Published Aug 5, 2010
It didn't look like there was a thread for 2011 Yale GEPN applicants. Since the application recently opened, I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone else is starting to work on their application.
Anyone else out there?
33 Posts
I am wondering did anyone apply to Johns Hopkins BSN to MSN program? It sounds like it is the same cost as Yale. Johns Hopkins has a summer start while other programs all seem to have fall starts. So I was wondering if acceptances for Johns Hopkins came around the same time as other Direct entry MSN programs like Yale?I'm considering applying for Fall 2012 to Yale. The only thing is I'm trying to save money and another year of saving money would go a long way so may push it off to 2013.
I'm considering applying for Fall 2012 to Yale. The only thing is I'm trying to save money and another year of saving money would go a long way so may push it off to 2013.
Hi - I applied to Hopkins for 2011 start. From my applications, Yale was the only one that had a fall start - all my other applications had summer starts. My acceptance for JHU this year was really weird - they had a ton of trouble communicating with students and so while we were supposed to be informed of our admittance status in early February (before Yale's acceptance notification), I didn't find out I was accepted until late March, much after my deposit for my other schools was required. My prediction is that next year they will have fixed whatever kink was in their admissions system. Still, most of the acceptances, regardless of start date, come in the month of February. Good luck!
980 Posts
Ok thanks!
4 Posts
Hi Jon, Have you decided between Yale and Vanderbilt? I am also debating between these two but for the FNP specialty.
Molls11 - Sorry about the super late reply, I was traveling the world. I ended up choosing Yale over Vandy and Columbia. Hope you are happy with your decision and have a great year wherever you attend!
3 Posts
I've finished my essay, but then a terrible thought occurred to me. Do I have to answer the sub-questions (the questions within the questions) in order as well? I called, but they have a new person handling admissions, so I wasn't confident that her answer that it doesn't matter really aligned with their strict policy regarding order. Does anyone happen to know?
87 Posts
Hey! Glad to see action on here. I am uncertain about the subsection
Order...but the rest def has to go in the order
Of the questions asked. Sorry I'm not more help!
What specialty are you applying to?
I'm hoping to send in my application tomorrow night.
I mailed in my packet on Friday last week - I need
To follow up on my tracking and make sure
It made it there safely!
Congratulations on not being a master procrastinator like myself and getting your materials in early enough so that you don't have to pay top USPS prices!
I wanted to apply to the Acute/Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist Track, but I saw this on their website:
"The School of Nursing is not currently admitting students to this track for the 2011-2012 academic year."
Does this mean they will start accepting people for the 2012-2013 academic year? It seems like they would've updated it so that people who are completing their applications could have the most current information.
What specialty are you applying for?
I am not sure about that program. Do you have Melissa's email?
Or Sandra Esposito? Melissa answers questions literally
Within a minute if it's during the workday!
227 Posts
Poppyseed - I took them literally about the order of the questions, because I had read in previous Yale GEPN threads that they were really strict about it. So I answered every question and sub-question in the order they listed...I'm not sure if that was necessary or not, so you should email the people simplekategirl mentioned and double check.
1 Post
Hi everyone,
Nice to see a thread about 2012 admissions. I just spent all saturday morning reading the thread from 2010. I applied to Yale, Columbia and Stony Brook. Just curious if anyone in the NY area is considering the Accelerated BSN at Stony Brook? I have read a lot about the financial hardship of the combined degrees and am seriously wondering if paying considerably less for the BSN at Stony Brook and then pursuing the masters at Yale or Columbia afterwards, while working as an RN, isn't a wiser choice. This choice may be made for me depending on where I get in. If I am fortunate enough to get into all 3, I am still not sure where I would go, although I have always leaned towards Yale, especially with their reputation for research.
Just wondering if anyone else is applying for the combined GEPN at Yale and ETP at Columbia, but considering other avenues as well.
Congrats to everyone for getting your applications in. Anyone take the new GRE's ? I did and am not overly thrilled with my scores but feel like they are sufficient. The actual test was possibly the least enjoyable experience of my life, however.
Hey Bizzy631 - this is actually the thread from last year...come join us on the 2012 thread!