As the another nursing school semester comes to an end, some of us are bearing witness to those peers of ours who may not be moving on in the program, or will have to repeat the semester.
As this saddens me to witness... I want to take a minute to communicate to those who are not moving on due to performance issues. As harsh as this may sound... those of you are not going forward are doing so justifiably. These programs are easy to fail, yet hard to succeed in beyond mediocrity. If you have failed, and yes below 75% is failing, then you SHOULD NOT be moving forward and the hospital floor and those potential patients you would be exposed to are much safer due to these standards.
Your peers "know" that you struggle with concepts and they too are concerned with patient safety when it comes to your caring for patients. It takes dedication and time to "comprehend" vs. "staring at" the literature to GET this material. After soliciting information from "my peers", as well considering how much time I study to achieve comprehension as well as reflective high scores, a 40hr/wk study schedule is a reasonable expectation for understanding the material.