Anyone out there attend a RN to BSN program?

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When obtaining my RN degree I decided to go to an ADN-RN program instead of a BSN program. Obviously, as most of all of us have heard, a lot of states are transferring over to a predominately BSN nurse population and I'd like to keep up with those competitive standards.

With that being said, is there anyone on here who has attended Nevada State College in Las Vegas to obtain their RN-BSN. I really want to use this school because classes are 8 weeks and it is all online. Not to mention, it is also local so I can actually be present at the graduation.

For anyone who has done their RN to BSN, was it difficult? I hear its A LOT of writing and gosh I am so over writing care plans and other papers.

I am giving myself only until the end of Summer and then I'm jumping right back into school.

Also, if you have done the RN to BSN program online was it doable to do full time if you're a full time nurse or should I start part time??'

Opinions needed, thanks a bunch!!

I am also starting end of summer and I'm wondering the same thing, heard it's endless writing

Specializes in ICU.

I did a RN-BSN program, and its ALL writing. maybe a few class presentations, but clinicals are long over. You will have to fulfill general Ed requirements too, so English, College Algebra, and a year of foreign language are probably in you future, ask the school. For all online, you have to be self-disciplined, and you have to read between the lines of what is wanted; sending an e-mail question to the instructor, and waiting for a reply is 1-2 days off the time you have to do the assignment, and you can't spare that much. Look into the requirements, and get your whole life ready, just like RN school.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

Mr. Ruby Jane did Grand Canyon's RN to BSN (based in AZ and military-friendly) and worked full-time. I did a butt-in-seat program that turned my BS into a BSN in 18 short months (which was ridiculous). So I already did not think much of the "differences" between ADNs and BSNs (and that has a lot to do with Mr. Ruby Jane's competence as an ADN nurse).

Having watched the "process" - it's RIDUCULOUS. On-line coursework is a lot of group projects. You'll do fine because you seem like a take-charge gal; be careful you don't do all the work. It's a lot of writing, with very little point to it. As previously mentioned, it's a lot of waiting for the invisible professor to get back to you.

Take advantage of Rate My Professor or other similar entities that will allow you to see the (mostly negative) reviews.

I would also say you need to pace yourself. Get comfortable in your nursing care before you attempt this. Most nurses are comfortable at a year, competent by two years. Also realize that the push to BSN is cyclical...and may not be a thing in five years. Or in five years maybe we'll all have to have our Masters' degrees. I don't know. Just work at being the best nurse you can be and find someplace that will pay for the shenanigans when you go back to school.

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..

Will be graduating from an accelerated RN-BSN program in 3 weeks. It is a lot of writing- fortunately I love writing. No care plans or anything like that. I did have a semester of clinical because my program confers a PHN as well, and it was a great experience- nothing like in nursing school. The focus of BSN programs is on getting you really good at reading and tearing apart research, and developing leadership skills. It is not about patient care, except in the sense that everything we do is, in the end about our patients.

I have read many negative things about BSNs on this board, how they are just fluff, don't really teach your anything worthwhile, etc. I'm sure there are good and bad programs out there, and I do believe I am a better nurse after my BSN, than before it. The PHN aspect was important to me, but very few schools offer that.

My program is primarily online, fortunately I live a couple of miles from campuses so can utilize the university attributes as well. It is technology heavy, many video uploads, video conferences etc. BSN programs are ALL group work, which EVERYONE hates, but you learn to deal with slackers, control freaks, etc. I work full-time time, have a family, etc. It's manageable 85% of the time, but much easier than nursing school!

I do think a BSN is more marketable, at least in many markets, than an RN. Even more so for new grads. I'm in California, where there job market is very competitive. Hope this helps.

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.

I did my RN-BSN mostly online. The only class we didn't do online was statistics because that class was a bear. Ugh...still have PTSD from that one. It was completely doable otherwise and I worked full time throughout the whole process. Yes, there was a lot of paper writing but I quite enjoy writing papers so to me it wasn't a big issue. I would recommend that you pay for PERRLA which is a fantastic download that assists you with APA format. It was the absolute best money I ever spent. It's an add-on to Word and it does all your formatting for you and saves all your references. It was invaluable for any papers in APA format.

APA and MLA Format and Style Software by PERRLA, LLC -

I also recommend Laerd Statistics for your statistics class. I couldn't have done it without it. Worth the measly $7 or whatever it was that I paid for it:

SPSS Statistics Tutorials and Statistical Guides | Laerd Statistics


I completed my RN-BSN program in 2015. I started at WGU 20 years after I obtained my Associate Degree. It took me 18 months, however, I could have finished a lot sooner. We moved from Indiana to Florida while I was in school, that slowed me down a bit!

What sold me on WGU was 1. WGU is affordable 2. It was a competency-based program and 3. The ability to complete the program on your own timeframe.

WGU's terms are in six-month increments and run ~3,000 per term, and there are no books to buy! They are all electronically accessed and are included in your tuition.

The Competency-based paradigm allows you to accelerate in subjects that you are already proficient in. This means that you can complete as many courses that you want in that timeframe.

Two years after I completed my BSN, I went back to WGU for my Masters. I completed the program in 12 months.

If you have any questions about WGU, feel free to contact me.

Best of luck to you as you begin this new phase on your nursing journey! ~Lisa

Specializes in Vascular Access.

I completed an online RN-BSN program a couple of years ago. Each course required a major paper, weekly discussion posts, and assigned readings. I had one group project (not a fan) that involved creating a powerpoint presentation. I found that I was most engaged with my papers when I picked a topic in which I was completely (or mostly completely) unfamiliar with.

As far as working, I had a full time and two PRN's at the time. It was very do-able. I always read the weekly assignment as soon as it was available then spent the day thinking over my responses. By the time I sat down to complete the assignment I generally knew what I was going to say.

My college offers an online library for research. I usually had no problem finding peer reviewed articles for my research papers. I also highly recommend PERRLA. I purchased a lifetime subscription when I started. I knew I'd be using it for years. The software has saved me countless hours just in formatting references.

Specializes in 25 years NICU 5 years Telephone Triage.

I wish you luck in whatever you decide! Keep us posted!

I start in July at my local state University!! Hoping to keep my momentum going. Graduting ADN, RN in 2 weeks. ❤️🎓 I would love to hear about your experience when you start!

Following. I have a BA and will graduate with my ADN in December. I don't plan on starting my BSN for at least a year but "the more you know" and all

Specializes in L&D, OBED, NICU, Lactation.

I felt like my RN to BSN was a joke. There were lots of papers and the occasional project. It was completely online and I did it in 15 months. Can't say I actually wrote a care plan during the program though, it was a lot more theory and perspective along with the community clinical focus.

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