Published May 8, 2007
492 Posts
We're getting dissed again....
Anyhoo, what do you think of it...are we getting "phased out" so-to-speak?
Is it going to be an ALL RN party sometime soon, or is this the same old song and dance that has been going on for years?
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
I had an instructor in nsg school who told us they were talking about phasing out LPN's in the 60's when she was in school!:monkeydance:
150 Posts
back when my mother was a LPN (in the late 60's) they had talked of phasing out LPN's. 40 years later LPN's are still a vital member of the healthcare team. I am proud to be a LPN.
8,343 Posts
I found it interesting that so many of the "educated" RNs who posted had such poor spelling and keyboarding skills. You'd have thought they would have learnt to proof read....
The Canadian Nurses Association is looking into nursing education for the 21st. Century. Their ideal training plan was described as a 2-4-6-8-10 plan. The two year mark would issue a PN diploma which would be REQUIRED to advance up the nursing foodchain until PhD level is obtained. That's right they would expect all nurses to enter as PNs and work their way up the educational ladder.
Of course it's still in the planning/discussion stages but it could be an interesting 25 years up here.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
You might note that the thread you list "as dissing y'all again" is a very old one, that just resurfaces occasionally.
Thus it is just the same old diss.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
There has been talk of phasing out LPNs since 1965, so this is truthfully very old news. I wouldn't worry too much.
42 years afterward, LPNs have not been phased out of the healthcare system. We are slowly being phased out of many hospitals, but LTC and home health are the absolute wave of the future for LPNs.
Perhaps in your part of the world but not in mine. If anything our areas of practice are constantly expanding. When I graduated, school nursing was the preserve of the RN. Now the school health programme is going PN at an incredible rate.
The cost of healthcare is rising rapidly. Governments want the most value for their dollar--hence the increased utilization of the Practical Nurse.'re getting dissed again.... Anyhoo, what do you think of it...are we getting "phased out" so-to-speak? Is it going to be an ALL RN party sometime soon, or is this the same old song and dance that has been going on for years?
tmmcbrady, ASN, RN
19 Posts
I graduated from LPN school in 1978, that was all the talk back then. Right now, I work in a career college teaching in a Medical Assistant program and our school is in the process of developing an LPN Program.
I'm not going anywhere. I've done a lot career wise and always my 1st credential I put down is my LPN.
Very proud to be an LPN
feisty_lpn, LPN
106 Posts
In Ohio, the BON has implemented a "trial" for medication aides. The trial is to end in June, I think. I know alot of LPNs are nervous because 75% of the LPNs duty in LTC is the med pass. I also know alot of LPNs here are not comfortable with an aide passing meds under their supervision. I'm one of them... I'd rather do it myself and know its done properly. (That topic/debate is for another thread. I'll stop there. LOL)
I'm very proud to be an LPN as well. I went to a grueling, 12 month program while holding down a job and raising 2 young children. I worked hard. That being said, I am going on to get my RN when my 3rd child enters preschool in 2 years.
191 Posts
Don't see how this is a "diss". I will have to research it further, but I think that this is true. My mother works in higher education and she has told me that New York state has in fact made the BSN as entry-level for nursing a state initiative and several other states are considering it.
As far as I know (and nothing about it actully being a law is on the net; only talk) New York State is "considering" following the same path for nurses it set for teachers.
There is, however, a HUGE amount of nurses (and statesmen) against it, so it will certainly be an uphill battle for those who support it.
As for other states? Thus far, North Dakota is the only state to attempt mandating the baccalaureate degree as the requirement for entry into nursing practice; it dropped the requirement last year.