A&P 1: The Spring '05 Anatomy & Physiology Club

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Ok, no one has started this yet, so I guess I will. I start A&P I on January 18th, lab and lecture.

Here are a few good websites I have found...some are basic, some may be more indepth than your instructor asks for.....BUT it gives you a little more to look over before class starts next month! :) ....Never forget the website for your actual book too!!!!!!












Specializes in Operating Room.
PhoenixGirl: I'm not sure which PDA I'll get. All the one's I've looked at are the most expensive.....go figure. lol Maybe by the time I actually get ready to buy one, they'll go on sell! :)

Hey check ebay! I bought the foldable keyboard that goes with the pocket pc for like $30 less than it is at the dell website. And it is just fine and looks brand new. I'd be able to sell in on there if I ever needed to get rid of it, and make my money back. Whenever I upgrade my pocket pc (which won't be for a long time) i'll be selling it on ebay also to recoupe the costs. It's such a great thing.


Stuck on Ebay too, huh? :chuckle Yep, I've already looked through Ebay, right now I'm mainly trying to decide which one I want. lol

Stuck on Ebay too, huh? :chuckle Yep, I've already looked through Ebay, right now I'm mainly trying to decide which one I want. lol

Fun2Care, we need to inform each other when we are bidding on PDA's on ebay LOL. Dont want to be bidding each other up for no reason LOL. Yep, been looking on ebay for about a month now, trying to figure out which one is the one I want, and what price I am willing to pay LOL.

To the poster that said she isnt going to able to sleep tonight, you got that right. I will toss and turn all night long so I can be dead dead tired in the morning.

Oh yea, I found out some great news last night. One of my classmates from Biology is taking the same A&P1 class that I am. I talk to her last night and she informed me that our professor is none other than the ONE professor that I was hoping we would have. On my registration it just says staff, but she had to get a copy of hers, and the name is on there. I am so geeked! This guy has gotten great ratings on Ratemyprofessors.com. :::doing the happy dance:::

Specializes in Operating Room.

I am so nervous too!!! All day long I have been studying over A&P! I "redid" the chapter 1 section on the study guide.

It wouldn't be so bad if I knew a B would be ok, but I HAVE to make an A in order to get into the nursing progam that I want. If I don't make an A, then I have to take chemistry, and try to get into another CC's nursing program. :eek:

Good luck to all of y'all!!!!!!!!

Well todays lecture wasn't so bad. Mostly just Chemistry of the body. I had chemistry in my senior year of high school so it was still fairly fresh in my brain. I haven't had anatomy since I was a sophomore in high school. I am glad today went so much better. We took a quiz today, I got a 65, better than some, worse than others.

I am so nervous too!!! All day long I have been studying over A&P! I "redid" the chapter 1 section on the study guide.

It wouldn't be so bad if I knew a B would be ok, but I HAVE to make an A in order to get into the nursing progam that I want. If I don't make an A, then I have to take chemistry, and try to get into another CC's nursing program. :eek:

Good luck to all of y'all!!!!!!!!

Well, I just got back from my class. My professor is the best! This class is going to be so easy because of him. We didnt do anything today except go over the syllabus and he told us about his test; multiple choice! YAY!!!! Lab exams are practical so that is going to be real easy. I dont know, I think this class is going to be so much fun, he is so funny and well spoken. He encourages questions, unlike my bio prof who hated questions and made anyone who asked them feel like an idiot. I agree on making an A in this class, it is a must and a B just wont do. I have Micro tonight and from what we have heard, our professor is for that is great also. I think I got lucky this semester! Thank goodness! Good luck and I know you can make an A!

Specializes in Operating Room.

OK, now I just got home...on a regular day I'd be in class until 1:50.

I'm glad everyone's class went well. :)

We didn't do anything today either, except go over the syllabus and the tests.

3 lecture tests 80 scan-tron questions, 2 short answer questions. However, we already have a list of short answer questions! :) So, I all I have to do is get some really good answers on all of the questions, and study them. I won't know which two questions I'll get though, but at least I know possible questions that he WILL be choosing from! The best thing is, if I know all about each question, I will have an easy 20 points on each lecture test!! (Well, I hope easy...lol)

As for the lab test, there are 3 as well. The instructor said about a week before each lab test, he will hand out a "case study" for us to do at home. These are worth 25 percent of the lab test grade, and due on the day of the lab test. So, I know I will have a boost on my lab test grade as well!! :)

He also said every so often he will give "bonus" quizes. They do not go against your grade, but offer extra points toward the lecture tests.

Lecture exams are worth 60% and lab exams are worth 40%.

There is an OPTIONAL final. This is only needed to be taken if a lecture test is missed, or if a low grade was made on a (or all) lecture test.

I feel more at ease, but still need to bust my butt, so my transcript won't burst my bubble. :rotfl:

Well, I just got back from my class. My professor is the best! This class is going to be so easy because of him. We didnt do anything today except go over the syllabus and he told us about his test; multiple choice! YAY!!!! Lab exams are practical so that is going to be real easy. I dont know, I think this class is going to be so much fun, he is so funny and well spoken. He encourages questions, unlike my bio prof who hated questions and made anyone who asked them feel like an idiot. I agree on making an A in this class, it is a must and a B just wont do. I have Micro tonight and from what we have heard, our professor is for that is great also. I think I got lucky this semester! Thank goodness! Good luck and I know you can make an A!

We have 5 lecture exams, 2 lab exams and the lowest test score is dropped. Our lecture exams are 100 multiple choice questions and he adds one bonus short answer question that is worth 5 bonus points.

We have no cummulative test which is cool, because I think in Anatomy and physiology cummulative would be very hard to handle. LOL

Sounds like we both have great professors so it shouldnt be too difficult.

Specializes in Operating Room.
We have 5 lecture exams, 2 lab exams and the lowest test score is dropped. Our lecture exams are 100 multiple choice questions and he adds one bonus short answer question that is worth 5 bonus points.

We have no cummulative test which is cool, because I think in Anatomy and physiology cummulative would be very hard to handle. LOL

Sounds like we both have great professors so it shouldnt be too difficult.

Yes we do!! YEAH!!!!! Now, Thursday, I may ask about extra credit. :rolleyes:

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.


Who is your professor?

Specializes in Operating Room.

Who is your professor?

I don't think we are supposed to state actual names on here, but I'll tell you his name starts with an S. :rolleyes:

I know I'll be working my rear end off to get an A. I just hope he doesn't make the tests have weird, hard to understand questions!

Good Morning

Well we (B/F and myself) started our A&PI last Wed. Instructor seems good :).

There were lecture notes to buy from the instructor, I think they'll be a big help. We'll know ahead of time what we will be going over in class.

We have our first quiz today not sure how many questions are on it or what form it'll be in. There were 45+ words to know :uhoh21:. All I can say is thank you God for a friend to study with, and the study/support group I have here.

Needless to say it's been a weekend of hitting the books and relying on the absolutely wonderful flash cards.

I'll be praying for us all today,


Specializes in Operating Room.

Thanks for the prayers!

You have to buy your lecture notes? That bites! We can download ours from the ecampus and print them off.

Hope all goes well! :) Prayers to you and you b/f as well....and of course everyone else as well!


Good Morning

Well we (B/F and myself) started our A&PI last Wed. Instructor seems good :).

There were lecture notes to buy from the instructor, I think they'll be a big help. We'll know ahead of time what we will be going over in class.

We have our first quiz today not sure how many questions are on it or what form it'll be in. There were 45+ words to know :uhoh21:. All I can say is thank you God for a friend to study with, and the study/support group I have here.

Needless to say it's been a weekend of hitting the books and relying on the absolutely wonderful flash cards.

I'll be praying for us all today,


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