Any older people in pre-nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i'm new here and just found this site. i will be starting biology 110 in the fall. i already have a bs in education and will be going back to the community college i started at 25 years ago! this is something i should have done way back then, but , i was young and stupid and had no confidence in myself. but i'm doing it now! :yeah:

i'm so excited i have already gotten my biology book and started reading and taking notes. fortunately, my instructor has a website as well and i've been following along and getting a head start.

anyone feel like the oldest in class? i have this image of being stuck in a classroom with a bunch of 18 year i am taking night classes though so hopefull that means the average age goes up.

people keep telling me how old i'll be when i'm finally an rn, but heck, i'll be that old in a few years whether or not i'm a nurse, so i might as well go for it.

anyone else over 40 like me? :coollook:


I am brand new to this site. Your post was of particular interest to me. I am 54 and have just completed my pre-reqs for nursing. I am applying for various nursing schools over this summer. I go to school in the evenings and work full-time during the day. It took me 3 years to complete my pre-reqs, but I did it!

All the advice I have gotten was your never too old to become a nurse. We have a much longer working time frame now, so why not do what your heart desires.

Goodluck to you!


Hello Everyone, I thought I was the only older person trying to go back to school...:loveya: It nice to know im not new to this...


I am brand new to this site. Your post was of particular interest to me. I am 54 and have just completed my pre-reqs for nursing. I am applying for various nursing schools over this summer. I go to school in the evenings and work full-time during the day. It took me 3 years to complete my pre-reqs, but I did it!

All the advice I have gotten was your never too old to become a nurse. We have a much longer working time frame now, so why not do what your heart desires.

Goodluck to you!

I have wanted to do this for quite sometime and even though I was scared, I knew that if I was ever going to become a nurse that it was now or never. My daughter was the one who encouaged me and made me see that I could do it. If we want this bad enough, we can and will do it! We know where we've been and we know where we are headed! Best of luck to you!

I'm right there with you!

I'm 44 and will be starting NS in the fall. There's life in the 'ol geezer yet!

You will do great. :up:

Atomic Woman,

You just made my day with the comment on not needing fiction. That is great about the dollar bill. Also thanks for the tips on good old soap and plastic apron. I will get a plastic apron and wear it each lab, regardless if my prof or anyone else weawrs one. I don't mind looking like a dork with unsoiled clothes. This is my final science and final pre-nursing semester and looking forward new beginnings. Thanks ATomic Woman for bringing a smile to another. Have a great day.

Atomic Woman,

You just made my day with the comment on not needing fiction. That is great about the dollar bill. Also thanks for the tips on good old soap and plastic apron. I will get a plastic apron and wear it each lab, regardless if my prof or anyone else weawrs one. I don't mind looking like a dork with unsoiled clothes. This is my final science and final pre-nursing semester and looking forward new beginnings. Thanks ATomic Woman for bringing a smile to another. Have a great day.

You're welcome. :) My plastic apron got some stares the first day, but after that it was no big deal. Not that I gave a rat's backside what anybody thought of my plastic apron. At least *I* didn't have crystal violet-stained clothing! :chuckle

Speaking of not needing fiction -- wait until you read about and see electron microscope images of bacteriophages! They are the coolest, weirdest and scariest things, and definitely look like little space men. If I were to study microbiology at a deeper level, I would definitely study bacteriophages.

Best of luck in your micro class!

Hi All, I'm glad for this forum, I am 38 and was the "oldest" student in my Biology class. I will be 40 when I graduate from nursing. I'm glad to be in good company :cheers:

So happy to read your post! I am 46, my daughter is in her junior year of college, and I have left the field of education after 25 years! I am excited about this new adventure and so happy to hear that there are so many other students that are close to my age. I am grateful for a supportive husband and family too! Good luck with your studies!

Older students rock!!

ps...I am starting the pre-reqs to the pre-reqs this fall at Saddleback College in So. Cal.

Specializes in med/surg, pacu/sds.

Hey older age student,,Know how you feel..Went back to school after

my children were grown..have been a RN for 5+ years, turn 53 this Aug.

I enjoyed the younger students, they didn't treat me any different, had alot of support...GOOD LUCK and just remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel

:yeah: Wow, I just joined this site tonight and the first thing I looked up was to see if there were any forums on being an older college student. I'm 52 and was feeling a little intimidated about changing my career to nursing at my age, but after reading all these messages, I feel so much more confident. I'm doing my non-nurse classes this Summer and then in October will start my LPN nursing program. I do think there's a lot to be said about life experience and keeping your mind busy. I've always worked in the medical field, but as a secretary/receptionist and always wanted to be a nurse, but the time was just never right. Now, I've raised 3 great kids, who have their own careers and lives, 2 sweet grandsons and a very suppportive husband; and have decided it's time for me. So, kudos to everyone!:up:
Specializes in SNF/Acute.

Personally I don't believe older age should hinder you from your dreams of becoming a great nurse!

Although I am going to start my LVN 12 month program later this year, my younger sister just graduated from there. And one of the graduates from her class was an older woman in her early 60s! I thought was very inspirational and felt proud for her. The school itself includes a very rigorous program, but in the end their NCLEX pass rate has been 100% recently.

Never settle for less and always strive to be your very best :wink2:

Believe in yourself and know that you can make a difference!

:chuckle Just started my Psych 101 class on Monday. Yep, oldest one there. Is it just me or does 19 look a lot younger these days? Some of these kids look like they should still be in high school. Oh well, hopefully my science classes will have more of us "experienced" people in them. ;)

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