Published Aug 8, 2006
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
The conversation with coworkers each night starts with "I got x amount of sleep today..."
Funny girl
16 Posts
When you are actually hungry at 1am.
123 Posts
you have pillow creases on your face at 1 in the afternoon
154 Posts
you curse the neighbor for mowing his lawn at noon.
Pheebz777, BSN, RN
225 Posts
When you think you have a life.
143 Posts
Wonder why someone would call you at the unGodly hour of 10 am.
Don't they know you are SLEEPING? :sleep:
LeahJet, ASN, RN
486 Posts
On your nights off..... you get sleeeeeppppyyy in the late afternoon/early evening and then ~BAM~ you are wide awake from 10pm on.
51 Posts
You can only recognize a resident with no glasses, no teeth and in their jammies!
300 Posts
OMG... There have been so many times where've I stayed over to help day shift and walked in my patient's room (whom I had the night before and had not seen in about an hour) and not know who in the world they were. :chuckle I thought I was the only one.
227 Posts
[color=dimgray]you are standing there at change of shift in the morning and your coworkers are grossed out that you are eating potato chips.
lisamc1RN, LPN
943 Posts
YOu drink coffee all night long. You STOP drinking coffee in the morning so that you will be good and tired when you get home.
1,237 Posts
you have pale, pale skin, wear really dark sunglasses and HISSSSSSSSS when sunlight hits you:lol2: