allnurses mentioned in AJN and it ain't flattering

Nurses General Nursing


There was a mention of the lethal injection discussion in AJN. It was kind of an embarrassment; they discussed a posting where a few individuals expressed a great desire to take part in lethal injections. Too bad.

ADMIN NOTE: Here is the link to the AJN article for those of you interested in reading it: Thanks - Brian

weetzie the code of ethics being revised by the ana is available online.

they seem to be very fussy about copywrite, so it's difficult to post the actually addy but there are links.

it's actually something i can agree with for the most part, but am not going to swear an oath to.

perhaps the part about respect for human dignity is what they take exception to about nurses who partake in capital punishment.

i'm not a member of the ana, but have planned on it because, like it or not, they are the voice of american nurses on many levels, particularly on the national stage. they have many accomplishments.

this article does disappoint me, as it's very judgemental. how can an organization that whose goal it is to advance nursing and represent nursing get anyway by attacking other nurses and judging them.

thanks tweets. sheesh, it's looooong! :)

Also according to my 16 year old son who was shot down by his first real crush this week when he asked her if she'd like to hang out and walk our dog. :o

Poor guy.

Sorry so off topic. In the words of the famous Tim Gunn..."Carry On."

Begalli -

My 22 year old has a crush on a girl . . . . she has decided to give up men for lent :) . .. .she had her heart broken. My son and this girl hang together in a group of friends though, so who knows?


There was a mention of the lethal injection discussion in AJN. It was kind of an embarrassment; they discussed a posting where a few individuals expressed a great desire to take part in lethal injections. Too bad.

Thanks for the link. Very interesting article. Shame, shame that AJN couldn't find any other comments on allnurses. It doesn't "fit" logically in the flow of the article and reads, to me, as if this was a direct hit on nurses in general being indifferent about death. There is no reason I can think of as to why AJN has done this. I thought AJN was for nurses but I seem to be wrong. I no longer subscribe to AJN. SHAME - SHAME - SHAME ON AJN.

This article does disappoint me, as it's very judgemental. How can an organization that whose goal it is to advance nursing and represent nursing get anyway by attacking other nurses and judging them.

To me this embodies the #1 problem with nursing (and their self appointed organizations who are just as dysfunctional) Divisiveness and competition win over solidarity. :o

In the state of oklahoma, the particitpation of the nurse in both preparation and injection of the unfortunate human being to be put to death, is well documented and talked about within the state medical community, these people are proud to be apart of their so called hand in the cessation of a human life, one so deemed not worthy of life by the oklahoma society, a society so engorged with corruption that thousands of companys are pulling out of, a society where the states attny. general englufes his time with lawsuits of other states and of this nations most successfull companies, " Come To Oklahoma On Vacation, Leave On Probation."

Sure it is legal...we have the freedom to express our desires and opinions in here and they also have the right to voice thiers.


Interesting-did you report this to Brian? I wonder if it is legal for them to reproduce threads from this forum..."

Remember we are responsible for what we write and say....I haven't read an AJN in years and if you glance back at my previous posts.....I am very frustrated and at times angry with the nursing establishment period. My degree in May will be in Philo. and History and then on to Law School. This forum does allow us the chance to vent and share experiences of both good and bad. I have used this forum as a learning tool as I still work weekends as a nurse. When rhetoric is written, it is a recorded record. I would hope the author would quote the source to his/her intended audiences.

I strongly believe we all have the right to our beliefs and after 25 years in the ER, I have met all and every combination of folks you can meet and I respect everyone's belief.....but that does not mean they have to respect mine or ours.

I am unsure of the substance of the article and hence the debate and I have enough issues on my plate now...............but the purpose of this exposition is simply to let you know....writing about passionate issues is fine ...just never ask a question that you don't know the answer...I have gotten in trouble for writing about my beliefs on the death penalty with kids under 18 and this was professional writing and this almost cost me law school...I am proud of your opinions just be responsible.....enjoy your day

:specs: dave

I sure hope the folks at AJN don't get a hold of this disgusting post on here "Acronyms in the E.D". Its another terrible post with messages from nurses laughing at people suffering.

I am pro death penalty and yes, I would start the IV. I would even give the lethal injection which is against the law for me (LPN)... the law has defined the time and manner in which the inmate is to die, I would simply be making it as comfortable as possible for him/her. This is being a very good nurse.

The article? I agree with everybody else, she was groping for a story. Sloppy, cheap and down right dirty.

well... i am anti-death penalty period but especially in the cases of children

I do respect you and others rights to feel justice by death is a functional means to an not even going to go into that debate!!

I am confused ,which dosent take that much, but what has the nomenclature of being a "good nurse" have any significance in the functionality of the death penalty. have a great day...dave

I am pro death penalty and yes, I would start the IV. I would even give the lethal injection which is against the law for me (LPN)... the law has defined the time and manner in which the inmate is to die, I would simply be making it as comfortable as possible for him/her. This is being a very good nurse.

The article? I agree with everybody else, she was groping for a story. Sloppy, cheap and down right dirty.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
kind of makes you loose respect for AJN huh?

I never have respected the AJN. We are forced to read it for school research, and I think most of the articles are written by snotty academics who don't have a clue and probably haven't worked the floor in 20 years. And AJN is so boring, I fall asleep halfway through anything I have to read out of it.

Specializes in Critical Care, Pediatrics, Geriatrics.
kind of makes you loose respect for AJN huh?

That was my thought! I though AJN would be for nurses not against them! When you read the post in its entirety you see that they were merely making a joke and that the real issue was whether or not they supported lethal injection....which they have the right to do.

Specializes in Critical Care, Pediatrics, Geriatrics.
I'm so glad I turned down that subscription offer from AJN. For crying out loud, I was just goofing around when I said those things. I would never ever take part in giving any inmate a lethal injection.

Don't even worry about defending what you said...anybody with half a brain knows that AJN is full of ****. I won't subscribe...

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