To the allnurses community, Sept. 28, 2020 [BLOOMINGTON, MN] allnurses has been the target of a meritless lawsuit (Test-Prep-vs-allnurses-amended-2016.pdf) by a test prep company that has lasted for six grueling years. Throughout this 6-year litigation battle, allnurses vigorously defended the rights of our users and denied all allegations of defamation made by the Plaintiff targeting allnurses and allnurses members. The lawsuit claimed that specific comments on allnurses regarding the Test Prep company were defamatory, and the Plaintiff sought to name those users as Defendants in the lawsuit. In response to persistent demands of the Plaintiff, allnurses vehemently refused to turn over any personally identifying information regarding users named in the Complaint. allnurses refused to comply with discovery requests and NEVER released any identifying information of any allnurses user. In the end, after years of legal and emotional costs, the Eighth Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals dismissed all claims against allnurses and allnurses members. Quote " Inc. held on to a win in a lawsuit over allegedly defamatory comments published on its discussion forum because federal law [Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act} immunized it from liability arising out of content created by others, the Eighth Circuit said August 19, 2020.” Even though we won (successfully defended) the case, this long and drawn-out meritless lawsuit has resulted in tremendous mental anguish and massive legal costs. We at allnurses understand that our members' ability to post anonymously under their usernames is critical to allowing the nursing community to discuss important and contentious issues openly and honestly. allnurses values its members and will continue to defend the First Amendment rights of its users to engage in protected anonymous speech. We will stand firm and protect from disclosure of any identifying information to the fullest extent possible. allnurses has become the world's leading nursing community based on its members' contributions and efforts, and we are extremely thankful for all that you do. The allnurses community's interests have and will continue to guide us in responding to any future litigation. allnurses is confident that the rights of its users, and the broader internet community, to engage in anonymous speech will be protected by the court just as they have been protected by other courts throughout the United States. allnurses will continue to defend the rights of its users to engage in constitutionally protected speech and openly discuss issues of concern to the nursing community at large. US-Court-District-of-Minnesota-Filed-August-2020.pdf 52 Down Vote Up Vote × About allnurses (Editorial Team / Admin) Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance our members by providing a community where they can grow and succeed in their career. 105 Articles 417 Posts Share this post Share on other sites