Young Nurse becoming Old

Nurses General Nursing


This is just something I feel I need to get off of my chest, and there is no better place to do it than here.

I'm 21 years old (as of Aug. 27th). I do drink and like to have fun. However, I started my job in October and have not been myself since. They worked me Halloween night, Thanksgiving evening, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. I was originally scheduled to work New Years Eve (tonight), but I went to my boss and said "Hey, there are 3 nurses scheduled, none marked as supervisor.. I want it off. I worked X-mas Eve and X-mas Day, I deserve this. I am 21 and want to do something for once in a long time). She agreed.

I was sure I would have New Years Day off, as I couldn't see how they could work me 6 consecutive holidays in a row... HA! I was wrong. I have to work tomorrow (just got our January schedules 3 days ago) therefor, my plans of going out are null and void. Sure, I could go out and drink like the rest of my friends, but I feel as a nurse thats not acceptable. Some may do but I just cant. I'm so over it ALLREADY! This shouldn't effect me the way it does but people think that because I'm not married and don't have any kids that I should have to work ALL THE TIME and HAVE NO LIFE.

Well, thanks to work.. I don't have a life. The few friends that I DO have are leaving right now to go out for New Years Eve. I... have to stay behind. I'm so emotional right now. I feel like my life is passing me by. I work my butt off at work to do what is right and have gotten multiple compliments of how good I do and how I do much more than many seasoned nurses, and this is the thanks I get? I get taken advantage of when it comes to scheduling.

All of the nurses with seniority get their holiday requests first...leaving me out to dry. I LOVE nursing.. I love it when im doing it.. but then I go home at the end of the day or on my days off and think wow... I have nothing to do because I'm so busy and work so much that I have alienated myself, and my schedule is unconventional. UGH. I would work somewhere else, but this is pretty much the only option in the small town I live in. Traveling an hour to get somewhere else is almost just as bad. I feel stuck.

Thank you all for listening.

Specializes in SICU, EMS, Home Health, School Nursing.

Where I work, we either work the eve or the day of the holiday. This year I worked Thanksgiving eve, Christmas eve and I am working New Years day. We get to vote for which one we want and preferences are given based on seniority. It is so nice not being at the bottom of the totem pole anymore... I got each of the dates that I requested.

That Holiday schedule was definitely unfair to you and they probably knew it (thats why they gave you off NEW Years Eve) The holidays are one really tough on all of us - and our families too...I hate it (working)

Thank you all for your posts. When I said "Young nurse becoming Old" I by no means meant to say that those who are older don't deserve holidays off or enjoy them as well. Please do not take it that way. I meant that my spirit about my job once fresh just becomes more diseased as this continues.

Emmanuel.. I understand that Halloween is not a PAID holiday, but it is a day that no one really wants to work. Which, of course I had to work.

To the poster that said "You have to earn your keep". I disagree on that one. I allready earn my keep from starting out at new LPN wages. I am equal to the next nurse I work with and refuse to believe different. Believing that I have to earn my keep for a single holiday off is ludicrous and would only put myself down. I worked at this facility for 2 years as a CNA before starting as an LPN. That SHOULD count for something anyways and even with that said.. I don't think anything justifies working even the newest employee every single winter/fall holiday (if i were here for spring/summer im sure I would be scheduled for those as well). While other nurses (regardless of how long they've been there) have every holiday off. Christmas, I didn't mind so much. My brother was killed last year on X-mas eve, so I was happy to have work to keep my mind off of it, but at the same time I know my mother could have used my company. Some people at work know about it, and say I should mention it.. but its not in my nature to bring those things up. It makes it way too personal IMO. I just grin and bear it.

I do know what some of the problem is though. When I went to my boss and said I wish to have NYE off, I asked her plain and simple why it was this way. (There is no official rule in our facility that makes your years of experience or years at that facility an advantage.. it just happens that way). She told me that she has had nurses come to her and threaten to quit if they didn't get the schedule they want. While, they may get what they want, they aren't treated as nicely by management when they do work only because its an ethics thing I suppose. I just can't do that. No matter what they do to me, nothing will make me want to threaten to quit a job I love other than this aspect, especially since my options are very limited. IDK I just needed to rant.

Emmanuel It does make me angry about getting our schedules only 3 days in advance, and believe it or not that was EARLY for our facility. It happens this way every month. We have all expressed our disgust at this, yet it never changes. Sometimes complaints fall on deaf ears.

On a last note for this post.. I love nursing very much. But, Life is too short to be so unhappy with a schedule. I will mention this to my supervisor, perhaps mention the need for a new holiday policy.. such as work one off the next...plain and simple. If you want to trade which ones you work/off w/ another coworker fine.. as long as its a mutual agreement. That seems far more fair than sticking one or two new ppl with all the holidays.

BTW I do not work at a hospital, I work in LTC.

Still a 24/7 job though. And as such, they should have a policy in place for working holidays. I always thought the alternating schedule was the most fair (I know some senior nurses disagree, but even as one I felt this way). Ours was pretty simple. You worked either the 'eve' or the holiday. And the next year, you worked the opposite. Trades were allowed, so long as it was an even trade.

As far as nurses threatening to quit if they don't get their way... you're NM needs to grow a pair. Seriously. Granted, I've never been in that position, but I don't take too kindly to being coerced, and damn if I wouldn't call their bluff.

I'm sorry you had to work under these conditions. Please know that not all places are like this.

Specializes in Med Surg, Tele, PH, CM.

I assume by your specialty that you may be working in a LTC facility.You need to be working in a hospital. Most hospitals have rules about holidays - usually you have to work one of the three (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year). Most of the younger,single nurses like New Years off so they can party the night before. I worked at a hospital in Hawaii that scheduled the entire staff to work two hour shifts on Christmas Day. It was great because you can work around two hours so everyone got time off. It was a little confusing, but it was only for one day, and the census was down.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

We do the alternate thing too.. where you either work the day before or the day of the holiday. Working nights, if it's "your" holiday to work you work or are on call the eve leading up to the day (like, 12/24-25) and if it's not "your" holiday you work or are on call the night of (like, 12/25-26). Almost feels like you really don't get the holiday either way. It stinks in some ways, but the good thing is usually you can find someone to switch if you want the eve and they want the day, or vice versa.

This year I worked the night before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve (last night), and I ended up charge nurse all three of those nights (I think b/c I'm low on the totem pole of seniority as charge nurses go) which meant figuring up the day shift staffing for the holiday every single time, which was no fun, and having people call through the night to ask if they might possibly not be needed, because they were partying or something, because because because... Also, those nights before holidays, esp Christmas Eve, are supposed to be "slow", but definitely were NOT this year!!! Last night was one of the worst nights since I can remember. Oh well... enough of my complaining. I'm sorry. That totally derailed the thread and was pointless. I just hope I have a better holiday schedule next year. I wish there was a universally fair way to work the holiday schedule for everyone, but I am sure that is not at all possible!!

Also to the OP, I agree that it is really awful just getting schedules 3 days ahead of time!!! That is just ridiculous. I hope also you get a better holiday schedule next year. Is there any way you can put in requests now for maybe one or two of the holidays next year you would really like off, vs the ones you couldn't care less about having off? Sometimes if you give scheduling people something concrete to work with, they can figure something out that is more fair.

As far as feeling old... do you have any other younger nurses or aides where you work, that you'd hang out with on your time off; or anyone you know from nursing school who still lives near you, that you could go out with sometimes? Most of the people I ever hang out with are other nurses who work the night shift with me, because no one else understands our crazy schedule, and we make celebrations happen whenever schedules allow, not necessarily on the holiday, or whatever. (I don't think I'm making sense; I apologize.) It did take a while to find people worthwhile hanging out with, similar interests and all that, but it was worth it!!

Good luck to you, and sorry for rambling so much. I guess I need a nap. :)

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
last year i worked all those holidays plus easter and halloween. this year i was scheduled for every holiday except nye which doesn't mean a thing to me since we don't go out that night. i saw the kids open gifts for all of ten minutes before i headed out to work at 6 am christmas morning :(

i feel for ya.

welcome to the world of hospital nursing.

i don't understand why santa didn't come some time when you were home to participate. if the kids are old enough to read a calender, they're old enough for an explanation that "mommy (or daddy) has to be at work to help people who are too sick to be at home. so santa is doing us a special favor and stopping at our house on december 23 (or 27 or whatever.) isn't that great?!"

All of the nurses with seniority get their holiday requests first...leaving me out to dry. I LOVE nursing.. I love it when im doing it.. but then I go home at the end of the day or on my days off and think wow... I have nothing to do because I'm so busy and work so much that I have alienated myself, and my schedule is unconventional. UGH. I would work somewhere else, but this is pretty much the only option in the small town I live in. Traveling an hour to get somewhere else is almost just as bad. I feel stuck.

Thank you all for listening.

Why shouldn't the nurses with seniority get first choice? That is usually the way it works. The longer you stay the more seniority you will have.

Yes, it sucks but life passes you by and how. I remember when I was 21. Then, I woke up one day and was 30. When I turned 24 I realized it was the beginning of the end.

Living in the grown up world stinks and life is not fair. But if you are not saddled with children and a husband why not go part-time awhile and take it easy?

Specializes in Med-Surg, ED.

My first year in nursing I worked: Labor day, halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Mother's day and was scheduled for Memorial day but switched. Then I left. At my new job I did not work Labor day, worked Thanksgiving, did not work Christmas, and will work today (new Years day)

I did not leave my first job because of holidays, and expected the same schedule this year since I would be the new kid on the block. The floor I transferred to just has a much more fair holiday schedule. So sometimes is does pay to look elsewhere.

I very much admire the OP's willingness to work on changing the policy. That shows a true mark of maturity.

i don't understand why santa didn't come some time when you were home to participate. if the kids are old enough to read a calender, they're old enough for an explanation that "mommy (or daddy) has to be at work to help people who are too sick to be at home. so santa is doing us a special favor and stopping at our house on december 23 (or 27 or whatever.) isn't that great?!"

my husband is a pilot and i work m-f no weekends or holidays. we celebrated christmas december 22 this year. santa came the night before because santa knew that daddy was going to be flying the 23,24,25.... my kids also had christmas again on the 25 at grandma and grandpa's house because santa knew that we would be there.

we rarely celebrate holidays on the holiday since i was a hospital nurse for over 15 years before i became an educator.

you make it special!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Cardiology.

I too think that this is an unfair way to schedule you. At my facility, staff has to work holidays according to their status of full-time, part-time, per diem, contingent, etc. For example, a full-time employee has to work 2 -3 days of each holiday group. The holiday groups are (1) Easter, Memorial, Independence Days and (2) Labor day Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, and New Year's Eve/day. Our job also gives us sheets so that people can sign the dates that they prefer to work, then they are staffed according to a first come, first serve basis from the list. I think that people should have some type of choice and not just be pushed around because they are the new guy on the block.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

It's very true that when you're don't want to work every single holiday. My personal situation is that since my family all lives out of state during the winter....I would much rather work on the holidays and let people with kids/family in town enjoy the holidays with their loved ones....the holiday pay is pretty good anyway...I have personally not worked that many holidays this year....TG for a full shift, xmas day night for 5 hrs, and the other ones I've been on call so far.....

I agree with you that it's not fair, but know that next year the situation should NOT repeat itself, if it does, you have a problem and you'll need to stand up for yourself.....good luck to you, and hope the rest of 2008 doesn't present such a problem.

PS I'm 27 and somedays, I feel like I'm 47 when it comes to work!!

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

I don't believe senior nurses should get any more perks then a junior when it comes to rostering. If we all have to work as a team then we should be treated by management equally. I don't think it helps build morale on a unit either.

When I worked as a bedside nurse we were given one weekend off a month and no time for a social life. I couldn't stand it either. The pay was good but there is life outside of work.

Where i work now there is no weekends (unless you are a traume OR nurse which i'm not and never will be) no night shifts, and when there is a public holiday i get paid but don't have to work.

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