You know you've been a nurse for way too long when...


...Somebody calls your friend an SOB and you start assessing his respiratory status.

ok. so that one's a joke, but everybody's gotta have one of those stories when, for example: I instant messaged my friend "you need to have some patients. Oh, uh, I mean patience!

so what's your story? :) can talk about bodily excretions while your eating or compare the color of your food to that of a wound, stool, sputum etc with a group of non-nursing people and not think twice about it but everyone at the table has suddenly lost his/her appetite.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

:rotfl: Those are great. Keep em coming. :)

another one......when you see an ambulance w/ lights and sirens and, instead of saying a prayer for the person being transported, your first thought "Thank God it's not my admission!!!"

When the neighbor calls you to assess his elderly mother's status instead of calling her doctor.

When one of the kids comes in bleeding and you attempt to take vital signs before checking the wound.

you fall asleep in the easy chair in your scrubs.

all your shoes look like work shoes.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
When the neighbor calls you to assess his elderly mother's status instead of calling her doctor.

When one of the kids comes in bleeding and you attempt to take vital signs before checking the wound.

you fall asleep in the easy chair in your scrubs.

all your shoes look like work shoes.

That's my aunt exactly. :)

I went to the movies a couple months ago and there was an add for a local department store that had a picture of a woman in a dress and the words PROM 2005 written out. My first thought? .... Premature Rupture of Membranes.

You don't go to the doctor until to are 1 foot in the grave because, you don't want to see one on your day off.

:rotfl: Those are great. Keep em coming. :)

1. You watch a medical show such as ER, and come up with the "patient's" diagnosis, even before the actors say thier lines.

Specializes in Inpatient Acute Rehab.

You are standing in line at the grocery store and think to yourself about the guy ahead of you "Man, he would be an easy stick! Look at those veins!"

You are standing in line at the grocery store and think to yourself about the guy ahead of you "Man, he would be an easy stick! Look at those veins!"

I can relate! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

I can relate too!!!

Also, you DON'T watch medical shows on TV because it is too much like work and you need a break or have lost interest.

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