Would you give it to them?



I'm a new nurse working in LTC. During my orientation, I saw CNAs ask the nurse for Advil and Tylenol, claiming to have headache...the nurse did give the med to them...I was very uncomfortable watching that..I know that sooner or later I will be the one asked, so, my question is: is this a common and acceptable thing or is it a big NO NO? Any input is appreciated and thanks for reading!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Happens all the time.

I remember when I was new, aides would come up to me at the med cart and ask for some Tylenol, and I'd ask them if they had any allergies before I'd give them anything. I just didn't want to be held responsible if something went sideways. :yes:

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

In my unit (different than LTC but irrelevant I believe)., the charge nurses had a key to the management office. Management kept a supply of Tylenol & Advil and would dispense them to nurses or non-licensed after assuring no allergies. It doesn't come from patient supplies but that might be because infant doses wouldn't work for us.

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

When I worked in a psych hospital, after unit dose was the norm everywhere else, our meds still came either 500 or 1000 to a bottle.

The word from management was to check for any allergies,then one dose per eight hours was fine to give.

It just came from the big bottles.

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

i don't give Rx to anyone at work unless i have an order

if the facility has Tylenol for staff use i'd provide access to it, but

would certainly not pour it

if it comes in a bottle, i'd ask admin if we can get a card instead

alternatively, i'd offer the CNA a break to get her own Tylenol and

give her money to buy it if needed

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

I can't count the number of times I gave someone on staff Tylenol from the bottle in my locker. I always felt weird doing it the other way, but did sometimes. I have never known why if I can keep Tylenol, Imodium, and Tums in my locker, others couldn't too.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

We have the large bottles of stock meds in our cart at my LTC facility. We have been ok'd to give staff tylenol, motrin and tums when needed.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

A nurse in Massachusetts was observed by the DPH giving acetaminophen from the cart to a staff member. She was sited for dispensing without a license. I bring my own acetaminophen and keep it in my desk. I've had staff members ask for prescription medication saying they didn't have time to get their prescription filled! Really?!? I don't care to have anyone lose their license because you didn't go to the pharmacy.

No, I wouldn't do it and CapeCodMermaid's post makes that point for me. We have bottles of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in the break room.

It is dispensing without a license. I will not be cited for it. Some have asked me for Mylanta or Tylenol and I refuse. They get upset but I tell them "The store is down the street. If you would like to take a break to get something, let me know". I will not be reprimanded for a simple thing.

Specializes in Psych.

I have ibuprofen in my locker. My locker has a lock on it but those who work with me know how to get into my locker. If they need something for a headache, they get it themselves.

Thank you, all so much! I know they will hate me, but, oh well:-)

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