Published Apr 23, 2008
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
We all have those moments when suddenly our little corner of the world is brightened by someone or something and we think, I just love my job!
Share your I-love-my-job moment!
I needed a mental health day. I also needed to go shopping. Shopping is very therapeutic for me.
So I called up the hospital and told the Charge that I wanted to be low census'd. She asked why.
I told her that it was because they were having a huge sale at Publix. She cracked up.
I got the whole day off.
829 Posts
ii told her that it was because they were having a huge sale at publix.
i told her that it was because they were having a huge sale at publix.
lucky you--no publix in central virginia!! i'd kill for one of their subs or tres leche cakes...:bdck:
Another time, a family member was furious that I could not discuss his relative's test results with him. He wasn't content with "she did just fine" on this or that test, he wanted details and he wanted medical dx's and options.
I kept explaining to him that I wasn't able to do this because it was not in my scope and he refused to accept that. The more I explained, the more angry he became, shouting at me, getting very red in the face, even shaking his fist at me at one point. He really believed that I was holding out on him just to be mean.
That's when Dr. G -- not the patient's doc -- stepped in. He grabbed the chart, stepped around the desk, put his arm around the guy (the doc was twice as large), and led him into the dictation room to discuss all the medical stuff.
I've never seen a doc jump in and rescue any nurse like that, but after the little talk with the doc, the family member was so sweet to us, it was really like seeing a completely different person. He even apologised.
I went from hating my job to loving it when I saw that!
Thanks so much, Dr. G!!
nyapa, RN
995 Posts
ppl whom you have only looked after once or twice pull you aside and thank you for the care you gave them. It's even better when you remember who they are :uhoh21:
564 Posts
You are in the room with your patient...that just wont stop pooping. And your fellow nurses, get your new admission all settled in, enter all the orders, and get a history from the family...then ask you if you need anything I love my co-workers!
138 Posts
When your co-workers are supportive, fun and kind!
and you go to work to "get away from it all" ; )
203 Posts
...When your department is like a family.
...When your manager, coworkers, and you plot to get PRN people to work so that you all can just get together.
...When you actually look forward to staff meetings.
...When you look forward to coming to work.
...When everyone in your department is committed to the same goal: Providing the BEST patient care possible.
..When your doctor and midwife respect the nurses and enjoy teaching you.
I absolutely believe that I have the BEST job!
73 Posts
When your crazy little grandma pt. tells you, "I don't need no Son of a B medicine," and you tell her that isn't the kind you have and she considers it and it makes sense to her so she takes it!
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
I needed a mental health day. I also needed to go shopping. Shopping is very therapeutic for me. So I called up the hospital and told the Charge that I wanted to be low census'd. She asked why.I told her that it was because they were having a huge sale at Publix. She cracked up.I got the whole day off.
"THERE'S A SALE AT PENNY'S!!!" --_Airplane!_
--You can call in if you need to and the supervisor DOES NOT ask you "what's wrong with you" because they KNOW they aren't supposed to.
--You work with fun, laid back people and you have some really fun times at work.
--Like someone else said "You go to work to get away from it all"
--Your workplace holds an art fair/contest for employees
--Part of your job is playing games like Scrabble with the patients
*MAN* I miss my psych job sometimes...
Last weekend...
A surgeon stepped in front of my extremely challenging dad in one of my rooms (pt. was a 5 wk. old c pyloric stenosis repair) and said...
"It looked like you just handed a nurse your child so that she could change a diaper! I know you weren't doing that though, right?"
A few minutes later, he stepped right in front of same Dad as he attempted to hand me said dirty diaper (open) and blocked him, then asked for my opinion on wound care, saying "Kristen is an expert in many things."
If I weren't a happily married woman, I would have kissed him. Seriously.
And then the next shift, the night nurse who I was giving the charge phone and pager off to, stopped for a minute and said "don't stress about anything that happened today. You are a great charge - and if you messed something up, it's because they didn't train you enough. Go home, forget this place, have a wonderful night."
Most of all, though, in pediatrics we see such cool things - like the teen whose heart stopped after being hit with a lacrosse ball (Commotio Cordis). There was an AED at the field - and I got to be there to see him walk around. Fan-freakin-tastic job when things like that happen!!