! On the other hand, it'd be nice if I happened test against themAm I just in a class of slackers or do you guys experience this as well?
Funny you mention this because this was exactly how it was like for me earlier in my pre-reqs. But guess what? I am working on my last semester of them and have applied for the program and NONE of these people made it thus far. I must add that everyone in my current classes are beyond serious about becoming nurses. The competition is neck to neck and yet I have found a supportive group this semester and we all have wishes each other nothing but the best as we await the acceptance/rejection letters.
I have met so many people in my small private college and quickly they vanish into thin air. There are only 3 people left that I started off with.
I think it is a common thing throughout schools too.
Keep up the hard work and good luck to you.
76 Posts
Most of the people you are taking pre-reqs with now won't be marching down the aisle with you when you graduate.Personally, unlike the person above, those hard core students got on my nerves more than the one's who were perceived as as not being serious. I'm a laid back student, serioius, studious, usually make A's, but not the hard core that breaks out in tears over the failure of a grade like an 88.Careful not to judge someone's insides by their outsides though. Good luck!
I agree with you and Marie. The fact that these people are attending classes is a good thing. Some people don't even make it that far. School is not a priority to everyone. At least they are attempting to get an education. I go to school with a lot of young people. Our chemistry teacher said there is not a dumb question, and everyone in the class is not an idiot, for not getting things on the first try. I like his attitude. Especially in a class that is so hard anyhow. I personally only concentrate on my studies and my grades. I am the one who has to get through all of the requirements with decent grades and I am the one who is footing the bill for my education. No one else is doing either of those things for me. I try to help someone when I can, and if they ask me. Sometimes judging others is not a very positive thing, and in nursing your going to run across a vast array of different folks. Being judgemental and superior are not good traits to carry. Those A students that brag all the time are also a prime example of that. They are annoying at times. There is usually is not many of them, but there is one in every class. Some tend to stick out more than others. Oh well. Good luck on your studies, and hope we all do well in school.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
Just some advice from an old lady. . .if you can make the seat change now, start sitting right up front and center. That way you'll hear the instructor and you won't have to be distracted by the high school airheads. Most of the serious students and "A" students sit up front. Be friendly with other students, but don't let their indecision and ignorance about the nursing program drag you down. If they're too stupid to figure out what they need to do to get into the nursing program, the better for you. Less competition for you when you make your formal application to the program. One of the things college students are supposed to learn is how to find answers to their questions. Sounds like you're already there. Not everyone is cut out to get into nursing programs. Students who are not assertive and cannot find their way through the system without someone taking them by the hand and showing them are not going to be picked for nursing school. Nurses have to be creative problem solvers who are able to seek answers to their questions rather than have it provided for them. I know it would be nice for you to have someone to go through all your pre-req classes with you, but the reality is that it may not happen. The last thing you need is to be saddled down with a fellow student who is tagging along with you and sucking up all your hard work to get them through a class. As you get into Anatomy and your chemistry classes you will meet more serious minded nursing students.
By the way, make sure you pay attention to the sections on finding "x" the unknown variable, working with the metric system, and on ratios in your pre-Algebra because they will come in handy when you have to do chemistry and drug calculations for nursing. I re-took all that stuff for review before taking Calculus recently and was surprised at how much I missed the first time around 30 years ago.