Any older people in pre-nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i'm new here and just found this site. i will be starting biology 110 in the fall. i already have a bs in education and will be going back to the community college i started at 25 years ago! this is something i should have done way back then, but , i was young and stupid and had no confidence in myself. but i'm doing it now! :yeah:

i'm so excited i have already gotten my biology book and started reading and taking notes. fortunately, my instructor has a website as well and i've been following along and getting a head start.

anyone feel like the oldest in class? i have this image of being stuck in a classroom with a bunch of 18 year i am taking night classes though so hopefull that means the average age goes up.

people keep telling me how old i'll be when i'm finally an rn, but heck, i'll be that old in a few years whether or not i'm a nurse, so i might as well go for it.

anyone else over 40 like me? :coollook:

Thanks everyone! I have heard so many encouraging words and all of a sudden I've decided that I'm not even going to think about my age. I always told my kids that as parents, our job when they were growing up, was to make good childhood memories. We were able to pull that off for them and they turned out pretty good. We have a daughter with a Master's in Physical Therapy, a daughter who's an Elementary Teacher, and our son is a Heating and Cooling Technician (we're pretty much broke!). They said they would help me with my homework. Now I think I'm going to work on making good memories for myself by studying to be a nurse.

You know what they say, "if momma ain't happy, anin't nobody happy". My :heartbeathubby truly believes that!

:jester:Dancinagain, good luck in Psych 101 and go get um!

:pHanna0225, You're lucky to have a sister who just graduated from there and can give you some pointers. But even without that, I can tell you'll be a great nurse.

:chucklecrrn03, Hey, we are same age. You're right about younger students. They've treated me great so far and I don't even mind if they see me as a mother figure.

:DDvan562, You'll be so proud when you daughter graduates from college. I haven't "rocked" in a while, but I bet it will come back to me!

Specializes in med/surg, pacu/sds.

Good Luck to you!!!!!!

I was very nervous at first when I went back to get my RN degree,

but I had a supportive family and that helped, but I also was determined to finish, it is amazing what determination can do for you...

I worked also in the medical field as a medical assistant for 15 years...

Lucky to have worked for a group of internist that were wonderful..

hope to hear in the future how you are doing...


Congrats on returning to school :) I'm 41 and currently getting my prerequisites out of the way so I can apply to Nursing school.

I guess I am the oldest so far. I am 57 now and will be :bow:starting NS in the fall of 09. I only have AP2 left to finish. I discovered many "non traditional students in my classes. As a matter of fact, the professors prefer us over the silly, unusally irresponsible 18 year olds. I am just as smart as they are. I lost my daughter in April 07, but i did not give up. i continued in school as she was so proud of me. GO FOR IT......

Thanks for the reply. And, you're right I think we are more responsible as older adults. We're more grounded. As far as the younger silly girls go, "we've already been there, done that". I am truly sorry about your loss, and congratulate you for completing nursing school. You'll make a very good and caring nurse.

Specializes in ER, ICU, Medsurg.

As one of my professors pointed out........we are not "older" students we are "mature" students. I liked that. I finished my year of pre-reqs and will be starting NS in August. What I found during the past year is that there are a lot of mature students and an equal number of 18 yr olds. Young students motivate me!!!! I maintained a 4.0 for the year and I credit a lot of that to the 18 yr olds, believe it or not. For some reason, they looked up to us mature students and would ask us questions about course material etc., so we ended up explaining a lot which helped us in return. It was a great trade off!!

Also, in the back of my mind (this is out) I think "No 18 yr old, who is going to college cause mommy and daddy expect it, is going to get a better grade than me" Maybe its the competiveness of my previous sales career coming out, I dont know but don't be intimidated by the younger population, if you work it right they can be great motivation!! lol (i know, thats horrible, sry)

Hi everyone,

I just found this site. I think I am now officially the oldest career change person.

this will be my 3rd. At 52, I'm asking myself if I'm crazy. Actually, I have no choice

but to do this. I live on Long Island and it has killed me financially. I need to go into something that will pay the household bills. I just hope I don't lose my house in the meantime!!!!

Anyway, I have a B.A. in Art Education (from a million years ago) and about 30 credits at the graduate level in Elementary Ed. I now want to (have to) change careers again. I want to do the accelerated program, from BA to BSN. Where do I start? What schools are closeby that have the program I need to start the nursing program?

And who offers A LOT of financial aid?

PLEASE, any help is appreciated.



Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.

career change google the hospital websites and the universities in your area. You would be surprised at how much you can learn for yourself over the web.

Also, try posting on the local forums here. Eveyone would be glad to help but don't depend on them. You can get way more information just by knowing the name of colleges in your area and looking them up on their website and searching for nursing.

I mentioned hospitals too because sometimes they are associated with programs. In my area a hospital has just teamed up with an online school for 2nd degree BSN program and all clinicals are done at their hospitals.

If you are just starting out you are going to need to get your pre-req's done so I would suggest a trip to your local college and talk to an advisor or career counselor so he can lay out everything you will need to take.

Good luck and get going! :)

Specializes in Senior homecare.

for what it is worth .... i will be over 60 when i graduate as a rn! it will be a life long dream come true thanks to a former client that provided the funds for me to end my cna career and start my rn career. god is good.

my only concern is pulling it off academically; age does not intimidate me at all. i know that my age will give me the upper hand in many respects as a student and as a rn.

good wishes to all of you who are brave enough to be all you can be.

sandra - pre-nursing

So nice to hear all my "old" or should be say "new lifers" are joining me in a career as a nurse! I am 36 and am just finishing up my two pre-req's before applying to the nursing program here in AZ (Maricopa county). My sister is 24 and will be done in Dec! Luckily, I started out as a biology major 18 years ago so some of my classes actually rolled but I did just finish BIO 156, loved it, and will be starting BIO 201 in Aug. I think being older has many advantages since the whole party mentaltity has left me for a larger desire to get good grades and get out there in the work force faster! Funny, since I am a mom of two young boys, so I have even less time to study, but it seems to be going much better than in my younger years! Good luck to everyone, we are going to have some AWESOME folks in the medical profession!!:nurse:

I'm new to this site, but I am so glad to learn I am not the only one who is attempting nursing school. I am in my second semester of prereqs. I still have to take the NET and pass two more courses by the end of the year before I can be considered for the nursing program. (If I am accepted I will be 44 when I graduate.) :nurse: Good luck to all of you.

Specializes in ER/Ortho.

38 here, and must share a story about micro, and the crystal violet stain. One day I was working hard and apparently got a tiny bit on my finger. When I say tiny I mean so tiny I didn't even know it was there. This stuff even a tiny little dip of it will spread out into a much larger area. I found this out when I went to a family gathering later in the day. I had crystal violet smudges and lines here and there on my face. I was so busy that day that I didn't look in the mirror. In seems that maybe I scratched my face, and had a tad of it on my nail or something. What makes it worse is that I walked around school all day, and went to the bank, grocery store etc and nobody told me.

Be careful with the stains and check a mirror after class.

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