Another reason unions suck!

Nurses Union


Trying to get a vacation as a new RN under a union regime is challenging at best. It's all seniority based. So the senior RNs can basically come and go as they choose. But that means the rest of us cannot be off (even though we don't cover each other or know each other's job). Also the silly union made a rule that managers cannot approve vacations to far out. So if someone knows they want a certain week 2 years from now, they cannot secure it and start booking flights or whatever. It's irritating at best.

Union does not mean anything. They collect their paycheck from what you make. the union do not stand up for nurses. Trust me I had MAJOR ISSUES AT MY OLD JOB the union rep was on my floor and did as a nurse and never said a thing to management. I have PSTD thinking about my old job it was that bad.

I am a new grad in my first year as an RN. I have never been in a union before but my employer is such that they would run amuck without the union protecting us.

Yes, there are a lot of union rules but I have seen some pretty outrageous things come down from the parent-company and local management that gets shot down, thankfully, by the union.

but we all pay for those incredible perks----

EXACTLY. Glad to see someone understands that.

Love unions. My old hospital was not union. It was mostly fair, but nights was a horror show as far as safe staffing.

As far as vacations and seniority, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

I've worked at hospitals where the union does nothing and others where they work really hard for everyone. It's facility and often even floor based. Currently my job ensures we always get our lunch break, I have some of the highest wages in the U.S. With reasonable cost of living and I have the best health insurance I've ever had in my life. No job is perfect, I'm aware my vacations will likely be denied for another 10 years, but it's all about your priorities.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Some union detractors either have very poor memory or are ignorant about labor in the USA.

What have labor unions done for YOU?

Do you have paid vacation time?

Do you work fewer than 80 hours per week?

Are you provided paid sick time?

Do you get paid OT if you work more than approved hours?

Are there children working in your facility because they are cheaper than adults?

Seriously, the dumbing down of America is becoming alarming.

Specializes in PCCN.
Did you ever stop and think I did stop and think and I just don't care?

I mean chances are I do care, but not caring about others and looking out for my own is a possibility.

Oh,so it's ok to think only of yourself , but it's not ok for someone who has EARNED their seniority to think of themselves?


And BTW, I am not in a union job, and guess what. Seniority still gets prime pick of vacation days. So here you'd still be SOL.And you'd lose your job if you "went anyway".


Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.

My hospital isn't union but we get all those perks so....

Some union detractors either have very poor memory or are ignorant about labor in the USA.

What have labor unions done for YOU?

Do you have paid vacation time?

Do you work fewer than 80 hours per week?

Are you provided paid sick time?

Do you get paid OT if you work more than approved hours?

Are there children working in your facility because they are cheaper than adults?

Seriously, the dumbing down of America is becoming alarming.

My hospital isn't union but we get all those perks so....

Yes! Because of unions historically fighting for fair working conditions.

I hope you're feeding

a savings or 401k for when you can't work anymore and have NO pension. maybe you can eat your iPhones...

I hope you're feeding

a savings or 401k for when you can't work anymore and have NO pension. maybe you can eat your iPhones...

It's pretty stupid to rely on a pension these days. Most hospitals don't offer them, and of the ones that do a lot are doing buyouts because their pension funds aren't robust enough to support their pensioners.

Having a sound saving and investment strategy is a must for anybody these days. Companies don't take care of employees at all anymore. They just use us like tools and replace us when we break.

I hope you're feeding

a savings or 401k for when you can't work anymore and have NO pension. maybe you can eat your iPhones...

If that was a reply to me.......I can tell you we have a vast sum of money in multiple 401k's, stocks, money market accounts and IRA's. Unlike many saps out there, we don't believe SS or pensions will be there when we are ready to reitre.

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