Published Oct 5, 2005
6 Posts
Are there any other second career students out there? Or older students? I am attending nursing school after an 18 year career in I/T Learning and Development and I'd like to hear about the experiences and challenges of others in the same situation. How about getting into a nursing program - wait lists and such for those of us with little time to waste and balancing finances and families?
13 Posts
I am 42 and am on a waitlist for a 5 semester ADN program. I finished my prereqs in May and I have been told there is a 3 semester waiting period. So.... I hope to start the Summer session next year. Anyway right now I am working and saving $.
I spent 16 years as a dietitian and although I am no longer practicing I think it will be helpful in my future career as a nurse. I really can't wait to get started.
24 Posts
I have another semester of science pre-reqs then I plan to apply to a nursing program. I've spent the last 20+ years in admin/HR. I got the idea to become a nurse while working in HR at a hospital. Another thing that cinched the deal is that one day I wandered into a happy hour after coming from yet another interview for a HR position and I met a nurse educator at a nearby table and told her of my plan. She was very encouraging and helpful.
I plan to apply to several schools in my area, but it that doesn't pan out then I'm prepared to move to another city and commute -- husband isn't too happy with the commute idea, but I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
876 Posts
I am 26 and have worked a variety of jobs, but my most recent is the past 2 years as an eligibility tech/case manager for Social Services. I too have one semester of pre-reqs to go before I can apply for the ADN degree. I can't wait!
369 Posts
I'm 42 and have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 13. Before that, I worked in secretarial type jobs as well as a medical assistant (wayyyyy back years ago right out of high school). I've always wanted to finish my nursing degree but with a husband that was in the USAF and moving every 2 years it was not possible. Now that he's retired and we're not moving anymore I have gone back.
I've finished 2+ years of pre-req's and am currently on the wait list at local community college. Hopefully, I'll get a seat in the January class. After that I'll go on and finish my BSN at the university.
I figure this is something I've always liked and wanted to finish. My husband is all for it. He figures he can quit his job and work in another field once I get a job. :yelclap:
2,327 Posts
:coollook:Hi, I am 45 and taking prereqs
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
I'm 48 and a freshman student in a diploma program in the northeast. My previous career was in Healthcare Management and Finance.
146 Posts
I am a 47 year-old student in my second semester of RN Nursing. My first career was as a Biomedical Technician in a hospital. Biomed Techs maintain and repair medical equipment. I joined management, climbed the ladder, and three years ago got told that they couldn't afford my salary any longer.
I immediately jumped back into school, took my pre-reqs, and was accepted as a Nursing student.
I watched nurses all those years and decided that if I ever had the chance to choose another career, Nursing would be it. So, here I am. Overall, I love it!
Mona Mona, BSN, RN
1 Article; 90 Posts
I'm 26, married, no kids. Mom went back to school for Occupational Therapy, and got her degree at 45. ALWAYS encouraged me to go into the medical field, and thought I was wasting my time at Secretarial/Accounting jobs. I hate it when moms are right! :rotfl:
I was half heartedly pursuing an Accounting Degree. I have been coming to hate sitting in a cube 8-5 all day every day more and more. DH and mom suggested I volunteer at a hospital to see if I could even stand the environment. I LOVED IT! I also realized that all those years of helping my mom with her school work and papers paid off. I had more medical knowledge than I thought I did. :)
Put myself on the waiting list for the local Community College's ADN program last fall, hope to get in Fall 06 or Winter 07. Currently taking my pre-requisite classes.
It's funny, because now my mom wants to get her ADN or BSN, and not go into Occupational Therapy. Go figure.
Anyway, DH and I are lucky to have bought our 1st house young, and sold it for a good profit, to buy our 2nd house. He makes good money, and so do I, even workin 20 hours a week. We are very frugal, and have no kids (yet...). The Community College is pretty cheap, and I am taking my time and spreading out the classes. We just try to be as cheap as we can, and realize that it's only for a few years, as I will be making good money in this area once I am an RN. :)
686 Posts
Howdee .. I am Karen, 42 .. and am starting into nursing after getting my B.Ed. right after high school (planned to go on to grad school to take Speech Pathology). I have worked as a church secretary part time, web design and camp director (and I guess I should say, most importantly, a mom).
I recently put the year-round aspect of the camp directing on hold and decided to go into nursing. My mom is also an OT and I think I always knew I should be in the medical field somewhere. I think nursing is a good fit for me but I still am not sure of where exactly my niche will be in the field. It is all very exciting, though, and I am enjoying school!!
I look forward to talking with you all more!!
Hey, oh_wow, my birthday is coming up too! We are almost bday buddies!
610 Posts
Yup, another career-switcher. I'm 27, have a BA in math, work in corporate finance for a mutual fund company. But always wanted to be in health care even as a kid. So am taking pre-reqs and applying to an accelerated 2nd degree BSN. Can't wait!
46 Posts
Yep, my circumstance is similar. I was in IT too. Several years ago, our division was disolved - overseas labor scooped up my job. My family and I were actually relieved. No more extensive travel. No more 70 hour work weeks. No longer shackled to a laptop and a phone line, I reprioritized my life. People first, machines last. Now, I'm working on my feet rather than sitting on my ass eyes glazed over forcing myself through another line of code, 'making a difference' in the lives of others who really seem to appreciate me. What an awesome priviledge I've found it to be. I only wish I could have found it sooner but, I know that because of my experiences I bring a wider perspective to my practice and hope my patients and coworkers benefit. I look forward to work and feel my contribution is indeed worthwhile. Instead of enriching the bottom line, I'm enriching the lives of my patients, family and self. Rock on! Career change is the bomb!