Any older people in pre-nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i'm new here and just found this site. i will be starting biology 110 in the fall. i already have a bs in education and will be going back to the community college i started at 25 years ago! this is something i should have done way back then, but , i was young and stupid and had no confidence in myself. but i'm doing it now! :yeah:

i'm so excited i have already gotten my biology book and started reading and taking notes. fortunately, my instructor has a website as well and i've been following along and getting a head start.

anyone feel like the oldest in class? i have this image of being stuck in a classroom with a bunch of 18 year i am taking night classes though so hopefull that means the average age goes up.

people keep telling me how old i'll be when i'm finally an rn, but heck, i'll be that old in a few years whether or not i'm a nurse, so i might as well go for it.

anyone else over 40 like me? :coollook:

So glad to see this thread surface again, and just when I need some encouragement! It's so good to know that there are many of us 'starting over' and chasing our dreams. The road has been long, two years of prerequisites... But I'm taking my last prerequisite right now (Physiology w/Lab) and I get to apply to the nursing programs this spring '10!! A lifelong dream finally coming true :nurse: Thanks again for reminding me that it's never too late! Best wishes to all of you!! :)

Hello everyone

I am starting my pre-reqs in May 2010. I have never attended college, I have 2 daughters (22 & 12) and I will be 42 in June (ugh)!! I admit, I was feeling a bit discouraged due to my age as well as not having a good grasp of algebra. But after reading so many others that are in the same situation, it really makes me feel more confident that it's never too late!! I am really excited to get started and look forward to my new career. I'll probably be a grandma when I'm an RN. ;)

Good for you for going to's never too late :) One suggestion...don't listen to the other students in your class and their negative thoughts on getting "into" the program. Work on your own classes and keep looking forward. Don't get discouraged!

So true, the negativity can really get you down. Great advice, thank you!! :)

I am so glad this post is out here. I am 40 and returning for a second Bachelor's degree but third degree all together. One degree in accounting, the second degree in Surgical Technology and a third try is a charm. I always wanted to be a nurse but LIFE seem to be a bit more interesting than I thought (not necessarily got in the way). I have a 20 & 13 yr old. I have half of my pre-requisites done and hope to have the rest done by Jan 31, 2011. My mother calls me a professional student-I love learning and it is definitely different being in class with younger students!!

I look forward to reading the articles and blogging!!


I am having trouble not feeling selfish about my decision to return to school. I already have a student loan from my online accounting degree and one for our daughter. The only thing I am thinking about is getting a job that will pay back my student loan for me for a contract period of time.

I am 40 and am taking my last pre-req, Microbiology. I started 22 years ago as a pre-nursing major, but left college, got married, had 3 wonderful kids and a very good career in marketing. Always wanted to go back and finish my at 38 made the decision to finish up the pre-reqs in order to enter a Nursing program. Just handed in my application for the Fall 2010 program - and have my fingers crossed as it is SUPER competitive. 3 out of 5 of our household will be full-time college students come fall if I am accepted - which will be a bit of a financial struggle, but certainly worth it.

I think that life experiences definitely has some value in making me more confident and less nervous about being in large groups, public speaking, personal interaction, etc. I truly hope I get in for this Fall program, but if not I will try to raise my current 3.2 GPA and try again.

Good luck to all!!

I know a lot of older people in my pre-nursing classes so your not alone..just go for your dream!!!

Hello and welcome to the site.

You're not alone in the older crowd. I will be 48 in June.

However, the nursing staff at the LTC facility on the units where I work in food service think I am between 18 to 20 because I look very young for my age. :)

Age does not matter where dreams are concerned.

I'm not 40 yet (35) but feel like everyone is so much younger than I. I wish I would have done this sooner but all that matters is that I am here now. Good Luck!

I'm 36 and loving it. About 1/3 of the people in my A&P class are also older students.

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