U.S.A. North Carolina


Anyone applying for the ABSN program at Winston-Salem State University this year? Just wondering if there were others out there who would be in the same boat.

Has anyone heard of funding this year?

Does anyone know how they rank applicants?

Thanks and Good Luck to all!

I requested to join the FB group. TB tests are available here, but that is in Mt. Airy, an hour outside of Winston-Salem. What is the ATI fee?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the ATI fee goes to pay for a course to prepare us for NCLEX testing. Google ATI testing to find out more.

Side note- Did anyone actually receive an acceptance letter in the mail? I didn't... oooh WSSU :sarcastic:

Hello brave WSSU ABSN students,

Congratulations on your acceptance! I am currently in the ABSN program and about to graduate in February. As far as the schedule goes, be prepared to be busy with class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and have clinical on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. We usually have Sundays and Mondays off. ATI is a testing program that you will use throughout the nursing program, and it is mandatory that you get it. As for the Baptist interview, the people interviewing you are looking for a few things:

1. They want to know that you are interested in living in Winston Salem (or commuting to Winston Salem) after graduating from the nursing program. If you tell them you want to move to XYZ state after graduation and work, they will probably not hire you.

2. If you go into the interview and immediately tell them you want to work on a unit that Baptist does not provide (such as labor and delivery) they will probably not choose you.

3. They ask you a lot of situational questions such as about conflict in the workplace and how you have dealt with it in the past. I would be prepared to answer such type of questions quickly.

4. Honestly, I think they like to choose candidates that are very open to possible floors they could work on. I told them I was open to almost any floor they wanted to put me on, and I think that worked to my benefit.

Honestly, the only way my cohort is surviving this program is through the advice we received from the group that went before us. Feel free to ask any questions you may have because this program is INSANELY disorganized and they do not tell you much information before you even get to orientation.

As for anyone needing to move to the Winston Salem area, let me know if you need help on good places to live or good areas of Winston! Get ready everyone, your lives are about to change a whole lot come January!!

I am interested in moving to WS but I was more hoping for roommate or roommates that are in the program as well. how do I go about finding the right apartments or roommates? I live in Charlotte now

Hey guys, I will be starting the ABSN program at WSSU this coming spring, 2014!

I have yet to hear anything from Baptist for funding. All I know is that if I don't get scholarships or funding from anyone, I will have to be forced to take out loans :(

I talked with Dr.Holland today, once your acceptance through the University (separate from the DON) you will start to get more information about everything and can actually contact the Financial Aid office for further assistance. Also, he said that you have to wait for Baptist to contact you. There is also the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholarship as well.

I know I will be moving to Winston as soon as possible to make everything easier. I'm hoping to just rent a room in a house somewhere close to the hospital. Although, I was told that all of our clinicals will not be at Baptist, that there will be other sites as well.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that 2, yes TWO TB tests have to be completed by November 15th. If you cannot get them done, you can always do the Quantiferon Test which is done by taking blood and you have to make sure the place you get it done has the kits available and are able to get it processed within the time it is supposed to be done.

Does anyone know about getting flu shots????

You will need a flu shot. If you have insurance, you can go to just about any pharmacy and get a shot. Make sure you make copies OF EVERYTHING!!! All your shot records and any other paperwork you turn in. Chances are, they will misplace it and you will have to get another copy. 2 TB tests are not that big of a deal. The quantiferon test is a quick easy fix, but it is sometimes not as easy as you think. I had it done twice and both times it came back "indeterminate." So I had to go and do the 2 tests.

The Baptist interview is very basic and easy. I am funded so it has been very nice. Like one of my classmates said, the lady is super sweet and asks you general questions about work history and scenarios and how you would handle it. You do have to play it a little maybe, by saying you want to stay in Winston Salem. Do not say you want to move back to Charlotte or where ever if you want to funding. The Robert Wood Johnson Scholarship is good but you also have to go to some other meetings and PR type of things.

Good luck to you all. You have to stick together in this program. You may meet each other at orientation and think "What do I have in common with these people" or "She gets on my nerves." But be ready, these people will become your friends and family for this time. Your friends outside of school are going to have issues with you being "flaky" or not hanging out and you need to prepare them up front. And be prepared to lose some friends. You really spend all your time with your classmates because of the schedule. You will be forced to get along and as long as you help and encourage each other, you will do fine.

PS - ATI is a BIG help. And do not take them lightly. The better you do on ATI the better you should do on the NCLEX. Baptist pays for it if you end up getting funded.

Does anyone know when we will hear from Baptist? Or rather if???

Also, I was made aware if you are having trouble getting TB skin tests, try MinuteClinic at CVS and/or other pharmacies. :)

We were contacted from Baptist shortly after hearing about getting in. But we were also told that our year was the last to get funded, unless they worked something out at the last minute.

The FaceBook group is good. We use it to talk and share information and it has been great to stay up to date on everything going on in the program. If you guys have questions or need anything, just email me on here and I will help out!

If y'all don't get funding from Baptist, definitely apply for Robert Wood Johnson scholarship! You get a mentor to help you through the program from the previous class. My mentor has been wonderful and can't wait to be a mentor to 1 or 2 of y'all!

Thank you guys for all the information! ErinJane1 - I have a question about Baptist funding, did they pay for all expenses (tuition, fees, books, insurance) and do they still give you a stipend? I know it may be different for our year, but just looking to get a heads up. Specifically, our letters said that Baptist may provide "limited funding" to selected students. Anything is better than nothing though.

Thanks again!

From what I am hearing, Baptist will pay for tuition/books/etc. but will not provide the stipend each month. Also I have heard that only 17 students will be selected for that funding.

Some people got an email from baptist today, I did not receive anything from them yet. :(

And I cannot figure out if the entire list of accepted students will be submitted for review for that funding, or if DON will select 17.

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