Published Apr 22, 2008
1 Post
:cry:PLease Help! I would like to hear any suggestions on what helped you pass your NCLEX. I just took the exam for the 2nd time last week... and I failed for the 2nd time:( I have always been a good student and this really makes me feel like a failure! I read Saunders from cover to cover and did Kaplan for 1 week before the exam...If anyone has any other plans or suggestions please let me know. I do have test anxiety, and do not know if this plays a role in why I failed. ANY suggestions or words of encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Suzanne's plan is good and free. Other option is just practice as many questions as you can and make sure you understand the rationale to them especially the ones you get wrong
Good luck
96 Posts
your not the only one. im taking my nclex for the 3rd time on may 7 and hopefully its the last. i am answering more practice q's. i think i failed the nclex previously because i didnt practice that much on answering so thats what im doing right now.
2 Posts
I had bee n reading a lot of post in this forum, and yes I can see that Suzannes tip is really a good help...I am done with the first tip and I am waiting for her is my second time to take it....
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I am no expert by any means, I am wife and mother of many busy kids who was able to pass boards on 1st attempt with 75 questions.
About 3.5 weeks before boards I took all of the ATI assessments( my school purchased these for us) It showed me the content areas I was weak in, I then began using my Saunders disk in those areas ex; neuro. In between using Saunders I used my Davis disk and some of Mosbys. Then after I had taken the Saunders content test on Nuero I would take ATI again and see if my score improved.
In the course of 3 weeks I probably did over 3000+ questions. I took a box of Nclex notecards with me where ever I went. I always kept a Mosby/Saunder/Davis text book in my car at all times. If I was at a kids dentist appointment I was sitting in the lobby reading questions.
When I was at home on the computer I would do 20 question test. I would read all 4 of the rationals, not just the one I chose. I would do 20 question test over and over and over. Once a day I would try and sit still to do a 265 question test. I was not always able to accomplish this, but I tried.
The last week when I felt as if my brain was going to implode on itself I would start my day with a 20 question test, if I scored 80 or above I would take a break that day. If I scored less than 80 I would take another till I got at least 80%
A few days before my big test, I relaxed. I rented mindless chick flicks, I prepared good meals for my family. I cleaned a few closets. I took the dog on long walks.
I knew driving up to take boards that I had done all I possibly could do to prepare and I was still a bit nervous. I remembered what my mental health teacher taught us that we work best in a state of mild anxiety, So I let that feeling work for me not against me.
I also did alot of visualizing before my exam, I almost would chant the #75. I would try and envision a black horizontal line with a red line sloping above it (this being my level of difficulty in the questions I was answering). During the test I took a few mini mental breaks. I would close my eyes and say a quick prayer. If I came across a question I simply had no idea on, I tried to narrow it down to 2 and then just guessed. I tried to logic with myself, if I dont know this question, it must be a hard one, if it is a hard one, it means I am doing well.
I chose not to second guess my self. I went with my 1st gut instinct. I picked an answer and popped it into the question just to make sure it made sense.
I believe the anxiety of Nclex is more challenging than the test itself. You have to believe that you know enough to pass. You made it through nursing school and graduated which in itself is something to be very proud of. The information is there in your head, you just have to relax enough to tap into it.
I truly wish you and everyone else in your shoes the best. Dont let one test stop you on what you want to be. Prepare for Nclex as if it is your full time job. Schedule your day around studying for Nclex.
28 Posts
study hard. If you have time, reward yourself with a break and do something you enjoy, icecream, shopping, movie to keep you motivated. Do questions and flashcards, keep a notebook of answers/info that you have a hard time on. Please review pharm
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
Make sure you put your patient care hat on while taking the test. I followed suzanne's plan and passed with 75 questions first time.
What I also found helpful was to take the practice questions that I missed and I wrote down the rationale's for the correct answer.
209 Posts
Suzanne's Plan worked for me and also read the Kaplan Strategy Book as well as the Mosby's Prioritization, Delegation and Assignment book...Questions, questions questions....Make sure that you understand the rationale. Good luck:) It was also my 2nd time to take the test. Never give up:)
21 Posts
i didnt take NCLEX yet but soon. Dont give up! It doesnt mean that you are not smart. Just mean that you dont know how to play peek a boo game with them.
I am studying now with Kaplan. I bought the newest edition about strategy. They are crazy it is expensive book 35 dol and not very thick but when I read their instructions that make sens! So try this one. I have any possible book-Saunders, Mosbys, Davis, Kaplan.You need the Kaplan strategy book.
good luck :uhoh21:
73 Posts
hello there dont let it get you down!!im taking my pn for the third time as well,im using saunders,i also used nscbn online for review,i think i had rushed through these passed times but im getting ready for it this time!!dont get down!!i also have the 2007-2008 kaplan stategies book its good too!!good luck!!
Barnes and Noble sells a NCLEX practice board game.
914 Posts
My suggestions:
1. Pray like you've never prayed before.
2. Study like you've never studied before.
3. Believe in yourself more than ever.
4. Use the books that you feel most comfortable with. For me, these were Kaplan and Saunders. I had a lot more others, but I didn't want to bog my mind with too much material and get confused.
5. Pray some more.
6. Think veeeeery slowly and clearly when taking the exam. Some of the questions on there are extremely vague and some are so obvious that you'll be doubting yourself whether to pick that obvious answer. (Trust me, I had a TON of these!)
7. Take the exam when you feel ready, not any later or earlier. You'll never feel 100% ready, but try not to reschedule a thousand times because your anxiety level will just go through the roof!
Good luck! :)