I posted this on another website and am getting no's and I am really desparate. I already sent off my statement and would be devastated if they it came back denied. Any opinions or help please?
Hello :)
Here is my dilemma, my husband is working two jobs, we have two children, and I am ready to go back to work. I would like to apply at a hospital that I previously worked at before but was discharged from involuntarily. I sent an application and received a rehire review request form in the mail. One of the questions is "Please provide a statement supporting your request for rehire:"
Here is what happened. I worked there about six plus years ago and I had the best job in the world working in pediatrics, I LOVE kids. I thought I was in love and had been going through a bad time in the relationship that I was in, my boyfriend cheated on me and then moved to Florida but he still gave me his phone number, and I was calling him on a calling card from work while I was finishing up my charting. I was warned but did not listen and made the stupidest mistake and was let go. I have regret this decision ever since and now I have an opportunity to hopefully get on at the company.
Here is my statement, would you hire me back?
"To have wisdom is a gift. To have that same wisdom and help others is truly a blessing. I took that for granted and gave up way too easily many years ago. From the time I became a [co.] Medical Explorer all the way through earning my Certified Nursing Assistant status has been a true privelage. I have made many mistakes since that time, but I have also learned from my mistakes and would love the opportunity to show how I can be a great asset to [co.] and a great help to all the patients that I will encounter in my future.
I am now married with two children and more so now than ever understand what responsibility means and just how important life is. I also understand that life is not easy nor fair for anyone and to appreciate each gift that is given to me. The smile on those faces and knowing I will be one of those that helped make everything better will be worth it. I would give anything to have that world back in my life."