Published Apr 9, 2010
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
My mom had to renew her driver's license and was having a hard time getting in with an eye doctor for an eye exam. My dad noticed on the form it said the eye exam form can be completed by an MD, PA, NP, DO, optometrist, or RN. He asked me if I would do it. I have a snellen chart and measured 20 feet away and tested her eyes. She scored 20/30 on both eyes, so I wrote that on the form and signed it. The form asked for my name, signature, and license number, which I provided. I'm seeing nothing wrong with what I did, but I know most people are strongly against "treating" family- which I am also. But are you against it for something this simple? Do you think the DMV will care that we have the same last name?
193 Posts
Usually I'm in the camp of "not a good idea to treat family." However, for something so simple, I think it's fine. Sounds like you knew how to complete an eye exam with a Snellen chart and you are licensed to make an assessment and document it. Nothing hokey about that.
The DMV will likely not even look at the signature. They just care that it's done. Sad, but true.
109 Posts
As long as something doesn't happen where people might believe you fudged the numbers so she could drive, probably won't come back to it. But I'm with twentytenRN, the person at the counter is probably going to look for a signiture and not care who it is.
7,108 Posts
Well, dang it, I wish my state would allow that, I hate the DMV! But here the state seems to assume you are a criminal of some sort until you prove otherwise.
For an eye exam, I don't see why you shouldn't do it, either.
634 Posts
I would do it if I were qualified and my state allowed it.
And sometimes unrelated people have the same (less than common) last name.
My husband's oral surgeon shares our last name - I've never met anyone else outside our family with it - and the office workers always assume we're realted to him when I call about appointments/bills. :) I'm sure it'll be fine.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
probably ok with the DMV. Generally speaking though, I hope Mom does not let that take the place of routine eye exams. People with glaucoma can have 20/20 central vision and almost no peripheral vision. Tell Mom to be safe!
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
As long as you know she is safe to drive, I don't see a problem.
If she wasn't safe, then I say let your conscience be your guide should she hurt someone.
PedsAtHeart, LPN
375 Posts
I see nothing wrong with it.
I give my own children their shots.... I know I am trained for it and I know I do it right, so I choose to do it myself...
2,453 Posts
I needed a TB reading. I explained to my brother in law (radiologost) how to read it, and he did. It was negative.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
i think it's perfectly fine, since any data you are collecting, is all objective.
if your assessment entailed nsg judgment, then it could be supposed that lines may be crossed.
yes, i'd feel perfectly comfortable doing this.
1,917 Posts
Wow, you don't have to have an eye exam to renew license in my state. They check your eyes AT the DMV office. Its always interesting to see how states do things differently!
You can get it done at the office too, but if you want to renew by mail, there's this form.