worried/losing hope


Well it has been 19 days now waiting for my results i am losing hope that i pass. i test aug 28 in CA i cannot handle this wait i feel sick to my stomach. I had 75 questions only 3 SATA 3 cal lots of meds. priority and my last question was on delegation whic patient to assign to a pregnant 10 weeks nurse i donot know what to think I feel real down today my worst day sice the test. I did suzanne's plan :(

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Have you contacted BON to see if letters have been sent or your file is complete?

Specializes in medical surgical nursing, MAN-MSN.
Well it has been 19 days now waiting for my results i am losing hope that i pass. i test aug 28 in CA i cannot handle this wait i feel sick to my stomach. I had 75 questions only 3 SATA 3 cal lots of meds. priority and my last question was on delegation whic patient to assign to a pregnant 10 weeks nurse i donot know what to think I feel real down today my worst day sice the test. I did suzanne's plan :(

better contact the calif bon and ask them if they have mailed it already to you to end your agony waiting for the result. be positive and hang on to your RN dream.:loveya:

i agree with tobby, you btter contact the cali bon. gudluck

i will contact them tomorrow my file is complete this is my 6 th time testing

Sorry, but files are not necessarily complete because you have written the exam several times. Your file is not assessed for being complete until you have actually written and passed the exam.

Could have been an issue with fingerprints or anything else for that matter. Just check with them to see if they have a completed file on you. We have seen it take about a month for some.

Best of luck to you.

Specializes in NICU.

my friend is on his 49th day of waiting. don't lose hope. we already asked ca-BON to resend the results.

call today and they said it was mailed out on the 10 th of september to give it seven business days so i wait some more maybe it will come today

Specializes in ER.
call today and they said it was mailed out on the 10 th of september to give it seven business days so i wait some more maybe it will come today

WOW what an awfully long wait. They wouldn't tell you over the phone? I really feel bad whinning about my 48 hour wait. (I am on 28th hour) Good luck to you! I hope you pass!

Just stay positive! WHen do u find out ur results?

aw man im going crazy and i only have to wait another day!! i feel your pain tho :banghead:

nothing today maybe it will be lucky thursday

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