Working in Hawaii


Hi everybody!

I have a question. I live in North Carolina now but I would love to relocate to Hawaii.

Is it hard to find a job in Hawaii with just and Associates in Nursing? The only skill I have is that I'm bilingual (spanish)


Specializes in Home Health Care.

I don't know , but it is a dream of mine to live there! Best of luck :D

You may want to have a look in the Hawaii forum. I know there have been threads I've seen in the past about it being hard to find a job in the islands, and also the v. high cost of living.

I would live in a shack if it meant living in Hawaii! In five years I am going to go to a surf school on one of the will be a present to myself for my 40th bday!!

Specializes in L&D RN.

Aloha! I have been living in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai for the past 18 years and love it! I have been an RN for 6 years. Jobs are pretty scarce right now unless you specialize in ER or OB. We have actually been hiring travelers to fill these specialties. The best bet would prob be to contact a travel company to see what is open. Nothing better than spending your days off on the beach :)

Specializes in pedies and er.

hey, I'm in NC too. whereabouts here are you? coastal here. let me kow if you get to hawaii, I'll come visit!!!!!:cool:

Specializes in NICU.

Many jobs here in Hawaii requires an associates, but prefer a bachelors degree. Also, one of the main minimum requirements is having one year RN experience. Good luck with job hunting!

I recommend reading a really informative book So You Want to Live in Hawaii by Toni Palancy. It provides a lot of insight for us on the mainland who think living in the islands will be just like where we live now except for the amazing beaches in the backyard! It might be a good idea to first do a travel assignment in Hawaii to scope out where you would like to work, live, etc.

Thanks for all your replies! I've been looking for a job In HI, but they always require a current Hawaii RN license. My license right now is from NC.

So, Can I request a RN License Endorsement for a state where I don't live in? I was thinking about getting endorsement and then applying for jobs in Hawaii...

I'm from California and graduated in Dec '09. As soon as my nursing friend passed his board (Feb '09), he moved his family away to Hawaii (I can't remember the Island, but it's where Wikkii beach is). They are happy there, but he has not found a job yet. He is currently working at a doctor's office but not using his RN license. From what he has told me is that, no one is really hiring new grads in Hawaii. Most prefer some experience. Having an insider is always helpful and may be able to link you with a job. He however has no luck yet. He had to moved to Hawaii first before even applying to the jobs there because they won't even consider your application if you are not living there - as what he has mentioned to me. That is why he moved his family there then, started applying for jobs there.

His family seems happy there. I've seen his pictures and the beaches there are gorgegous but living expense are also costly. For him, it is also a struggle because he has kids (3) and it can be a strain on you if you don't have a high paying job.

Sometimes I feel like moving over there even without a job. I have 2 years of experience in Med-Surg and we don't have any kids yet...The more I think about it, the more I want to do it :)

Specializes in PACU, LTC, Med-Surg, Telemetry, Psych.

There was a deal a while back where CNAs could travel to HI, get put up, and shipped out there before the current economic troubles.

Even then, from folks I knew that did this, HI has these huge, monolithic facilities that they can not get people to work because the rich that want to live there jack up the prices for everyone else. The CNAs I talked to made 12 USD per hour and had free rent, but paid 10 USD per gallon for milk and had to work 70 hours a week in a place no local would work and be treated like crap or be trapped on the island.

RNs get much better deals than this (even though the travel stuff is getting more and more places no one wants to go).. but be warned.

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