Published Sep 4, 2017
7 Posts
If you knew the ADON at a LTC facility was having a sexual relationship with one of the CNA's, are you obligated to report it?
If you are aware that the ADON of a LTC facility is having a sexual relationship with one of the CNA's, are you obligated to report it?
1,030 Posts
Both adults? Consensual? At work? Unethical perhaps, but I'm not sure reportable. What does your state's certification bodies say about things like that. And, if it is at work, I WOULD report it, if I had first hand, not hearsay knowledge of this.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
Yes! the Air Force, the High Counsel of Aquatic Animals, and that guy who always hangs out in the parking lot and probably has a knife.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
How do you know this for sure? Eyewitness? Rumor?
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
File this one under the category of *Its' none of your business* unless you are the spouse of said people.
3,413 Posts
How do you know? Yucky images in my brain.
If it is known for a fact, and if the CNA is getting better shifts or conversely being threatened with less hours for not agreeing to the arrangement you should report it. Ideally you have a compliance officer, or go to on the Internet for whom to contact.
14,633 Posts
I would mind my own business. Their bad behavior will eventually catch up with them. You have absolutely nothing to gain by getting involved.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
Who cares?
128 Posts
Why report it when you can just talk about it with everyone. Social shaming is enough punishment
I didn't think it was appropriate for administration to carry on a sexual relationship with their subordinate, so I wanted to make sure I wasn't in the wrong for having knowledge and not reporting it.
It's good to inquire. There has to be a victim. Maybe the CNA is being manipulated by some perv. Or, maybe the ADON is desperately lonely and letting someone take advantage of them. If you have details it's a toxic relationship then there might be grounds to intervene.