Anyone trying to get fit before NS?

Nursing Students General Students


I start in August... I'd really like to lose about 20 pounds this summer and get a bit more cardiovascular-ly fit before school starts! Anyone else in my boat and want an accountability partner? :)

Specializes in General Surgery.

Ladies, don't be afraid of weight lifting! You will not end up looking like a man or too bulky unless you start taking anabolic steroids :no: We just don't produce the amount of testosterone to build up muscles like men do. So put down those 3# dumbbells and lift a little more to get that hard body you've always wanted! Not only do I want my beach body for my beach wedding, I want to live a long, healthy and happy life. I see some of the patients I take care of and think to myself, I never want to end up like this.

Again, I've started Jamie Eason's LiveFit program and have already lost 2 lbs in the last 2 days and I can see how cut I am going to get! I am eating clean, logging my food and workouts, no carbs after 7pm, drinking LOTS of water and am attempting to go to bed earlier.

I've never really seriously dieted until now but I don't really see it as dieting, more as a change for the better. No more junk food - just eating clean every meal, no exceptions. I was good yesterday and tonight when they had candy and chocolate at the nurse's station, I actually resisted! Now, my idea of a dessert is fat free greek yogurt with a mango and a drizzle of honey AFTER I've worked out instead of a Blizzard at Dairy Queen. No more processed food or eating out and more home-cooked meals.

Ask yourself, is your health worth it? I'll leave you with a couple of my favorite "fitspo" quotes:

"Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness."

"Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America and exercise is the most potent yet underutilized anti-depressant."

I have a very high metabolism (genetic :sniff:) and eat about 2000 kal a day. I'm trying to gain muscle weight and it would be great if I could gain 10 more lbs. I'm a petite person, and I know nurses need to have good backs. I've been building my leg muscles by biking with my husband and I also exercise in front of the TV. Diet is important too! I've been "limiting" my sugar and eating more fruits and vegetables. Naked drinks taste good too!

Ladies, don't be afraid of weight lifting! You will not end up looking like a man or too bulky unless you start taking anabolic steroids :no: We just don't produce the amount of testosterone to build up muscles like men do. So put down those 3# dumbbells and lift a little more to get that hard body you've always wanted! Not only do I want my beach body for my beach wedding, I want to live a long, healthy and happy life.

"Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America and exercise is the most potent yet underutilized anti-depressant."

THIS!! THIS THIS THIS!!! I LOVE lifting, espcially OLYs, and it does NOT make you bulky, it makes you fit and strong and capable and sexy!! :yeah: If it means anything, I am a former ballerina and used to be terrified of the gym, now I love getting a solid workout in and knowing I am investing in my future health. Squats will give you the best... derriere... you've ever had!! Forget the hours on the treadmill, go lift heavy things with the supervision of someone who knows how to train you with good form and you will be stunned by the results!! Also, CrossFit rocks and is a great way to burn calories, get *truly* fit, and find a community of health-minded people.

Best of luck to everyone with their individual fitness/health goals!!

I start clinicals at the end of August, so I've decided to start working out and eating better. I started a couch to 5K program on Thursday. I've never been a runner, but doing what I have done already has made me feel a lot better. I hope I get addicted to running! That certainly would help with my stress.

Specializes in General Surgery.
THIS!! THIS THIS THIS!!! I LOVE lifting, espcially OLYs, and it does NOT make you bulky, it makes you fit and strong and capable and sexy!! :yeah: If it means anything, I am a former ballerina and used to be terrified of the gym, now I love getting a solid workout in and knowing I am investing in my future health. Squats will give you the best... derriere... you've ever had!! Forget the hours on the treadmill, go lift heavy things with the supervision of someone who knows how to train you with good form and you will be stunned by the results!! Also, CrossFit rocks and is a great way to burn calories, get *truly* fit, and find a community of health-minded people.

Best of luck to everyone with their individual fitness/health goals!!

Thank you, someone shares my sentiments! I wish more people could feel my enthusiasm for weight lifting! I used to hate going to the gym, thinking I needed to spend hours on boring cardio equipment to get the body I want. Now, I can't wait to get my butt back in there. Trying to rest on a rest day is like torture, I want to lift everything in the house lol

I wholeheartedly agree with you that squats will raise your tush like no other. There are so many squat challenge programs out there on the net, just google! Can't wait to try Crossfit. As a girl, my upperbody strength is horrible. I can barely hang onto a bar for longer than 30 seconds, let alone do a full pull up but I want to get to that goal!

Specializes in psych/dementia.

I'm aiming to get in the best shape of my life before nursing school. I take dance lessons at Aurthur Murray, compete in powerlifting, and have just gotten "into" running. I've always been active. Now it's just a matter of staying consistent while working night shift. Night shift has killed my consistency, and my fitness along with it. I'm cutting back on my hours though so it shouldn't be an issue much longer. Half marathon in October, powerlifting meet in August. Bring it!!

I'm not "great" ant any of the above, but am well above average. Powerlifting is BY FAR my favorite activity and I cannot wait to get my 225 lbs deadlift back.

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.

Great thread. I'm a year into my nursing program, but struggle with "staying in shape" because of school. I run marathons, do zumba class once or twice a week and lift 2-3 times a week. It's my happy place. It's my stress reliever, and I know I'll be able to do my future job. See, I'm 43 and in school. But, I used to be a personal trainer, and love being in shape. But that first year of school certainly tried to take away some of my "me" time.

To the person with Hashimoto's, I've been diagnosed for about 8-9 years. Once I got my levels normal, I have had no problem with my weight at all. But, it's a matter of staying on top of it. I got them checked every 3 months for the first few year, then every 6 months, and now, just once a year. I prefer Synthroid to the generic levothyroxine and my endocrinologist won't prescribe levothyroxine because he doesn't like it. But, you need to find what works for you.

Oh, and I have muscles and they look FABULOUS, not manly at all!

Yes! I am weak. :(

Over the past semester I started working on my diet, cutting out fast food and sodas mainly. Then I realized I was snacking all the time for no reason except that I like eating. :rolleyes: I started replacing snacks with water and that has helped me feel a lot better. Also, adding lots of fruits and veggies; best part of spring and summer to me!

Wow that is a very good idea!!!! I never thought of replacing any bad foods with water, fruits, and veggies lol!!!!! Will do.... thanxxx

I would like to loose 35 pounds before nursing school!!!! I start next year in the fall..... Good Luck with loosing weight everybody!!!!

I don't need to lose any weight, but I am trying to get in better over-all shape and to get stronger. I have an old dance injury that prevents any high impact exercise, like running or jumping, so I have been alternating the eliptical and swimming. I have also started doing TRX strength training, which is still totally kicking my butt at the moment, but it is making me stronger every week. I have two more months until classes start and I am determined to be as healthy as I can be by then. Good luck to all of us!!!

Specializes in CVICU.

Disclaimer: I'm a guy.

I lift weights 6 days a week and hardly do any cardio. I realize it is good for your heart, but I am mainly trying to bulk up right now. I am not underweight at 150lbs/5'10ish, but I want to be bigger. I take protein supplements combined with this routine:

Monday - Triceps/abs

Tuesday - Back

Wednesday - Shoulders/abs

Thursday - Biceps

Friday - Chest

Saturday - Legs

Yes, a guy who trains his legs! Squats and lunges are the best and most painful leg exercises, imo. But after a few weeks of doing them regularly, your butt and thighs will start looking awesome!

For cardio, I used to run a mile. Nothing wild, but like I said, I wasn't trying to lose weight. Mainly just working my heart some and getting warmed up for my workout. I was doing Zumba for like a month with a female friend, but we stopped going. She didn't feel like it was intense enough, so she started a cycling class and I opted not to join.

At the end of each workout, I "burn out", which is where you do a certain exercise until you can't do any more. It's a great way to finish your workout so you can make sure you are pushing your muscles to the limit. It isn't dangerous, either, despite how it might sound.

Mondays - My burnout is done with 'dips', which is where you hold onto two handles and suspend yourself in the air. You cross your legs behind you, and lower then lift up your body weight. It hurts.

Tuesdays - My burnout is done with pullups. Self-explanatory.

Wednesdays - My burnout is done with a machine that mimics the shoulder press. I use the machine because I like to start at my usual weight, then once I can't do any more at that weight, I decrease the weight and so on until I'm barely doing 20lbs. It is so funny if someone walks in the gym while you're finishing and they see you struggling with hardly any weight.

Thursdays - My burnout is done with the preacher curl, which is where you are sitting with a pad in front of you where you place your elbows, and you lift a small barbell to your chin, then back down into resting position. On this exercise too, I start with my usual weight and gradually decrease until I am only doing the bar.

Fridays - My burnout is done with pushups. Self-explanatory.

Saturdays - My burnout is done with leg extensions, which is a machine most gyms have. You put your feet under a pad, set your weight, and then extend your legs until they are straight in front of you. It uses your thigh muscles.

Wow, this turned into a long post. Sorry y'all, besides foreign language and nursing, I have a passion for fitness also!

^ sounds like you'd be a good workout partner. Keep up the good work !

I'm also a fitness junkie..addicted to the gym.

I'm 6'1 205 lbs and I don't plan on falling off so I will find time during nursing school to get my workouts in...gym and music helps to keep me sane

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