Published Oct 29, 2005
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
I worked 3-11 PM last night. I didn't fall asleep until 3 AM cuz I was studying for the GRE test I'll take next month. Anyhow, I woke up at 6:30 AM cuz I realized I forgot to tell the 11-7 nurse I signed off to about one of my patient's-I forgot to tell her that this patient was going to the cardiac cath lab on Monday at 6:15 AM (& that she's supposed to be NPO after midnight on Sun)-& I'm not going back to work until Mon afternoon, so I'm glad I called-otherwise, she'd miss her test. Anyhow, the nurse I signed off to started laughing when I said who I was on the phone & said "Oh you poor thing, calling me at this hour! Why aren't you sleeping?" :) I'm glad I called (& now I can relax about it!). How many other new grads have called after your shift to tell the ongoing nurse one more thing? :) There was so much going on during my shift, no wonder I forgot to tell her this!
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
Nope, but I know some people do.
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
I did the first year. Then I realized nursing is a 24/7 job and when I am not there it just goes on. Also, I learned to make better notes as I worked so I would not have people calling ME.
115 Posts
I've done it a couple of times. Just lying in bed and then something hits you. I think it's normal.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,692 Posts
I've called on the way home a few times. Once in the middle of the deep sleep, I had one of those OMG moments and called the floor "I forgot to order such and such for the patient".
11 Posts
oh honey its not just new grads that do that sort of thing. more experienced nurses have been known to do it too.
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
Yep, me too. :imbar
I called from home just last night. "You know that half-eaten lunch in the breakroom? It's mine, please throw it away." LOL
3,037 Posts
Like jezabel said, it's not just grads that do it! I more often ring to check up on something ("Did Mr X end up goign to theatre?"), but I also do "I forgot to tell you..." too.
260 Posts
I work 11-7 and the other night one of the experienced day nurses, the one who thinks she "knows it all" and is always questioning everyone else, calls at 0330 to say she forgot to chart something on one of her pts. We all enjoyed that, saying, hey she forgets things as well. :chuckle
perfectbluebuildings, BSN, RN
1,016 Posts
Oh yeah... I do it... and I am sure will do it many more times. no matter HOW organized I get I will still manage to forget something! :) That is just the way I am about everything though.
185 Posts
Whew, I'm having such a "so-its-not-just-me" moment.
I forgot to chart my pt's enteral intake for the whole shift, and called at 3:30 to tell the day nurse--he laughed and said, You're losing sleep for THAT? Well, yeah...:uhoh21: