Published Feb 19, 2010
RunnerNurse09, BSN, RN
185 Posts
Is it legit? Mine expires at the end of March.
309 Posts
i did renew online, it is legit, however most places want it from redcross, etc. check to see . i did the whole thing, child, adult, aed, etc. 20.00. very easy.
DesertwindRN, ADN, RN
53 Posts
Many companies will not accept cert done online. You need to check with your employer.
1,350 Posts
Mine accepted it, but I know if you're in a hospital, etc, they probably wouldn't accept it.
830 Posts
In a hospital, at least mine, it must be Red Cross training and done in person. Nothing else is accepted.
28 Posts
hi, it is legit but only for the employer who wants to take it...they mostly refuse if it is not red cross or ama....i just did this and wasted $14.99. i thought i was so cool and then my employer way hose. i was so mad. i can not get my money back either.
i would not do this. you are just going to have to pay more money in the long run...sometimes...employers will take it real quick make a copy and not notice but you know murphey's law...just when you try this..they check.
6 Posts
some employers will accept online CPR cert. i know the hosp i work at will accept it as long as its AHA accredited
4,322 Posts
bls certification - nursing for nurses
i hope this information was helpful.
bls certification - nursing for nursesi hope this information was helpful.
hi i am confused....why will i not get notified
Thanks everyone....I guess I will have to look elsewhere!:)
vampiregirl, BSN, RN
823 Posts
Some Red Cross chapters are offerring a new option, called blended learning that you may want to look into. This program has a web based component which you do at home when it's convenient for you, and a skills portion that they schedule either at the chapter or another designated location.
I haven't participated in one of these courses, but looking over the instructor's materials I think this would make a great option especially for people in the medical field who are familiar with cardiac arrests. Just make sure that you sign up for the course that meets the requirements for your employer. I'd guess that most would require the CPR:PR/AED course.
221 Posts
If you're really pressed for time call your local Fire Department and ask who does the EMT re certification for them. CPR recert through the right instructor takes about 3 or 4 hours of your day.
However, through some guys that deal strictly with Fire Dept. and first responders, it can take as little as 30 minutes.
I got my EMT-B and CPR recert done through a Captain in the Fire Dept. with only skills assessment. It was at the beach, and took about 3 hours.