You might be a nursing student if....

Nursing Students General Students


ok im trying to come up with a nursing school t shirt, please add to my list, of course im not going to use all of these (especially the ones my teachers wont approve of) but feel free to write them anyway!

You might be a nursing student if.....

1. You think silk tape can fix anything.

2. You are not allowed to talk about your day at school at the dinner table.

3. You check out strangers for a set of nice veins.

4. You wash your hands before going to the bathroom.

5. You have what you think is a nightmare, and realize "oh im just at clinical."

6. You have replaced sleep with coffee and red bull.

7. The librarian at school thinks your a stalker.

8. You have no problem discussing sputum and bowel movements at lunch.

9. You analyze your own test results at the doctor's office.

10. You find yourself wiping other peoples butts more than your own.

11. You forgot you had a boyfriend and was wondering who was hogging the covers.

12. Your parents reported you missing over a year ago.

13. You have nightmares of being run over by a runaway crash cart.

Also tell me which ones are your favorite or ones you dont think i should use.:lol2:

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

14. You get excited when someone says there is dressing change or a catheter to be done

17. Your Christmas list consists of: NCLEX books, Drug flash cards and nursing care plan books

18.The thought, "what the H#$L are you talking about" runs through your head atleast once a day

This is so true!!! :rolleyes:

My boyfriend knows a guy who makes shirts proffessionally, and the more i make the cheaper they are, I think I might make some extra to bring down the cost and sell them for like 10 bucks on ebay or something. The christmas one is really great and so true.:wink2:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
I thought that was "You Might be a mother" :chuckle

as far as student,

You might be a nursing student if your books require wheels

You wear your Stethoscope for fun

You gave up clothes for scrubs

Your Husband goes to work in long sleeves to hide the needle marks or tells his boss he is married to a crazed lunatic with a needle


Love them all, especially the checking out stranger veins, huband wearing long sleeves, and the library one. ;)

Specializes in Med/Surg, Dialysis.

You might be a nursing student if....

You watch "SCRUBS" and check out the type of steth's the doc's/nurse's are wearing, double or single tubing??? LOL!

Doesn't make for a good t-shirt but this happened to me last night! :wink2:

ok im trying to come up with a nursing school t shirt, please add to my list, of course im not going to use all of these (especially the ones my teachers wont approve of) but feel free to write them anyway!

You might be a nursing student if.....

1. You think silk tape can fix anything.

2. You are not allowed to talk about your day at school at the dinner table.

3. You check out strangers for a set of nice veins.

4. You wash your hands before going to the bathroom.

5. You have what you think is a nightmare, and realize "oh im just at clinical."

6. You have replaced sleep with coffee and red bull.

7. The librarian at school thinks your a stalker.

8. You have no problem discussing sputum and bowel movements at lunch.

9. You analyze your own test results at the doctor's office.

10. You find yourself wiping other peoples butts more than your own.

11. You forgot you had a boyfriend and was wondering who was hogging the covers.

12. Your parents reported you missing over a year ago.

13. You have nightmares of being run over by a runaway crash cart.

Also tell me which ones are your favorite or ones you dont think i should use.:lol2:

these are all so funny! i'd love to have a shirt like this!

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

You are a Nursing Student if all of a sudden all friends and relatives ask you what to do about their medical problem :no:

(It is so happening to me every time I tell someone I am a nursing student!)

Specializes in Cardiology.
5. You have what you think is a nightmare, and realize "oh im just at clinical."


Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
You might be a nursing student if....

You watch "SCRUBS" and check out the type of steth's the doc's/nurse's are wearing, double or single tubing??? LOL!

Doesn't make for a good t-shirt but this happened to me last night! :wink2:

lol..i do this all the time....I always find myself checkin out what kinds of steths the MDs use...

Just from my own experience:

19. You find yourself subconciously palplating your dogs lymph dogs have lymph nodes?


This one really cracked me up. I have Newfoundlands (really really really big dogs). The last time I was at the vet with them, the vet (knowing I am a nursing student) whips off his stethoscope, hands it to me and insists that I listen to my dog's heart! I felt a little dumb when I had to ask "where"! lol My vet is really cool.

You know that you've been practicing too much when your teen age son mutters "99" and "blue moon" as he walks by hoping you aren't going to percuss him for the hundredth time.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

We did nursing "top ten" shirts. They cost about $6 to make, and we charged $10. The rest of the money went towards our pinning ceremony (we had to pay for it ourselves).

Speaking steth's, has anyone ever used or tried the "ultrascope", I'm thinking of buying one but wanted some input.

You might be a nursing student if....

You watch "SCRUBS" and check out the type of steth's the doc's/nurse's are wearing, double or single tubing??? LOL!

Doesn't make for a good t-shirt but this happened to me last night! :wink2:

ok im trying to come up with a nursing school t shirt, please add to my list, of course im not going to use all of these (especially the ones my teachers wont approve of) but feel free to write them anyway!

You might be a nursing student if.....

1. You think silk tape can fix anything.

2. You are not allowed to talk about your day at school at the dinner table.

4. You wash your hands before going to the bathroom.

5. You have what you think is a nightmare, and realize "oh im just at clinical."


Silk tape CAN fix anything!:bow:

Luckily for me, I am allowed to talk at the dinner table, my mom is now used to it!:eek:

I just LOVE that thread!:D

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