A&P 1: The Spring '05 Anatomy & Physiology Club

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Ok, no one has started this yet, so I guess I will. I start A&P I on January 18th, lab and lecture.

Here are a few good websites I have found...some are basic, some may be more indepth than your instructor asks for.....BUT it gives you a little more to look over before class starts next month! :) ....Never forget the website for your actual book too!!!!!!












sounds like you guys have great profs! I had my first class yeaterday & I love my instructor!! He is entertaining and full of info! We went over the syllabus- He stressed that the exams will only cover the stated objectives and stuff from his lecture notes ( available at the copy shop)---& not every word in the book! yeah! Of course the objectives are very detailed. I went thru the first 2 chapters and highlighted the specific objectives from the syllabus. We will have 7 exams plus a final! The first exam is in a few weeks. We don't have lecture quizzes. points come from lab write-ups, lab quizzes, and exams. If you're late to lab (>15 min) it costs 1% of your total grade! wow- thank goodness the lab starts right after the lecture. That could really add up & make the difference between 89%-90%---an A or B.

lecture exams are made available to take in the Lab Center any time of day for 2 days! This will be excellent since I am not a morning person. Tomorrow will be our first lab- microscope- old stuff for me.

I am very happy to be back in the classroom- I was afraid I'd be the "old lady" but there is a great diversity of people both in my class and the school. I've never been to a community college before. I love it! I'm glad about my decision. OF COURSE everyone in there is pre-nursing!! I'm sure it will become very competitive before long.

Glad to hear everyone is off to a great start!

Specializes in Operating Room.

Good to hear Okie2! Now that all of our fears are relieved some, let's all dive right in and study, study, study!!!

I forgot to mention my horrible "school" dreams on Monday night! :imbar OMG! I was so relieved when I woke up @ 5:30. I was nervous about it because the kiddos don't start school til 8:30 and we only live 2 minute away--so we sleep til 7:30 usually. NOW I have to leave for class by 7:15- to get to class before 8:00. I can't risk hitting AM rush hour.

BTW- my prof is so funny. Our lab book is spiral & if we turn them in with the fuzzy stuff still on he won't grade it!! We have to remove the spiral paper bits! I'm going to pack a kid scissor in my bag right now! Wierd huh? anyway..

I got lucky tonight (not what you're thinking:chuckle ) my DS (5yo) and DH fell asleep just about 20 min. ago! & it's only 8: 14 here. so my DD (7yo) and I will do homework together in peace and quiet. Yeah!

Nighty Night!

Specializes in Operating Room.
I got lucky tonight (not what you're thinking:chuckle)

LMAO! :rotfl: :rotfl: Well, there's always tomorrow. hahahaha

I have been searching, and doing different microscope quizes online. Yes, I know all the parts, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. lol

Now, I'll dive into the cells! :)


what book are you using for your lab book? Yours sounds like mine, A&P laboratory textbook Intermediate Cat Version Sixth Edition.

Well, I am a little bit disappointed. Found out that we wont be dissecting a cat in A&P lab. I am attending a cc and we dont do cadaver's, but I had heard that we dissect cats. At first I was a little sceptical, I mean I love cats as pets but then I thought it might be intriguing. So I psyched myself up for it and was actually looking forward to it, only to find out that we will not be doing it. We will dissect a sheep brain and cow eye only. Then in A&P 2 we do a cow heart and kidney.

Had our first full lecture class today and wow what an easy professor. He is so clear and precise, he makes it so easy to learn. This is going to be a great class. Do you guys know what you are dissecting? Cat? Cadaver? Something else?

I have a Question. How do the test in lab and lecture differ? I know in lab you have practicals but is the content the same? I mean do you get tested over the same things twice? Is lab more "what is this" and lecture is "how does it work"? Neither my lab or lecture teach said anything about it. We started talking about what makes up the body(cells, atoms, etc.) in lecture and in lab we talked about terminology so we can disect properly.

Specializes in Operating Room.

We are supposed to do a cat, but the instructor wasn't sure yet. It all depends on when the shipment gets there.

I would love to do a cadaver. That would be an awesome, once in a lifetime experience.

Specializes in Operating Room.

I would think it really depends on the instructor. However, the lab is a more hands on. You can see models, and have a 3-D of what you need to know.

However, I do think that lecture will be a little more of physiology part as you can't really make a hard plastic heart pump. LOL

I have a Question. How do the test in lab and lecture differ? I know in lab you have practicals but is the content the same? I mean do you get tested over the same things twice? Is lab more "what is this" and lecture is "how does it work"? Neither my lab or lecture teach said anything about it. We started talking about what makes up the body(cells, atoms, etc.) in lecture and in lab we talked about terminology so we can disect properly.
I would think it really depends on the instructor. However, the lab is a more hands on. You can see models, and have a 3-D of what you need to know.

However, I do think that lecture will be a little more of physiology part as you can't really make a hard plastic heart pump. LOL

Thanks. I'm trying to study right now and my lab book has these exercise but no explination to do them, it is like I'm missing a book or something that explains everything. I know the teacher showed us this stuff yesterday on the models but I can't remember now that I'm at home. She said that we should do the exercises over the weekend but I think the only way to do them would be to go to the lab.

My brain is fried and it is only the first week.

I'm in an online class...we are dissecting a virtual cadaver.


what book are you using for your lab book? Yours sounds like mine, A&P laboratory textbook Intermediate Cat Version Sixth Edition.

Our lab manual was published by a couple of profs at my CC. It's pretty consistant with what we cover in lecture. We'll dissect the fetal pig starting in April.

My first lecture exam is February 1st! over the first 2 chapters & we have an exam nearly every two weeks all semester. Lots of lab quizzes and a lab exam every two weeks as well--eeek!

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