Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

Nursing Students Post Graduate


It didn't look like there was a thread for 2011 Yale GEPN applicants. Since the application recently opened, I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone else is starting to work on their application.

Anyone else out there?

Hello everyone!

I have an interview on the 28th for Women's Health. I am in NYC and was thinking about maybe renting a car and driving up if there is anyone from the city looking to go up that day a well. I know Metro North is pretty easy, but since I wasn't planning on staying overnight I thought a car might be easier than getting to Grand Central at 6:00 am and then walking to the nursing school from the station in New Haven.

I walked from the station when I went up to visit the school last spring. My friend in the program told me that in the middle of the day walking from the station would be safe. But in the morning, wearing a nice suit, and with January temps that seems way less appealing so the car rental idea just popped in my head. Thought I'd check if anyone else was interested in sharing the cost of a car to get up there?

Also, I am very curious to hear about past interview experiences if anyone has heard anything. From what I have heard, sounds like everyone has very subjective experiences, but any info is helpful!

So exciting/nerve-wracking!

Hello Alleme,

I have an interview on the 28th as well and will be coming from NYC. I am interested in going with you in a car however, how much would it cost? Also we could just meet at Grand Central in the morn and go out together too...just an option. I am flying in from southern Mexico (Chiapas) and it is expensive thus i do not have a ton of bread to spend on a car. but let me know what the numbers are perhaps we could work something out. Hope this finds you well.


Not sure if anyone knows the answers...

1. Does Yale ever give teaching or research assistantship jobs to GEPN students? When I did my first round of grad work I had one or the other and I haven't heard anything about TAs or RAs through the application process.

2. What else do we do all day besides have our interview? I was told to show up at 8:30 but my interview isn't until 2pm...



Hey Tanya! We totally should set our moms up :) I am from Cambridge, MA and I also applied to Columbia and Hopkins. How about you? Drop me an email so we can meet up in person next Friday :) [email protected]

Anyone interviewing for FNP on Jan 28?

hi everyone!

this is my first time writing on this blog (i'm so happy i stumbled across this!). I would like to apply to the yale GENP program in November 2011. I was an international affairs major in college (at GWU) and i did not take any of the typical nursing pre-reqs. Yale is (to my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong) one of the only schools that does not mandate pre-reqs. I have taken Microbiology and Statistics, but never Anatomy, etc. I don't know if I have any sort of shot at getting in to Yale, and I would greatly appreciate it if any of you have some insight.

Does anyone know the typical GRE range for a GENP student? I think that not having any pre-reqs will definitely work against me. But I'm currently working for in the global health portfolio of a well known international development agency, and I hope this experience will strengthen my resume. I'd like to sign up for more pre-req classes so I can apply to other schools (columbia, pace, georgetown direct entry programs all require pre-reqs) but I typically work until about 8/9 pm and there's no way i can take classes.

any advice? I would love to go to Yale, though I know that I should not count on getting in...at the moment i believe it's my only option - i would have to get a new job to take pre-req classes to apply to other schools.

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time posting here. I have an interview on the 27th and I'm flying in on the 26th. Is anyone else flying into New Haven from Pennsylvania then?


hi everyone!

this is my first time writing on this blog (i'm so happy i stumbled across this!). I would like to apply to the yale GENP program in November 2011. I was an international affairs major in college (at GWU) and i did not take any of the typical nursing pre-reqs. Yale is (to my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong) one of the only schools that does not mandate pre-reqs. I have taken Microbiology and Statistics, but never Anatomy, etc. I don't know if I have any sort of shot at getting in to Yale, and I would greatly appreciate it if any of you have some insight.

Does anyone know the typical GRE range for a GENP student? I think that not having any pre-reqs will definitely work against me. But I'm currently working for in the global health portfolio of a well known international development agency, and I hope this experience will strengthen my resume. I'd like to sign up for more pre-req classes so I can apply to other schools (columbia, pace, georgetown direct entry programs all require pre-reqs) but I typically work until about 8/9 pm and there's no way i can take classes.

any advice? I would love to go to Yale, though I know that I should not count on getting in...at the moment i believe it's my only option - i would have to get a new job to take pre-req classes to apply to other schools.

Average GRE breakdown of Yale GEPN students is:

Verbal - 580

Quantitative - 630

Analytical Writing - 5.0

Average GPA is 3.47 and minimum GPA is 3.2

For those of you with interviews on the 28th, is anyone planning to stay in the hotels near the school? If so, how are you planning to get there? Cab, walk, drive?

I am just seeing this post, but I got a good deal at the Courtyard Marriott at New Haven ($113). I am most likely going to cab to YSN.


There are a few TA'ships offered in the second year, but it's not like standard graduate programs, where you essentially pay off your tuition by working for the university teaching classes, grading papers and working in a lab.

I looked into it -- they pay you something, but it's not a free ride, tuitionwise, unfortunately. Definitely ask about it if they don't bring it up. If you have a strong background in something, mention it. I think they said it was even possible to do it outside the nursing school (if for example you came in with a business degree or were a Classics major, or have strong English skills, you might be of use in one of those areas).

As for how the day goes, you are briefed as a whole by the GEPN coordinator on how your first year goes, the dean of students on New Haven, housing parking etc., financial aid, of course, you divide into specialties and get taken through the next two years. You have lunch, you meet some students. There is a lot of time for questions -- so use it!

People are having interviews through all this, but most of the interviews are after lunch. It's a box lunch.

There's an optional campus tour afterward (or was) but you can leave after your interview if you want, or hang around and talk to the people who would be your classmates for the next 3 years. I think this is an important part of the equation. If you can't see yourself with these people, in this place, you have some more thinking to do ... use your time at all your visits/interviews well. Faculty, financial aid, they're all there. If you're nervous about approaching people, at least get their names so you can contact them. You'll soon learn yale e-mail addresses are easy to figure out.

There are tours of the campus all the time, so you don't need to stick around. It won't affect your chances!

As for relatives ... Honestly? You are moving around from room to room. There is no lunch for them. A couple of people brought family members, and they sat in the back and they looked uncomfortable. (It wasn't intentional, it just wasn't like college, where everybody comes with mom. Grad school's an older crowd.)

There are plenty of places in New Haven they can check out, have lunch, coffee (Atticus Bookshop is great, next to British Art museum) shop for Yale Nursing sweatshirts for you -- because you guys are all going to do great!

Good luck to everyone.


There are a few TA'ships offered in the second year, but it's not like standard graduate programs, where you essentially pay off your tuition by working for the university teaching classes, grading papers and working in a lab.

I looked into it -- they pay you something, but it's not a free ride, tuitionwise, unfortunately. Definitely ask about it if they don't bring it up. If you have a strong background in something, mention it. I think they said it was even possible to do it outside the nursing school (if for example you came in with a business degree or were a Classics major, or have strong English skills, you might be of use in one of those areas).

Thanks for all of the information. I will certainly mention my background in teaching and see if I can reduce my debt by planning for that; I teach English and have taught various college courses/writing. Too bad it's not a like some grad schools (I'm not referring to nursing schools, necessarily) where they only take students for whom they have full funding!

I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in seeing how they break down the costs and financial aid packages!!! That's so much scarier for me than the work of the program - YIKES!

Can't wait to hear about this week's interviews!

Anyone have any links to notes on previous years of Yale GEPN interviews? I've seen a couple but I'm still interested in hearing more about what kind of questions might be presented. Good luck to everyone who's interviewing! Alternatively -- any current GEPNrs want to share what they remember from their interviews? Thanks!

Got an interview for Pediatrics on Jan 20th! Can't wait to meet everyone!!

hey! are your parents/a parent/family member/someone coming to the orientation day with you?

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