A&P II: The Summer '05 Anatomy & Physiology Club

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Decided to go ahead and create a new thread...

I am taking A & P II at Valencia Community College in Orlando FL. We start May 12th...

I am an Online ASN Student at Deaconess College of Nursing in St Louis. I have taken a leave of absense for the summer so I will only be focusing on A & P. Guess I am not really a pre-nursing student, hope no one minds.

I am looking forward to sharing experiences!


Specializes in Operating Room.

I am looking forward to A&P 2....mainly b/c that means my microbiology will be OVER!!!!!!!

I really think it is the class from #*((!!!!!!!

I think the human body is an amazing thing as well, I could handle taking 3 or 4 A&P classes. :) (But glad there's only 2) lol

Hope everyone is doing well that has started already.....I'm anxiously waiting for July 11th! :)

We also started with the blood. We went over blood components, erythropoiesis, hematocrit and other things. I did find out why they developed the new medical measurements and mathmatics class. Apparently in the old curriculum they taught the math dosages in the nursing fundamentals class and each instructor had their own way of teaching it. So it led to a lot of student confussion when they would get a different instructor. So one nursing instructor developed this class and she teaches one formula to calculate everything. So now they will not be teaching math in any of the nursing classes. My instructor is one of the favored nursing instructors, which is really cool.

One thing I found interesting in A&P today is how our bodies can produce more RBC's when needed, say during hypoxia. I become more amazed with the human body with each new thing I learn. What an incredible machine we are.

Hey foxfire65, who did you end up with as your A&P instructor. I am glad to hear that your class was assigned a professor. I was really concerned when I read that you didnt know if there was going to be one or not. 9am - 2pm WOW that is a long day. But you can do it especially after what both of us went through last semester with the micro and A&P1. That schedule made for a long day too. :) Good luck in your studies. I wanted to tell you, I taped my lecture today and listened to it when I got home and boy did that make a difference with the old memory. Just listening to it after class a second time really allowed for the information to sink in. Just thought I would offer that suggestion, who knows it may work for you too. I need to get back to writing up my cards. I am trying to stay ahead of the game this semester LOL.

Good luck everyone!

I ended up with a Dr. Seyed Moosavi as my professor. I really like him. He specialized in Toxicology in his career before teaching at WCCCD. He gives us info on how polluted Michigan is, he calls it the Cancer state and advises us to move somewhere else. He said our water is extremely contaminated with Lead and Mercury. He really knows his material with our class and he is very soft spoken and layed back. He is a good teacher. We have an exam coming up soon. He said like every two weeks we will be testing. Glad your medical math class is going well. In my medical math there were four ways shown to problem solve and you picked out the formula that was most comfortable for you. I preferred the Dosage Formula, there were also the DQA Formula, DHQ Formula and Label Proportion Formula. You will really enjoy the class, it is interesting. I have also sent in all required paperwork and application to the University of Detroit Mercy, they replied back on my prerequisites. I need the Organic Chem class, BioChem class and one Algebra class finished, then I would be eligible to apply to the Macauley School of Nursing. I am hoping to transfer this fall if all goes well, but I am keeping WCCCD open as an avenue also. I also have to go to UDM to do the NET exam, they have it every Friday morning at 9. You must score at least a 65 on it. How hard is this exam?? just thinking of it makes me nervous, but I did score an A in Medical math, so I should not be so uneasy about taking this test. Well off to study my material for A and P II, that test is right around the corner.

I ended up with a Dr. Seyed Moosavi as my professor. I really like him. He specialized in Toxicology in his career before teaching at WCCCD. He gives us info on how polluted Michigan is, he calls it the Cancer state and advises us to move somewhere else. He said our water is extremely contaminated with Lead and Mercury. He really knows his material with our class and he is very soft spoken and layed back. He is a good teacher. We have an exam coming up soon. He said like every two weeks we will be testing. Glad your medical math class is going well. In my medical math there were four ways shown to problem solve and you picked out the formula that was most comfortable for you. I preferred the Dosage Formula, there were also the DQA Formula, DHQ Formula and Label Proportion Formula. You will really enjoy the class, it is interesting. I have also sent in all required paperwork and application to the University of Detroit Mercy, they replied back on my prerequisites. I need the Organic Chem class, BioChem class and one Algebra class finished, then I would be eligible to apply to the Macauley School of Nursing. I am hoping to transfer this fall if all goes well, but I am keeping WCCCD open as an avenue also. I also have to go to UDM to do the NET exam, they have it every Friday morning at 9. You must score at least a 65 on it. How hard is this exam?? just thinking of it makes me nervous, but I did score an A in Medical math, so I should not be so uneasy about taking this test. Well off to study my material for A and P II, that test is right around the corner.

I am really glad you like your A&P professor. A good prof. makes all the difference in being able to learn the material. I ended up dropping that medical math class and decided to take it this Fall instead. Everyone in there had applied for the nursing program for the Fall and Maddie said that because this is the only Math course for Nursing she recommended taking it closer to your first clinicals. Also the time was conflicting with my kids schedule so I just thought it best to drop the class till the later.

That is great that UDM responded so soon. Only three classes to take and then your in the program, I say go for it. If you can get your BSN from the get go then do it. I wish I could. Although, I talked to the financial aid lady and she said that I will get some pell grant for the fall and then upon getting accepted to the nursing program I can apply for the michigan nursing grant.

Foxfire, dont worry about the NET. You will pass it. I told you before that you could pass it and you will. Its not that difficult and you are a very intelligent person. You have nothing to worry about. The math portion was the easiest for me, but you know how much I like math anyway. Reading, for me, was a little more challenging, not because the material itself was hard it was just the surroundings I was dealing with (talking to proctor on my left, tapping pencil on my left) I found it extremely hard to concentrate and found myself wasting precious time rereading the questions and material. My advice for the reading portion, is to just pace yourself, try with all your might to stay focused and relax! relax! relax!.

I am going to email you, because I have some questions for you about the pell. Talk to you soon.

email your number again please, cannot find it in mail.

I am really glad you like your A&P professor. A good prof. makes all the difference in being able to learn the material. I ended up dropping that medical math class and decided to take it this Fall instead. Everyone in there had applied for the nursing program for the Fall and Maddie said that because this is the only Math course for Nursing she recommended taking it closer to your first clinicals. Also the time was conflicting with my kids schedule so I just thought it best to drop the class till the later.

That is great that UDM responded so soon. Only three classes to take and then your in the program, I say go for it. If you can get your BSN from the get go then do it. I wish I could. Although, I talked to the financial aid lady and she said that I will get some pell grant for the fall and then upon getting accepted to the nursing program I can apply for the michigan nursing grant.

Foxfire, dont worry about the NET. You will pass it. I told you before that you could pass it and you will. Its not that difficult and you are a very intelligent person. You have nothing to worry about. The math portion was the easiest for me, but you know how much I like math anyway. Reading, for me, was a little more challenging, not because the material itself was hard it was just the surroundings I was dealing with (talking to proctor on my left, tapping pencil on my left) I found it extremely hard to concentrate and found myself wasting precious time rereading the questions and material. My advice for the reading portion, is to just pace yourself, try with all your might to stay focused and relax! relax! relax!.

I am going to email you, because I have some questions for you about the pell. Talk to you soon.

Hi everyone!

It looks like some of you have already started class. Mine doesn't start until Wednesday but since I found this thread I'm going to go ahead and join in. I'm having the same teacher as I did for A&P I. I did really well in his class (got an A) so I hope to do just the same in A&P II. He's a good teacher and I learned alot from him.

Good luck to everybody!

email your number again please, cannot find it in mail.

Well our first exam is going to be next week. The teacher said maybe on Tuesday, but more than likely on Thursday. He lets us go home after taking the test. He said he knows the students are tired after testing and no use in lecturing afterwards. So I am prepared with the info he has given us so far. Today wasn't so bad, we had two breaks and left at 12:45 instead of 2. We are already a week ahead of the syllabus with the lecturing. He said we might finish early, and for sure our last day is August 11th. Well hope everyone else is doing good in their classes. Seems everyone must be real busy studying, not too many replies lately on here. I also have an online English class which is awesome. I love it. It is our second required english class and based on short stories and essay writing. We must also participate in the online discussion board with other students after we read a story. It is very awesome.

Good Luck On Your test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have yet to start...I start next Tuesday....my school always seems to lag behind the others...:) I'm just trying to enjoy the rest of this week off

So how many of you have had your first test? Easier or harder than A&P2?

I don't know if it was easier or harder for me, but definitely got my good grade of 37 out of 40. My instructor keeps on telling us the hard stuff is coming up, but don't know what can be that much more painful than the nervous system. Ugh.

Today was my first day of class. We got our syllabus and we have a test every Wednesday for 6 weeks in a row beginning June 15, and a final a week and a half after the last test - Plus some lab tests thrown in! Guess I'm going to be pretty busy for a while. :uhoh3:

We had our first class last night. I have the same teacher as last semester for A&P I so I already knew what to expect. I think we're going to have 5 tests including the final. Later we're going to dissect a rat. That oughta be interesting.

Today was my first day of class. We got our syllabus and we have a test every Wednesday for 6 weeks in a row beginning June 15, and a final a week and a half after the last test - Plus some lab tests thrown in! Guess I'm going to be pretty busy for a while. :uhoh3:

May I ask which college you attend, your A&P schedule seems similar to mine :uhoh21: MSC here lol

Sounds like more classes are kicking in...I finished up week 4 last night and so far I am enjoying it. We started with Blood, then went to Cardiovascular and Hemodynamics. Last night we started on the Lymphatic System. I am enjoying the "concepts" of A & P II over the "memorization" of A & P I.

Cheri :)

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